Ch. 39- The Voice that Belongs to Him

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:

Today was the day of the singing competition, and I was nervous. Heck I was so nervous that I was shaking up a little bit. This is the first time that I'm singing in front of the student body and in front of Sunggy-hyung. Yesterday I was able to put the final touches on the song and it didn't sound that bad. I stayed after school yesterday to see how it would sound and luckily it didn't sound as bad as I thought it would be. Right now though the problem was my nervousness. Whenever I get nervous I ususally play the piano which calms down my nerves. I headed over the the music room and sat on the bench. I glide my fingers across the piano keys. The feeling of the keys under my fingers wiped away my nervousness and I calmed down. I stopped playing the piano when my brother died but I took it up again because I wanted to finish the song he was never able to finish. Luckily my piano skills didn't wither away.

When I stopped playing I heard some other students walking by. I closed the piano and headed out of the room. People were telling me, " Good luck," or " You will do great," and all that stuff. I just smiled back at them as a sign of thanks. Though underneath it all I was nervous and I can feel my hands starting to sweat.

" Hyung!", said Sungyeol who came over and put his arm around me. " How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited? Tell me!"

" I feel like both. Now get your arm off me, I need to calm down myself right now."

" Hmph! Fine! Sunggyu-hyung, Woohyun-hyung here needs help with calming himself down."

" Hahahahahaha stop bothering him Sungyeol-ah. Are you okay Woohyun?"

" Yeah I'm okay Sunggyu-hyung. Its just I'm still a bit nervous still."

" Don't be! Dongwoo and them told me you have an amazing voice and I believe them! You will blow their socks off!"

" Hahahahahahaha thanks hyung!" Myungsoo came walking towards us and he smiled at me. Just through that smile I knew he was telling me good luck and I would do great. Sungyeol ran passed me and latched himself onto Myungsoo. Then Myungsoo gave a big kiss on Sungyeol's lips and they didn't stop there.

" The both of you go get a room or something!" I turned my head away in disgust.

" Hahahahahaha you are just jealous that you don't have somebody!"

" S-Shut up Lee Sungyeol!" Sungyeol grabbed onto Myungsoo's hand and they both ran away from me before I was able to do anything to Sungyeol.

" Come on we have to go to class." I followed Sunggyu-hyung to our next class, and my nervousness was filled with irritated feelings to Sungyeol.


After school in the gym................

Sunggyu's POV:

I was with Dongwoo and the others and we were able to get seats in the front. We were all excited and nervous for Woohyun to come up and perform. This will be my first time hearing him sing, and Dongwoo said that he has an amazing voice. I believed him because just Woohyun's speaking voice makes me drawn into him. I was kind of hoping that he would be performing, but I don't even know his name so I won't be able to be sure that he is. I don't even know how he looks like since all I have ever seen is his back. Soon the lights were starting to dimmer and somebody came out onto the stage.

" Hello everybody!" Tch. Its the guy that was talking to Woohyun this morning. What was his name again? Soohyung? Soohyuk? Whatever. I don't like him. "Thank you for coming to our annual singing competition! This year we have many great performances so please enjoy todays performances!"

The first person who came out was a first year by the name of Lee Ji eun. She had pretty good voice and once she was done she got an applause from everybody. Then a duet by GD and TOP came out and they recieved and even more louder applause. Many more performers kept on coming out, that guy wasn't joking that they had great performers this year- this is going to be hard to choose who the winner will be.

" Okay next person is Nam Woohyun! Give a hand to Nam Woohyun!" Dongwoo and the others started to yell and I had to tell them to calm down or they would make Woohyun scared. Woohyun finally came out and sent on the bench, he lifted the cover of the piano, and he started to play. The song he performed was no other than the song that he was singing to yesterday.

N-No w-way.......................W-Woohyun is the person who I have been listening to? That can't be! T-That can't be because it would be impossible to be in two places at two times....wait.......Now that I remember that he was always the last person to come out of the school. Then all this time the person I have been looking for all the time was W-Woohyun? All this time I wasn't in love with two people, but in love with the same person? Then the person I met in the States was Yong hwa-sshi? So that was his name....Nam Yong hwa, the person who told me that I should live for somebody.


" Why should I live for somebody else!?"

" Hey now you shouldn't get mad at somebody who is older than you! I'm just telling you that you should live for him."

" Why? Who is this person?"

"..........My brother. You have to live for my brother. My brother says that he will always only like my voice only, but I think if he heard you sing like you did today then I'm sure he would fall for you."

" HA! How can somebody fall for somebody's voice? What if I don't want to?"

" Then he will lose his wings to fly then. I have a bad feeling for a while now, so if something happens to me, YOU have to go find him. I want you to be his angel and help him get his wings back when he loses them."

" What....the? If I said yes, and I mean IF, how am I going to know it's him?"

" will fall for his voice."

" His voice?"

" Yep! Oh yeah take this too! Well nice talking to you! Bye!"

" W-Wait! Aish! I guess we will just have to wait until something happens."




Fate. Fate can be so unexpected at times. To actually we met on the streets of Seoul and he happens to spill coffee on me, and then we meet at the same place because Dongwoo was our friend. The person I have been searching for has been Woohyun; I fell in love with both of them. Also I was able to get Woohyun move on about his brother's death. I wonder if I really did give him his wing back, because if I did then I was successful. He truly has a beautiful voice, to be truthful I think I was attracted to him when we first met. When I first met him it felt like time had stopped and I felt an invisible bond between us. Woohyun, who would of thought that me meeting you like that was fate? Would you believe it? I do. I believe that our first meeting was fate and that maybe there was a little extra help from an angel.

Woohyun's performance was finally over, and he recieved the biggest applause of the night. Everybody was smiling and some people were actually crying too.

" Okay that was the last performance of the night! Lets have everybody else come out!" All the other performers came out and stood in a line. This was when they would announce the winner and the winner would win a tickets to an amusement park for the rest of the year.

" Now this is what you have all been waiting for. Time to announce our winner!" The room went even darker and the only source of light was on the stage moving around making everybody anticipate who the winner would be. I closed my eyes praying that Woohyun would win. As I opened my eyes the light stopped at somebody............WOOHYUN!

" Congratulations everybody! We have our winner- Nam Woohyun! Congratulations Woohyun-sshi!" Woohyun stepped up to recieve a boquet of flowers and the unlimited tickets to the amusement park. He bowed many times and everybody started to go their separate ways. We went up to give a hug to Woohyun who was bawling his eyes out.

" Congrats Woohyun," we all said at the same time. We all laughed at how Woohyun looked right now, but he to me he looked so precious. After a while we headed out of the gym and we went our separate ways. I decided to take the bus with Woohyun because I wanted to tell him something, no I needed to tell him something. The bus finally stopped and we got off. Woohyun was smelling the boquet- it was roses- his favorite flowers. As we were walking to his house, I stopped.

" Why did you stop Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Woohyun, can I tell you something?"

" Hmmmmm?" I walked up to him and embraced him.

" What's wrong hyung?"

" .......................I love you."

" W-What!? R-Really!?"

" Yes I am in love with you."

Then I started to hear sobs. I let him go and looked at Woohyun- he was crying.

" Why are you crying?"

" Because I-I'm so happy!"

" Hahahahaha you idiot."

" I-I love you too hyung!"

" Yeah I know that already." Then he pulled away from me.

" What!? When did you know that!?" Hahahahaha seeing him like this is so cute.

" When I brought you to Dongwoo's house on the night you ran away. You were sleep talking."

" R-Really!? Why didn't you tell me either!?"

" Hahahaha because I didn't want to."

" But-" I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. I could tell he was shock because he didn't respond. Then as I opened my eyes I saw his eyes were closed and he was finally responding back. I smiled into the kiss. The kiss was sweet and all of our feelings that we have experienced poured out. All the memories I have mad with him were pouring out. The sad and happy moments, all the times when I tried to deny my feelings for him, and the first time I met him. Everything.....just felt right. I pulled away knowing that we needed air to breathe.

" B-But didn't you say you needed to find the person you have to look for?"

" I already's you."






(A/N: Please vote for which story you would like me to do next! Also two of these titles were mention in this fic! On the last chapter I will announce the results!)

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695 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
695 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~