chapter six.

everything has changed | na jaemin

“Aw. Well, if you choose to live with us, you are going to have to deal with my 2 little brothers. I have to take care of them, as you know.”

“That’s alright. I love your brothers.” He starts to make his way towards my car. “What time is it?” I pull out my phone to check the time.

“It’s 7:45 AM. Why?” I walk over to the car and I open the back door. I put Junyoung in his car seat and I strap him in. I climb out of the car and I set my backpack down on the floor. I take the baby carrier off my chest and I set it on the floor as well. I close the back door and Jaemin gets into the passenger seat as I sit down in the driver’s seat. I start the car and I start to drive to my house.

We arrive at the house and I turn off the car. I open the door and I get out of the car. I close the door and I open the back one. I climb into the back seat and I get sleeping Junyoung out of his car seat, trying not to wake him up.

I climb out of the car and Jaemin is standing right behind me.

"Oh my. You scared me." I hold my chest and look at Junyoung to make sure I didn't wake him up.

"I'm sorry. Let me take him." He takes Junyoung out of my arms and puts him on his shoulder.

"Thanks. You're going to be a big help. I can actually clean up around the house now." I sigh in relief.

"You're welcome honey. Take the time to clean up. I bet the boys make a big mess."

I laugh, "Yeah, they sure do. Junsu broke Junseo's tablet this morning because he wouldn't give him Mr. Bear Bear back." I roll my eyes.

"Oh no! Not Mr. Bear Bear! Even I know that's Junsu's favorite stuffed animal!" Jaemin tries to yell quietly so he doesn't wake up Junyoung.

"I know, he eventually got him back. I feel bad every time I even raise my voice a little bit at the boys." I close the car door and I lock the car. I start walking towards the front door and Jaemin follows shortly behind.

I get to the door and I start to unlock it.

"You still live in the same small house?" Jaemin looks around.

"Yeah, I don't have the money yet to afford a new place. The rent is starting to go up for this place and I'm starting to not be able to afford it." I open the front door and I take my key out of the keyhole. I walk into the door and I take off my shoes. Jaemin comes in and takes his shoes off as well.

"I can help you with finances. I have a good-paying, part-time job at the college in the admission's office." He smiles at me and makes his way towards my room. He walks into the room and walks to Junyoung's crib. He sets him down carefully and covers him with his blanket. He kisses his forehead and turns around. He eyes start wondering around the room and he smiles. "Your room hasn't changed one bit." He walks over to the bed and sits down.

"Yeah. I know." I walk in and I sit down beside him. "I don't want to clean... These boys are making my life a living hell..." I lay back and start to tear up.

"It's alright honey. I'm here now. You don't have to overwork yourself. Let me take care of some of the stress. Alright?" He lays down beside me and grabs my hand.

"Ok. Thank you... This means a lot to me. I know you actually mean it, unlike Felix... I think he was just trying to get into my pants last night. I didn't allow him to though. I haven't allowed myself to have with anyone after I found out I was pregnant. You are still the only guy I have ever had with." I look at him with teary eyes.

"Really? I haven't had with anyone else either. I know that may seem like a lie but I'm serious." He looks at me as a tear rolls down the side of my face. He wipes my tear off of my face and smiles at me. "Please don't cry baby. I don't like seeing you cry."

"I'll try not to for you." I smile at him and kiss his cheek. "I think I am going to sleep for a bit before I start to clean because these rugrats don't know how to sleep properly..." I scoot up to the head of the bed and I get under the blanket.

"Alright babe. I'll start the cleaning for you. The boys' room is still in the same spot, right?" He stands up and starts to walk towards the door.

"Yup. To the right of my room when you walk out." I look at him.

"Alright. Have a good sleep." He blows me a kiss and walks out. I close my eyes and I start to doze off.

~7 hours later~

I open my eyes slowly and I see Jaemin in my closet putting new clothing in on the left side.

"Whatcha doing babe?" He gets startled and turns around.

"Oh sh- I'm just putting my clothing in your closet. Nothing much." I sit up and I hear Junyoung start to laugh.

"Oh ok. But looks like someone is awake as well." I stand up and I walk over to his crib. I pick him up and I walk over to Jaemin.

"Hi baby boy. How'd you sleep?" Jaemin smiles at Junyoung. He just smiles back at him and starts making noises. "I'm taking that as good." Jaemin looks at me and kisses me on the lips. He breaks the kiss and kisses me on the cheek then. "That will never get old."

I start to blush, "Yeah, your lips are still soft and sweet like before." I smile and I kiss him on the cheek as well. "I'm going to go give Junyoung a bath before I go pick up the boys. Do you mind cleaning up the kitchen a bi-?"

He cuts me off, "Already done." He smiles.

"Boys' room?" I start to make my way to the door.

"Done." He continues to put his clothing in the closet.

"Bathroom??" I stop walking and I turn towards him.

"Yup." He starts to walk towards me. "Everything is done, you did give me a lot of time. You slept for 7 hours." He wraps his arms around my waist.

"I did?? Oh jeez. I need to go shower now." I break out of his hold and I rush to the bathroom.

I close the bathroom door behind me. I turn on the water and I start to undress.

~Jaemin's POV~

I hear the water start running and I start looking around her room. I see one picture on her dresser that looks familiar. I walk over to it and I see a picture of me and her at my senior prom. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Damn, I really missed you girl. Why did I have to be so dumb and leave you by yourself for a year when you were pregnant with my child? I am really sorry Chae... I really am... I hope you weren't too mad or sad at me." Tears escape from my eyes. I walk over to Junyoung's crib and I see him sleeping. "And you baby boy, I am really sorry that I only just come into your life now... I won't ever leave again. I love you both too much to leave. I'll even drop out of college if I have to for you both." I feel soft, small arms wrap around me from behind.

"That was really sweet,"

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