Ch. 36- The Visit

Wings of an Angel

Sungyeol's POV:

" Y-Yeollie?"

" Hmmm?"

" I-I love you." Everything went silent for a while. It felt as if the world had stopped, and my heart stopped beating. I was processing on what Myungsoo just said. Was it the truth or maybe he is still unconcious that he is saying weird things. Though his eyes aren't lying to me- he really does love me.

" R-Really?"

" Yeah. I'm sorry it took me such a long time to remember. Now that I remember, I want to make even more memories with you. Will that be alright? Will you be mine, the person who I will make new memories with and be forever with?"

" O-Of course!" Tears were streaming down my face and Myungsoo wiped them away for me. He motioned me to come towards him and we laid on the bed, him holding me and telling me sweet words.

" Y-Yeollie."

" Hmmm?"

" Thank you."

" For what?"

" For keeping our promise; for coming to find me."

" Anything for you Myungie." He kissed my head and I looked up. I stared into those black orbs of his and was into him. He kissed my forehead, my nose, and then hesitated on my lips. Instead I took the initiative and brought his head towards me and smacked our lips together. He pulled back surprised and then turned happy.

" I love you."

" I love you too."


The next day...............


Woohyun's POV:

I heard from Sungyeol that Myungsoo almost got hit by a car and then he went to the hospital. Sheesh kids these days, always making me worried about them. Well at least they are together now, took them a while to be exact. I was able to tell that they had feelings for each other when I first met them on the first day of school. They were practically inseparable just like Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya. Both of them took such a long time to confess each other that I feel like a volcanoe about to abrupt because of their stubborness to not confess to each other.

" Woohyun is there something wrong?" I forgot that I was awake on the bed, with Sunggyu-hyung, and forgot that I had to go somewhere today.

" Hyung can you come with me somewhere?"

" Yeah sure. Where are we going?"

" I want you to see somebody to be exact."

" Somebody? Hmmmm okay then. I'm going to get dressed then. Wait what about school then?"

" School? Oh I already told them yesterday that you and I won't be at school today."

" What!? Yah you already told them without my permission!"

" Yep!" Sunggyu-hyung shook his head and stormed off into the bathroom.

" Hahahaha what a cute, angry hamster!" I gathered the stuff that was needed from the fridge and put it in a basket. I heard the bathroom door open and decided that he was done in the bathroom. Since I hadn't washed up yet I went upstairs to wash my face and brush my teeth, but then Sunggyu-hyung came out of the bedroom. He was still wet with a towel around his waist. The sight made me go wild but I had to suppress my feelings.

" Sorry, I just forgot something in the bathroom." He went back into the bathroom and then came back out.

" Okay you can use it now." I turned the faucet on and splashed cold water on my face to wake myself up from the sight I just saw. I finished brushing my teeth and went to put my clothes on. As I got to the kitchen Sunggyu-hyung was already eating breakfast. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk and we ate in silence. It was a comfortable silence but then I was reminded of the sight of a wet Sunggyu-hyung.

Nam Woohyun stop thinking like that! You shouldn't be having those kind of thoughts especially since today is an important day! So snap out of your thoughts and eat your breakfast!

" Woohyun are you finished yet?"

" Hm!?" I choked on my cereal as he spoke to me, but I swallowed it the wrong way and milk was dripping out of my mouth.

" Are you alright!? Here let me wipe away the milk off your face." He grabbed the napkin that was close by and came closer to me. He wiped away the milk but he looked up and noticed how close we were. Then he backed away.

" Hurry up! Didn't you say you wanted me to meet somebody or something?"

" Oh yeah! Just wait and let me get my things!"


Sunggyu's POV:

" Woohyun-ah where are we going?"

" Like I said we are going to visit somebody. Oh wait let me stop over there!" He walked over to a flower shop that was still closed but weirdly there was a boquet of flowers outside the door. He picked it up and placed the money under a rock and came back to me. I was confused as to why he just randomnly took it, well at least he paid, but I was still confused.

" Hahahaha don't give weird looks hyung. The lady who works there leaves me flowers every month so it's fine! Now come on the bus is almost here and I don't want to miss it!"

We ran to the bus and sat on the only open seats. We sat next to each other and Woohyun looked outside with a solemn face. He leaned his head on the window and then lifted it back up. Then he put the flowers against his face and took a big whiff and smiled.

" It smells good. Do you want to smell it?" He tilted his head and smiled at me.

Hahahaha how cute.

" Hahahaha sure." He brought up the flowers against my face and took a whiff of it. It smelt nice, it smelt like somebody though, actually it smelt like two people. One of the scent was familiar to me but it wouldn't come to my mind. I smelt it again, again, and again. It finally hit me- it smelt like the him, the person I met back in the States. Still the other scent still bothered me.

" Hahahahaha why are you smelling it continuously?"

" What kind of flowers are these?"

" These? They are lilacs and roses. Everybody would know that hyung!"

So that scent of him is lilacs then. Then whose scent smells like roses then? Dongwoo? No. Hoya? No. Sungyeol? No. Hmmmmmmmmm.

I leaned in close to Woohyun and sniffed him. He flinched and looked at me weirdly. I stopped and thought for a few minutes. Woohyun was still looking at me weirdly and finally spoke up.

" Why did you smell me?"

" Because somebody I know smells like lilacs but I can't figure out who smells like roses."

" Hahahahaha are you some kind of animal? If you are an animal then you can be a hamster! It fits you well!"

" Yah! Don't call me a hamster!"

" Hahahaha whatever you say HamsterGyu-hyung!"

" Yah Woohyun-ah!" Fine if he was going to be like this, I might as well torture him too. I leaned closer and closer to him but he kept on moving away. Then my mouth was close to his ear and I whispered.

" You smell like roses. Did you know that?" He even moved further away from me and his face was totally red.

That is what you get for calling me a hamster!


Woohyun's POV:

Sheesh he didn't have to whisper into my ear! Like he made my heart jump out, not literally, but still! He is always making me feel like this and sometimes I can't control myself from blushing. Then he had to go and say I smell like roses! Really!? Roses!? A person would only tell that to somebody else if there were interested in them! Wait......maybe....does I shouldn't get my hopes up. He already said he wouldn't fall for anybody until he finds the person he needs to find.

The bus finally stopped and we were at our destination. This was the first time I brought somebody to this place even though I liked going by myself, I felt the need to have somebody with me this time. I held onto the flowers even tighter and got off the bus. Today was a beautiful day which I was glad about because this way it won't feel as depressing.

" Woohyun where are we?"

" Be patient and just follow me." I walked through the pathway that led into a green and lush meadow that had some flowers. The place had a view of a beautiful lake; so serene, peaceful, and quiet. As we got closer there was a headstone that was by a young tree. I knelt down and placed the flowers against the headstone and took out the fruits that were in the basket.

" Hyung it's me again. I got you your favoirte flowers- lilacs, and the lady added my favorite flowers too- roses. Also I brought a friend with me too! Sunggyu-hyung come over here!" He slower came by me and went on his knees.

" H-Hello my name is Kim Sunggyu and I just recently came from the United States. I've become great friends with Woohyun and the others. Ummmmmm oh yeah Woohyun is a really great person and as a friend I promise I will look after him!"

I looked at him and smiled. He said he would look after me, as a friend, but it still made me happy that he thought of me that way. I could almost feel the tears coming but I tried to hold it in. I'm happy that I brought Sunggyu-hyung to meet him because I feel like I can finally share my feelings with somebody. Somebody who understands what I'm going through- somebody who I can open up my heart to.Then I felt somebody wipe my face because I didn't notice that tears were streaming down my face.

" Thanks for bringing me here. I'm glad you can finally trust me and open up to me." He smiled his angelic smile and he pulled me into a hug. I cried even harder into his chest and he rubbed my back for comfort. We stayed like that for a while and I stopped crying. I pulled away from him.

" Thank you for being here for me."

" Anything for you. Now how about we go get something to eat. I'm starving here!" He took my hand and I followed him.


We arrived at a small but comfortable café. We went and sat by the the furthest seats but right by the window.

" Hello what may I get for you", said the waiter who came up to us.

" Anything will be fine."

" Same here."

" Okay then! How about I get you our specialty then? Sounds good?"

" Yep sounds good", we both said at the same time.

" H-How did your brother die?" I was waiting for him to ask me this.

" He died in a car crash. I was in the car too. It was during my last year of middle school and on that same day it was raining pretty hard. I was telling my brother to speed up and he never does but for me he did. He started to slow down but another was speeding our way and then my brother lost grip of the wheel and the car smashed into us. When I woke up in the hospital my parents told me that my brother died at the impact of the other car. The reason why we visited his grave today was because today is the day he died."

Tears were forming in my eyes and I was gripping onto the glass of water very hard. Then I felt a pair of warm hands around mine. Sunggyu-hyung was looking at me sadly but with sincerity in his eyes.

" It was not your fault no matter what. Don't you dare have any thoughts thinking that it was your fault okay? It was the other car's fault that your brother died, not yours. So please smile okay? Here look the food came."

The food finally came and I was thankful so that way I can focus on eating. The food was really delicious, no wonder it is their speicalty!

" What was your brother's name?"

" His name was Yong Hwa. Nam Yong Hwa."

" I'm sure he was a great brother and is watching over you."

" Yeah. I'm sure he is watching over me."


Sunggyu's POV:

We were finally walking on the street back to Woohyun's house. We were walking silently but it wasn't awkward at all. I learned so much about him today; how his brother died, Woohyun's feelings about the death of his brother, and that Woohyun smells like roses. I had to get some stuff from Dongwoo's house so I decided to get it right now and come back to his house.

" Woohyun I have to get some stuff at Dongwoo's house. I will come back right after okay? So just go wait in the house."

" Okay! Hurry up!" I ran quickly to Dongwoo's house, but for some reason I couldn't shake away the feeling that something bad is going to happen.


Nobody's POV:

Two people were in a living room, back home early from a business trip. They knew what today was- the day one of their sons died. They knew they should have been here for their other son but their business was important to them. Sometimes going on their business trips was ways to escape from the truth that their son died today. Though they held a dark secret that their son that isn't dead didn't know.

" We should tell him the truth!"

" NO! If we do it would only traumatize him! I don't want to lose another son! I almost lost both of my boys! I'm not going to lose another one!"

" Please listen! What if he finds out one day! As parents what are we going to tell him then? What are you going to do then!?"

" I-I don't know! I DON'T KNOW!" The person started to cry and the other person came up to them and hugged the person.

" I'm sorry, I know it's hard for you. We still have to tell him someday though."

" How can we tell him that his brother didn't die because of the car crash! How are we going to tell him that he was the person dying and that his brother gave him his heart so that he could live! I-I can't tell him that! It would break his heart!"

Then there was slamming of a door and the both of them turned their heads. They were both shocked to see the person they didn't want to see at the moment.

" What do you mean that Yong hwa-hyung didn't die because of the car crash! What do you mean he gave his heart to me! What do you mean that I was the one dying!"

" Woohyun-ah please listen. Y-Your heart was badly injured and you needed a heart transplant. There were no people who were giving their hearts so your brother decided for him to do the heart transplant. Please don't be mad at us!"

" H-How could you guys not tell me after all this time. How could you not tell me! HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME! IT'S MY FAULT THAT HE DIED! IT'S MY FAULT!"

He ran out of the house and was crying. He ran as fast he could and didn't look back. He ran to the one place where he would feel at peace.

" Woohyun come back here! WOOHYUN!"

" I'm going to call Dongwoo right now and ask him to go search for Woohyun."

" W-Woohyun-ah, mom is so sorry."


Sunggyu's POV:

I heard the phone ringing as I was gathering some things. I went downstairs with the my things and answered the phone. The voice sounded they were panicking.

" Is this Dongwoo?"

" No, Dongwoo is out right now. Who is this?"

" This is Woohyun's dad. Who am I talking to?"

" Sunggyu. Has something happened to Woohyun?" Things went silent for a while then he spoke up again.

" H-He heard my wife and I talking to each other then he ran out of the house. Please you must look for him. I don't know where he would go and I'm worried about him. Please you have to look for him."

" Alright leave it to me!"

I dropped my things and had my phone in my hand. I ran out of the house and tried calling Woohyun but he didn't pick up. I kept on calling him but he still didn't answer. Giving up I put my phone in my pocket and kept searching for him.

Woohyun where are you? Tell me, where have you gone? To a place so you can be by yourself or a place where you can blend in with the people? Dang it Woohyun! Where the heck are you! You are making me really worried about you! Nothing better had happened to you or else I wouldn't know what to do! Please be okay.....I would be lost if something bad happened to you.

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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~