Peace offerings

Our Story

Monday had always been her enemy but this one was a . Hyejin kept sneezing all day, she kept stuffing her runny nose with tissues until it ached like the rest of her body. She close her eyes, reclined on her office chair and brace herself for another sneeze.


It was loud and severe that Sujeong and Chungha jumped from their seats.

"Oh, that is it Hyejin. You have to go home" Sujeong rose from her seat and came towards Hyejin, she touch the latter's forehead and recoiled. "You're a bit hot, this could turn to a full on fever. Honestly why did you even think of coming in."

"I felt lonely" Hyejin mumbled thickly, barely opening her eyes.

"But you need to rest up. Come on get up" Sujeong patted Hyejin's back only to for the younger girl to groan and swivel her chair against her. "Chungha will take you home, you don't have to drive"

"There's only 3 hours of work left I can make it"

"No. Do you need me to call your dad on you"

"Why do you need to bring up dad for every action I don't do, honestly woman, do you think I'm scared?" But Hyejin stood up from her seat and gathered her phone and bag as she said this. "Come on Chungha, I'm leaving, not because she told me to but because I remember it's snack time and I need coffee"

"Coffee? You need sleep and medicine" Sujeong called out as Hyejin left by the backdoor, Chungha following behind her. "Chungha make sure she have something for her cold!"

Hyejin felt weak and numb all over. Despite her protest she thinks Sujeong was right, going home was the right call. She passed her keys to Chungha as she climbed into the passenger seat shivering. Chungha started the car.

"Where to miss?"

Hyejin smiled. If this was Sandeul they would go straight home no questions asked, but this was not Sandeul. "Get us some coffee first and a cake before you drive me home. And please call me Hyejin."

As usual Chungha ignored her last comment but Hyejin was adamant on making the girl call her by her real name. Hyejin got her batman blanket on the backseat and curled up in it closing her eyes. The steady rock of the car as they drive in the city road lulled her into sleep.

"Miss do you want the usual?" Chungha patted her shoulder after sometime. Hyejin peered from her blanket, it was still sunny so she covered her head again but she saw they were in some cafes drive thru. She could smell the rich aroma of coffee, it was comforting.

"Yeah" she said quickly and shifted on her seat back against her assistant.

The drive thru line was not long and soon it was their turn.

"Good afternoon ma'am may I take your order" Hyejin heard a mans voice so she covered her head further with the blanket.

Chungha ordered for them, two vanilla lattes and two cheesecakes.

Taste, Hyejin thought.

"Get your order in the next window"

Chungha drove on. Hyejin could her the rustle of paper bag next, as her assistant gathered their order.

"Careful ma'am it's hot" warned the staff. "Is that all?"


"Thank you, come again"

"Thank you, uh . . . Yul"

Hyejin sniffled, then pulled the blanket off of her head, eyes still closed.

She had an urge to drink the coffee now but decided against it remembering she needs to rest, she'll just drink it later. So she pulled the blanket over her head again groaning.

"We're going to get you home now"

Hyejin felt so groggy when they reached her condo that she needed help getting to her room. Thankfully Chungha carried her snacks for her.

Once they reached her room Hyejin clasped her cup gently between her hands satisfied by its warmth.

"Miss do you have any medicine here?"

"I might, I think there are some in that drawer by the fridge. Did you know you can call me Hyejin?"

She looked down on her cup. The smell was making her crazy, she wants to drink it now. Then came the notification on her phone. It was from Youtube and she was only subscribed to one channel so she knew it was Wheein and Yong's video.

"Miss is that a good idea? You need to rest" Chungha frowned when she saw Hyejin having a sip.

"Later, after this video" Hyejin smiled triumphant for having a reason to drink.

"Well, I found some pills here for colds, please have some now"

"Alright, I will" As she made no move to do as asked.

"No, here" her assistant gave her the pills and a glass of water.

"You are as stubborn as I am" Hyejin commented taking the medicine.

"Just doing my job" Chungha shrugged. "How about your dinner"

"I'll order later"

"Ok" And with that Chungha left. Hyejin opened her phone and went straight to her friends Youtube channel.

The thumbnail had a huge anonymous design to it and it was titled all in caps:


Hyejin frowned. She clicked on the video and watched.


Yongsun sat in her room, heart pounding against her chest. She watched the clock tick by. It has been 15 minutes since she uploaded the four minute video. Any minute now.

At last, she heard the thundering footsteps in the stairs, then in the hallway until it stopped in front of her door. The look on Wheein's eyes was sharp and menacing when she opened it. She had never seen the younger girl so angry before.

Yes, she uploaded a video that she made without Wheein's approval. Yes it was about Hyejin's girl. And yes, Wheein is angry.

In Yongsun's defence she did not reveal any information that might compromise Hyejin's privacy. She described in the video a woman with almost 160 cm height, blonde hair and was a manager at a cafe she would not name, a pair of playful eyes, triangle shaped mouth and a cute nose that makes her look like a hamster when she laughs. That was Sandeul's description and it was the only thing she relayed in the video, yet Wheein was angry as expected.

Contrary to the shouting Yongsun had prepared for, Wheein's voice sounded weak and betrayed. "You went behind my back?"

"Wheein-ah" Yong reached out but Wheein shoved her hand away. "I was getting nowhere with you. I needed to take action"

"How about Hyejin. I told you to think this through. Did you even tell our best friend?"

"I figured she would tell me off, thinking maybe she was causing an inconvenience"

"Still, you should have called her!" Wheein shouted unable to look at Yongsun. "You've breached her privacy Yong!"

Yong knows Wheein was mad but she felt offended by Wheein's accusation. She went on the offensive "I did not. Did you even watch the video?"

"You did not" Wheein scoffed, throwing her hands. "How could you say that? You're literally asking for help to find someone. That needs information."

"Take a hint" Yong crossed her arm "Watch the video"

"Yong, she did not ask us" Wheein said weakly.

That had been Wheein's reason and Yong had been mulling about it. It was not about privacy all along but Wheein's selfishness. So Yongsun threw her words right back at her. "Don't make this all about you. If you have issues why Hyejin didn't ask us then that's on you. I'm just trying to help."

Wheein opened and close it again. Their eyes meeting and gauging each other.

Both was startled by a loud ringing. Yong got her phone.

"It's Hyejin" she slide her finger to answer and put it on speaker looking at Wheein defiantly. "Hyejinie"

"The video" A weak voice came through the other line. Yong and Wheein frowned. "I don't know what to say"

Yong's heart dropped. "Hyejinie, sorry I-"

"Sorry for what?" Hyejin talked in her lazy, curious voice.

"I'm sorry, I did not ask permission"

"It's fine, thanks for the help unnie." Hyejin drawled. Yong's heart soared as she continued to stare at Wheein. Take that!

"Does wheein know?"

Wheein who stood rooted on her spot looking at the phone in disbelief, stayed quiet. Then noticed the look Yongsun was giving her. She hang her head feeling guilty.

"No. . . I mean, yes. Wheein's here. She knows."

"Greeeeat" Hyejin drawled. Yong noticed there was something wrong with her.

"You sound tired Hyejin. Are you sick?"

"Maybe" teased the maknae.

"Hyejin-ah you should rest then"

"Okayyyy. Thank you unnie and Wheein too."

"Oh, wait Hyejinie" Yong could not stop herself. It was a rare victory for her against Wheein so she wanted to cherish it for once. "I'm just curious. Why did you not ask us for help?"

Yong pointed the speaker towards Wheein.

It was sometime before Hyejin answered. Yong thought she disconnected.

Finally the sweet drawling voice of their maknae came through. "I was embarrassed. How many times have you guys told me to stop playing. How many times I disobeyed? And then the moment I had the sense to become serious, the universe went against me, literally. I felt like I didn't deserve help. I felt like I had to redeem myself by finding Byul all on my own."

"Thats stupid" Yongsun quipped with a nervous laugh. Hyejin's reply was not quite what she expected. She pulled her phone back and turned away from Wheein.

Hyejin is laughing on the other end. "Now that I think about it, yes, it was stupid"

"Hyejinie, you know we're always be here for you right?"

"I know"

"Next time, ask us for help, will you?"

"Will do"

"Alright then, rest."

After Hyejin hung up, Yongsun sighed, now the victory meant nothing. Wheein had a point, Hyejin was avoiding their help after all. Knowing that, she turned to Wheein but the girl was gone.

Yongsun's anger shot up suddenly, I was about to apologise, she thought then went for the door. And closed it. She fell miserably on her bed, she was not about to chase after her. If Wheein was too unforgiving to accept her apology then she doesn't care. If Wheein doesn't want to talk then she doesn't care.

"Let's see who will cave" she wondered aloud.

You, a voice echoed in her head.

"Me" she admitted miserably.

When will the fighting end? She only wanted her sweet Wheein back. They were always fighting but never to this extent, having a shouting match at the most mundane things, she groaned, confused. She turned to the picture at the side of her bed. It was the five of them taken on Wheein's 18th birthday. Tiffany and Taeyeon kneeling behind them at their hang out place. Hyejin and Yong sitting, their feet hanging off the bench with Wheein crossed legged between them. Everyone's faces was filled with joy and no one topping the birthday girls. Wheein's sweet smile reached her ears.

"I miss you" she whispered, delicately running her fingers over it. She stared at the picture until her anger settled.

Once she was calm enough she opened their Youtube account and scanned the fans comment. Most were excited for the scavenger hunt but they were also wondering why Wheein was not in the video and she saw something concerning.

Some fans have been speculating that she and Wheein are dating since they started the channel together. Their recent videos fuelled the fire, though in a negative way. Because Wheein had been acting distant for a while, the fans thought they broke up and it was all Yongsun's fault. One commenter said that the girl in the video was Yongsun's new girl.

If they only knew, she thought. She wanted to reply to that fan but stopped herself, instead she replied to all the positive comments she could find.

By the time she was done, the world was quiet, the sun had set in the west and it looked dark outside. She rubbed her eyes, stinging from staring at the computer for too long.

Then came the series of knocks that made her jump.

"Who's there?" She hoped it was Wheein. But she knows it was not. Wheein would never knock.

"Come down, Wheein's downstairs" her sister announced. Her heart gave a leap.

Her lips formed a huge grin on her face. But wait, Wheein had a fault too. Why should she go to her?

"No, I don't want to talk to her."

"Ok" her sister muttered on the other side and started to walk away.

"No, wait, why did she come here"

"She said she wanted to say sorry"

Yong thought about it. Yes she's still mightily upset. But. . .

"If she's really sorry then why don't she come get me herself"

She could hear her sister sigh on the other side.

"Oh come on Yong. I don't know what you fought about but you can't be that angry."

"I am still upset" Yong insisted. "Actually, unnie, make her leave. Don't tell her to get me"

"Alright, but she rarely does this so I came to tell you."

"Do what?"

"Go downstairs and find out" before she could reply she heard the footsteps going away.

Yong groaned, she willed herself to open her door and slowly step out of her room.

As it turns out, that was the hardest part, she carefully walked downstairs looking out for Wheein. Then she heard a thud in the living room and a small cry of pain. She rushed to the sound.

The room was bath in darkness except the part where the TV screen was. In front of it she found the half illuminated figure of Wheein by the couch, hopping in one leg. Yong approached, alarmed.

"What happened?"

"I stubbed my toe on the coffee table" sniffled Wheein.

And then Yongsun saw the assortment of plates on top of said table.

"What's all this?" She surveyed the items their smells making water.

Wheein stopped hopping and stood. She looked away scratching her head. Yong understood what's going on but she wanted Wheein to say it.

"I didn't hear you?" Yong smirked.

"Peace offerings" Wheein was hanging her head, fidgeting with her fingers. She smiled at the Wheein's tiny figure. But she went passed her to survey the food. There were fishcakes, chicken feet, jjajjang rice, pickled radish, jjampong, kimchi and, of course, tteokbokki.

"You know, these won't cut it right?"

"I know" Wheein muttered, peering at Yong with her head down. "You were right, I was the one who took it to heart. Since Hyejin started working, I felt insecure, she talked less to us, stopped depending on us. She did not even asked us to help with something so simple like helping her find her girl. I felt betrayed. I guess I took it out on you unnie. But hearing her reason. . . I felt so guilty. I'm sorry."

Wheein felt a finger under her chin. Yong leaned in as she raised her head up making their eyes meet. "Say that again?"

Wheein's breath hitched on . This was too close. If she raised her heel just a bit. Just an inch-

"I can't hear you"

"I'm sorry" Wheein repeated.

Yong stepped back with a huge smile on her face and she did it with the most melodious giggle Wheein had ever heard. "You know, when I said 'these won't cut it', I only meant you giving me a hug"

Yongsun stood there expecting the hug but Wheein stood there frozen.

"Wheein-ah, this is literally all I'm asking for" Yong gestured impatiently. Wheein moved in, giving Yong the hug she was asking for, she could feel Yong's warmth, so comforting yet so dangerous.

The taller girl squeezed her tight. They stayed there for what felt like an eternity.

"I'm sorry too" Yong whispered, then she broke the hug and look at the TV. "What's on for tonight?"

"Play it" Wheein whispered, thankful that the darkness hid the blood rushing to her face.

Yong sat on the ground levelling with the table, Wheein gave her the remote and sat beside her. The movie played and Wheein heard the creepy music.

"Wait a minute you hate horror movies" Yongsun turned to the younger girl and saw Wheein already had her eyes close. "Why put it on when you're scared?"

"This is my peace offering"

Yongsun laughed.

"Come here, I'll protect you"

Yong spread her arms wide to accept wheein.

"We're not going to fit"


"Yong, how are we going to eat?"

"Come here" Yongsun threatened with her eyes patting the space in front of her.

Wheein groaned but peeled herself off the ground and squeezed in between Yongsun and the table.

"You're such a baby" Yongsun said and gave Wheein a playful kiss on the cheek.

It was meant to be friendly. Wheein knows it was meant to be friendly. But her traitor of a heart betrayed her and started beating like a drum. It's no use. Everything she does is no use.

"See? Your heart is beating real fast. It hasn't even started. What a baby" Yongsun laughed next to her ear as her unnies arms wrapped around her. "But I love my little scaredy cat baby"


It's Sunday morning, Hyejin was staring at the ceiling as she lied on her bed, she was debating on whether she should gear up for her scavenger hunt or if she should take a break. She might have used her cold as an excuse to stay in bed but it was gone now thanks to constant rest. In truth, she was feeling drained, she felt like she cannot handle anymore disappointments. . .

Her phone rang breaking her away from her dilemma. It was Sujeong, which cannot be any good. She answered the phone lazily.

"What is it?" She asked groggily.

"Don't get mad"

Hyejin groaned. "What is it?"

"Chungha made an order so now the delivery guys are at the building. They said they have to unload the supplies now." Sujeong said quickly, as if to shield herself from the inevitable.

"But it's Sunday" She emphasised, trying not to raise her voice.

"Yeah she mixed up the date. . . they said they can comeback but we have to pay an additional fair."

Hyejin felt the side of her eyes twitch.

"I could go there and sort it out. . . "

Maybe this was a sign.

"No, its your day off" she sighed. "I need a break anyway. Chungha and I will handle it. Goodbye"

"Go easy on--" Sujeong started to say.

Hyejin hang up and dialled Chungha.

While waiting she realised she was breathing heavily. She always had a short temper and this morning was not an exception.

Chungha picked up "Before you say anything. I'm so sorry. I made a mistake and I will take full responsibility on what I did but please don't fire me cause I really like working for you"

Hyejin did not expect that. She paused for a second then instructed Chungha to meet her at the warehouse. "Be there at 8 sharp. If you arrive late. I will fire you."

She hang up again and went to get ready.


Hyejin arrived at 8 as promised and saw Chungha already talking to the delivery guys. She approached them and gave the key to the warehouse.

Hyejin monitored the delivery guys from the passenger seat of her car. Chungha approached her looking apologetic.

"I'm sorry" she began.

"Shut it. I don't need your apology, I need food. After this miss hap you have to treat me for something. Something good."

"Ok, thanks for not firing me."

"Yeah, mistakes happen all the time, I know, but this should serve as a lesson for you." Hyejin shifted her glasses and look at her assistant straight in the eye. "This is strike one Chungha. All I want is for you to focus on your job. I don't want to chuck you out but if this happens again. . . "

"It won't, I promise" She looked at Hyejin with conviction in her eyes.

Hyejin nodded. Chungha went away to instruct the guys. Hyejin settled on her seat and decided to watch her friends new video. She clicked on their latest video and watched. There was a significant change in their moods. Wheein made a complete shift, she was more engaging and cheerful and Yong looked happy more than ever. Hyejin made a mental note to check in on them later.

She closed the video and is looking for the next one when she saw the thumbnail of the video about Byul. She watched the video regularly since it was uploaded and could even recite the script now. Sandeul had described Byul so accurately that Hyejin could paint a picture of her using his words. It made her realise that they did not even have a picture together.

Hyejin promised to take all the pictures she want when she finds Moon Byulyi.

The video, although having almost 2 million views by now did not get them closer to Byul. Pictures were submitted, each one having at least a trait close to what was described but none of them was the barista. All week she had to deal with false leads that was more draining than her trips.

Hyejin got lost in her thoughts and did not even noticed Chungha closing up the warehouse an hour later.

"Let's go?"

"Oh its done?"

"Yep Can I have your car key? I'll drive us to where I'll treat you."

Hyejin tossed her the key then she looked out the window as they made their way to wherever Chungha is taking her.

Many shoppers go in and out the boutiques they pass by, its Sunday, so no wonder but surprisingly they were getting through the traffic easily.

"So where are we going?" Hyejin looking around curious.



"You don't like it there?"

Oh you have no idea, Hyejin thought.

"I do. It's just, the ones in Seoul does not have what I'm looking for."

"But they're all the same Hyejin"

Hyejin gasped and covered in surprise.

"You called me Hyejin?"

"Yes isn't that what everyone calls you."

"Yes! I've been telling you to call me that for so long! You were so stubborn!"

Chungha chuckled as she drove the car to a wide street flanked with old and tall, almost ten storey buildings. Hyejin had not even had time to wonder where they are when Chungha swiftly turned the car to a parking lot, turned it off and gave the key to Hyejin. "We're here"

"Where are we?"


"I've never been here before" Hyejin looked around. Hyejin was confused, it said on the Moonbeans website that there were only 2 branches of the store in Seoul, yet here is the third building. And there's the sign, the familiar green and brown sign was towering over them. "Is this branch new?"

"No, I've been getting your coffee here everyday since oppa is gone. We were just here last Monday."


"Oh but you're not entirely wrong, it's not brand new but they just reopened two months ago"

Hyejin's heart threatened to come out, it thumped so hard that she felt physical pain on her chest.

"Are you sure? How did you know?" She surveyed the building frantically.

"I live nearby"

Hyejin quickly got out of the passenger seat but her legs turned jelly and she almost fell down. She held the car door tightly for support. Chungha got out of the drivers seat as well and looked at her weirdly.

"Are you ok?"

"Fine. H-have you seen their manager?"

"No?" Chungha frowned.

"Think harder" Hyejin almost begged. Hope is dangerous and Chungha was giving her a huge amount of it right now.

"No I haven't, it's always that skinny girl with bangs and full narrow lips that takes my order"

That's Yooa! Hyejin thought, but she had to make sure. "What's her name?"

Chungha shrugged.


"My name's Chungha?"

"Not that! Does the name ring any bell?"

"Maybe" Chungha once again shrugged. "Hyejin, don't you want to go in?"


"Ok then, your call, I don't have to treat you now, do I?"

Hyejin shook her head.

"Then I'm going, see you tomorrow"

Hyejin only nodded.

She sat back down on the passenger seat debating with herself. Her heart ache with the thought of another possible disappointment.

She's there! A voice echoed in her mind. And she could feel it in her guts too.

But what if she is not? Another voice asked.

She sat in her car for a long time unsure of what to do. She remembered the time when she thought that her Sundays will be spent on a cafe chatting up with Byul. It happened so long ago. . .

She once again got out of the car, closed the door, fully intending to drive home.

But her steps lead her to the front door.

Hyejin opened it unsure of what is on the other side. She took a deep breath and stepped in.

The smell of coffee draped over her like a soft blanket.

Then reality hit.

Hyejin's sigh was audible as she walked up to the counter, Yooa was nowhere in sight. "Hello ma'am I'm Seulgi, may I take your order?"

She let out a bit of hope fill her system but that was oozing out now.

She made her usual order. "Vanilla latte and cheese- uhh Gotham cake."

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. We don't have that"

"Great" Hyejin squeaked. That was the cherry on top. Really great. "Ok, I'll have the cheesecake then"

Seulgi worked slowly and clumsily. Hyejin watched as she struggled with the register. So I'm was not the only one having a bad day.

The hope that was soaring just minutes ago had now deflated completely.

Finally, Seulgi manage to enter Hyejin's order and get the payment. She got a cup and hovered a marker on its side.

"Can I have your name?"

"It's Hyejin"

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After a thousand "I can't do this" I finally finished the latest chapter. I wanted to upload this last December on Byul's birthday but life happened, sad.


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JuReen_Sloth #1
Chapter 18: Author-nim.. Comeback. I need the surprise chapter. Plsss. Hope you are doing fine author. Will wait with patient
Chapter 18: Every time i listened to Sway im always reminded of this story 😅
Chapter 18: Wow! Thanks for the update 😉
kt11001 #4
Chapter 18: you’re back!!!!!!! i’ve missed this story for the longest time 😭😭
Anothermuggle01 #5
Chapter 18: Awww
Frozen_J #6
Chapter 18: Aww u updated! I hope hwabyul will go through all of this together
Chapter 17: I miss this story
Moondesigns91 #8
Chapter 17: Woah! That was intense! Love it! ❤️
kt11001 #9
Chapter 17: a happy new year to you authornim! thank you thank you thank you
Pinkidler #10
Chapter 17: U are good. 😂😂 love it.. thank u