Ch. 4- New Student

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:

Ringgggg. Ringgggg. Ringgggg.

Aish. Who is calling me this early in the morning?

" Hello who is this?"

" Woohyun it's me Dongwoo! Did you forget that we have school today? You are going to be late if you don't get out of bed"

I'm going to be late? I look over to my alarm clock, and noticed what time it was: it was 7:30 AM! I got out of bed as fast as I could. Then I took a quick shower, got my uniform on, and sprinted out the door. Right before i got to the door my mom sprang right in front of the door.

" Woohyun you are going to eat breakfast before you leave this house."

" Mommmmmmm! I'm going to be late!"

" Well at least take this piece of bread before you leave." She then hands meet the piece of toast, and I quickly took it from her.

" Thanks mom! I will see you later!" Then before I ran out of the door, I stopped in front of a picture of my brother.

" Hyung see you later," and smile at the picture.

I kept on running and running. Once I got to the bus stop I made sure that I didn't miss the bus, luckily I didn't. When the bus came I got on, and went and sat way in the back by the window. I like sitting in the back that way nobody would disturb me, and I liked watching people pass when I look out the window. Seeing how their daily lives go, and see their many expressions. While I was thinking to myself, my mind went back to last night. I took my hand and touched my head to feel the place where he touched.


I never knew that a guy's voice could be so captivating like his. I don't understand this feeling, but I just can't shake it off. It's almost as if he knew what the song was about, as if he can understand the lyrics, the melody, the message. This voice, it's similar, but to what?

Right before I knew Sunggyu-hyung was getting off from the stage, and was getting a standing ovation. I guess this place doesn't get a lot of good entertainment around here. Everyone around the table stood up and started clapping very loudly, impressed by what they heard. I mean who wouldn't be impressed by his vocals.

" Hyung that was amazing! I never heard someone sang like that ever," said Sungyeol who was jumping around Sunggyu-hyung.

" Really hyung, that was a performance I have never seen before," said Sungjong who was practically admiring him.

" Your vocals are good, hyung," said Myungsoo with his expressionless face, as usual.

" Dongwoo was right! You do have an amazing voice," said Hoya.

" See I was right hyung! Everybody would like your singing! You just need more confidence in yourself," said Dongwoo who had his arm around Sunggyu-hyung's neck.

" Thanks everybody. It has been a while since I sang in front of a big group of people," said Sunggyu-hyung. I can see a faint of blush on his face. You can totally tell that he feels embarrassed, and flustered by everyone's comments.

He looks so cute being a flustered and embarrassed like that. I just want to pinch those cheeks! Nam Woohyun stop it! You do not pinch another man's cheek! That would just be weird, so stop thinking that his cheeks are cute. Hahahhahaha he sort of looks like a hamster now that I think about it.Okay, now you are relating him to an animal. Whats gone wrong with you Woohyun?

" Woohyun-ah what did you think of his performance," said Dongwoo noticing that I haven't said anything about it.

" Hm? Oh yeah, sorry about that. Ummmmmm what can I say. Actually I guess I have no words to describe it. Sunggyu-hyung's performance blew me away."

Sunggyu-hyung then looked at me, and gave me a sheepish grin.

" Thanks Woohyun-ah," said Sunggyu blushing even more harder than before.

" Well guys I think it is about time that we should be going home. I'm getting tired, and tomorrow is my first day of school. So it is best that we get a moving on," said Dongwoo.

" Okay then! Myungsoo and I will go together since we live the close together," said Sungyeol who was starting to gather his things together.

" Well I just called my dad to pick me up, and he is going to be here any second. So I'm gonna go now. Seeya hyungs," said Sungjong who was heading for the door.

" Then that leaves us four then. Since Sunggyu is staying with me for now, and I live close to Hoya and Woohyun we can go together in my car then," said Dongwoo.

" Okay then. See you later hyungs! It was nice meeting you," said Sungyeol while bowing down to us.

" It was nice meeting you too Sunggyu-hyung," said Myungsoo bowing to us too.

" You guys be careful you got it!"

" Yes Dongwoo-hyung we will be careful," said the both of them who were already out the door.

Then the rest of us when out of the building,and entered Dongwoo's car. Hoya sat in the passenger seat while Sunggyu-hyung and I sat in the back. It started feeling awkward, but I didn't want to say anything so I just sat there staring out the window. The night lights of Seoul are really pretty to watch when passing by in a car. All the lights just pass by you, and all you can see are the lines of the light. Before I knew it we were by Dongwoo's house already.

" Hey we are here guys. Sunggyu-hyung could you send Woohyun back to his house while I send Hoya back to his? Woohyun's house isn't that far, it is just a block away."

" Yeah sure. That is not a problem," said Sunggyu-hyung shrugging his shoulders. I didn't want to be a burden to him so I was going to say something, but Sunggyu-hyung noticed what I was going to say and said,

" Don't worry Woohyun-ah it is not a burden for me to send you. It is late anyways, and it's better to have somebody walking with you anyways," said Sunggyu-hyung giving me a smile.

God that smile. His smile always stirs something inside me, but I don't know what. I wish that he could keep of smiling for me all the time.

" Okay then. I will see you tomorrow at school okay," said Dongwoo but I didn't really hear him.

" Hm? Oh yeah, see you tomorrow hyung. See you tomorrow Hoya."

" Bye," said Hoya turning around to face me.

" Well lets go then shall we Woohyun-ah?" said Sunggyu-hyung.

Right when we walked away, Dongwoo-hyung was already gone. We just walked without saying anything, but it was a comfortable silence. Almost as if that we didn't need to say anything to understand what we were thinking. The stars were beautiful tonight, they were like watching over us, over me. All I could hear were the footsteps of Sunggyu-hyungs and mine. The steady beat of our breathing was in sync. Our footsteps were in sync too- right, left, right, left. I kept looking at the ground looking at our footsteps, not wanting to make eye contact with Sunggyu-hyung, but then he said something.

" Hey it seems like we have arrived at your house."

" Huh? We have arrived! Thanks Sunggyu-hyung for walking me to my house," I said as I bowed to him.

" No problem. It was nice walking with you anyways!"

When he said that I lifted up my head to look at him. Then there was that feeling again whenever I look at him. Just being near him I can feel something, but when I stare into those eyes, the connection deepens.

" Woohyun-ah is there something wrong?"

" Nothing is wrong Sunggyu-hyung!" I turn away to make sure he didn't notice that I was blushing because I was staring at him.

" Hahaha okay then. Well take care, see you tomorrow!"

Right before he left he put his hand on top of my head and patted my head. Even though it was a small gesture, it sent currents through my body. I don't get why even the smallest gestures from him makes me act weird around him. Everybody does it to me all the time, especially Dongwoo-hyung, but why him? I don't get why he makes me feel this way sometimes. I look up, and noticed him walking back to Dongwoo-hyung's house. For some reason all I could was just smile to myself.


I can still feel where he touched my head. The warmth of his hand, I can still feel it. Even thinking about it makes me stil feel the currents from last night. Well I will just have to figure it out some other day, right now I have another problem. Today is Dongwoo's first day back to school, and lets just say he is going to make a ruckus. Then I'm going to have to be the one to deal with it, as usual. Hmmmmmm didn't Sunggyu-hyung say that he was going to see me tomorrow? It couldn't be right? Yeah I'm sure about it.

At the school:

Once I arrived to class I took my seat next to Myungsoo. Myungsoo and I have first period together, while Hoya and Sungyeol have first period together. Even though he doesn't talk much, the next person he talks to the most is me, so it's fine having him in class. I rather have him in my class than Sungyeol who talks until your ear falls off. The bell starts ringing signaling the start of the day. Once the bell has finished ringing our teacher comes in with some news.

" Today we will have a new student here with us who came from the states. So everybody make him feel welcomed alright?"

That means Dongwoo-hyung must be in my class then!

The new student walks in, and to much of my surprise it wasn't Dongwoo-hyung.

" Hello everybody my name is Kim Sunggyu, and from now on I will be in your class. Please take care of me." Giving off a smile to everyone, making girls squeal and guys giving him the whattheheckishe look. All I know my reaction was that I was surprised, very, very, very surprised.





(A/N: the next two chapters will be about yadong and myungyeol and what happened to them on that night when they left the cafe. @NadieLee thanks for commenting!)

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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~