Chapter VII

Knock-on effect

I just stood there looking at his fresh out of the shower self, which looked damn tempting to jump him.

I have no pride... I gulped at the view hoping know one took notice, while he crackled his fists at the one and only that passed me his damn clothes.

"Ooookkaaayy..." I slowly got up feeling the tension that someone was going to die today and didn't feel like there was a need for me to witness the crime scene.

"Ssh-she needed clothes man" he stood on the sofa, looking damn scared. The others didn't seem like they wanted to stop whatever was going to happen and Jin just slurped on his tea as if everything was normal and okay?

"Urgh.. I'm going back to sleep" Yoongi grunted, laying back down and covering his face with his forearm.

"I-I think it's best I just go..." I mumbled feeling super awkward. Although where would I go? I have no idea where this is and I have no money and phone.

I don't like this...

Jungkook who looked like he was ready to fist fight, glared at him for a very second and placed his warm hand over my shoulder. And even though this piece of white material separated me from his bare touch, it still made me feel weird. He breath out, looking as if his stress levels had shot up and was trying to just let it go.

Why get so riled up because of a damn shirt?

He ripped his eyes away from him and looked down at me. I felt so short and so at the same time, although I wouldn't mind the second part being literal... Just me and you baby!

Sorry. I need to stop.

"Just-" he breath out again. "-sit down" he pushed me down and scooched me over, so he could sit next to me.

He picked up the cup of tea that was placed on the table and that I had sipped on.. "...that's... actually mine..."

He froze with tea already swirling on his tongue, filling it with warmth. But unexpectedly, his mouth became a hose and everyone almost got showered with ginger tea, all because of Hoseoks question. "So, since when were you dating a soon to be married bride? "

You know... I don't know which one was worse for him.. Knowing that he was drinking from the same cup as me or Hobi's nonsense...

"Taehyung cursed" wiping his face along with the others who looked disgusted.

"Eww, this is gross" Jimin wiped himself with a napkin while Jin went to fetch a cloth.

Jungkook coughed, choking on his tea, after thinking that everyone needed a new type of bath, glancing towards me as if he were expecting me to do something.

"What?" I mouthed enough for him to understand. Don't know what he was expecting me to say...

"it's not what you think" he placed the cup back down clearing his throat once more.

"I really just went for lamb skewers" He defended.

"We believe you" Namjoon smiled, changing the position of his legs. "Because lamb skewers and her are the same thing right?"

What the do you mean by that?!

"Both eatable right?" I scoffed at this guy's words.


"Wow... You're low" A part of my thoughts slipped out.

"That wasn't cool" Jungkook mumbled, biting his inner lip.

"Namjoon, your washing the dishes" Jin scolded him.

"Great! We'll have to buy a new set of cups and plates" Taehyung chuckled.

"What did he mean by that?" I whispered to Jungkook.

"Oh, he tends to break everything. We don't call him God of distruction for nothing"

I just nodded along.

"So, what exactly happened" Jin asked. Honestly, I feel like he's the only one with actually manners in this room.

"Well, I went to get lamb skewers as planned but those sesaengs fans spotted me and started chasing me. Man, it was difficult." He lowered his head being a bit dramatic and letting those wet locks dangle.

"That's when I saw this church that had lots of people outside and ran through the back and slid my way in to try and get away from them. But in the middle of hiding thats where this personality sitting over here was residing" he rested his back, extending his arm over the border of the couch behind me.

That explains why he was hiding. He's an entertainer... Uuuuh! Do entertain me 👀

Sorry. It's my hormones...

"And you kidnapped her?! Were you that lonely?" Taehyung extended his hands in shock while Jimin face palmed himself and Hobi was snacking on popcorn.

Wait? What?! And when did he get the popcorn?! Oh, never mind...

"What?! No!" he looked at me with a disgusted expression.

"don't look at me like that!" I rolled my eyes. "you ain't anything special either" everyone cackled.

I know I'm a patatoe, but let's not stretch it!

"she stole my shoes and said she was going to embarrass herself."

"No need to go in detail" I eyed him but he ignored me.

"the moment she left, I heard one of the fans saying to check each room, so I followed behind her, and entered her wedding hall, sitting at the very back to blend in, since they were really not giving up. Thats when I witnessed the video of her husband-"

"ex-boyfriend. And I think that's enough" I corrected him, crossing my arms over my chest, letting out a puff of air.

"Oh I see what happened... Our kookie has soft heart" Hobi teased.

"but someone is ungrateful" he shot those beautiful orbs at me.

"You know, coming to see that you're somehow 'popular' to the public eye... You're not very smart are you?"

Everyone chuckled except for him.

"How is dragging a bride out of the church, considered... Blending in? I'd consider it... Calling for attention" I looked at him trying to prove a point but all he could say was "And I repeat. Ungrateful"

"If you're expecting me to say thank you... I'm not going to say it" I warned him and all he did was smirk at my words.

"I never said anything."

I'm going to hit him

I'm going to hit him.

"okay love birds! That's a wrap. Time for bed" Jin clapped, which made us both glare at him with those damn words.

"it's five in the afternoon" Taehyung commented.

"Is it? I didn't notice" Jin muttered with a sarcastic tone grabbing the cups away.

I ended up letting out a sigh. I need a drink...


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_BangtanTrash_ #1
Chapter 5: Really enjoy these updates! :)