Chapter 7

A Pirates Life For Me - Lumark

Mark makes his way through the ship, on his way to find a certain surgeon. When he finally finds Kun he’s discussing something with Winwin. They stop their conversation as soon as he arrives. “Am I interrupting something?” Mark asks carefully, one wrong word and they could make him walk the plank or something. But both of them seem to nice to actually do that.



“Of course not” Kuns says before motioning for Mark to come with him. He makes sure Mark sits still before beginning to cut the clothes shorter. (It would be easier if he wasn’t wearing the clothes but they don’t know each other long enough for Mark to just get ) “You know these are the captain’s right” Mark says surprised, he thought Kun would just put some safety pins in them or something like that. Kun chuckles ‘It’s you I’m doing this for so I’m sure he won’t mind”.


Mark doesn’t know what Kun means by that. “Why?” he asks the surgeon. “Mhmm I guess you just hold a special place in his heart or whatever he has in that chest of his”. Upon hearing those words a blush spreads across his cheeks. “And if I’m seeing it right that feeling is mutual” Kun concludes with a teasing smile on his face.

“Nooooo” Mark fakely protests. “Whatever you say” Kun responds before dropping the subject and finishing his work on Mark’s clothes.


For the rest of the day, Mark ignores the captain at all costs -or maybe he occasionally sneaks in a couple of glances when the captain is busy- and he even goes as far as to sleep in the same room as the rest of the crew.


The captain had, of course, protested at that but Mark had been sure of his decision. So that’s why he finds himself all alone in a hammock that suddenly seems way to big. It takes a while but he eventually falls asleep.


However, luck is not on his side because he wakes up in the middle of the night. He’s way too cold and there are no blankets left. Mark wonders how the rest of the crew is sleeping and glances over to see if they have some special technique or something.


Sadly they don’t and it doesn’t matter what Mark tries to do sleep does not come for him again. They only way he’ll be able to sleep is if he would go to Lucas and have him warm him up with his body heat. His pride tells him not to go but his body and mind have already jumped out of the hammock.


Mark carefully walks through the ship, he does know the way when it’s daytime but now that the sun has set and it’s dark everywhere he has to kind of feel his way around. They probably hadn’t bothered hanging up some lights around here since the crew knows the ship by heart, but that doesn’t mean he does Mark thinks as he walks into something again.


He puts his hand in front of him to make sure he wouldn’t walk into something again. He remembers reading somewhere that if you follow the right side of a labyrinth, you’ll get out. So he does that in the hope the end of this ‘labyrinth’ would be the captain's warm bed.

Mark continued doing so until he made his way onto the deck. He quickly hid behind a pole. 


He glanced from behind the pole to the reason that made him hide in the first place. He saw a figure standing close to the railing of the ship. Mark wondered what somebody would be doing here at this time. Did they have an intruder on board? Should he warn Lucas?

Mark questions were answered when the man spoke and he identified him as Taeyong. But who was he speaking to? He couldn’t see the person but he could see the person handing 


Taeyong something. “Thanks, Mark will need them”  he heard him say. The other person just laughed (sadly Mark couldn't hear the person's voice that well since the figure was even further away than Taeyong)  before signaling a goodbye and the person and his boat disappeared into the darkness.


What is happening? Is Taeyong planning something? Possibly against him? And who is his helper? The man didn’t seem to mind his presence, but maybe that was just an act. Mark has a lot of questions and he wonders if he should just ask Lucas about it or find out on his own.


He watches Taeyong as he walks away, going down the stairs probably going back to bed, where he was supposed to be. Same goes for Mark himself. He hopes Taeyong isn’t able to see that his hammock is empty.

A cold gust of wind reminds him that he’s cold and he should continue his journey to the captain's cabin.


Before he gets a chance to take a step in the right way, he feels strong hands holding him tightly and a sword pressed against his neck, ready to slice his throat if he makes a wrong move.


“What are you doing here?” the man holding him says in a dark dangerous tone. That tone does things to Mark that it definitely shouldn’t. “I-I I was cold and I woke up” Mark says. “And you think standing outside on the deck is going to help with that” the man snickers as he lowers his sword. “I sometimes wonder what’s going on in that pretty head of yours Markie”.


“I could say the same thing about you Lucas” Mark says “what are you even doing here?”. 

“What do you mean, it’s my ship” the captain responds turning Mark around in his arms. “I meant here, in the middle of the night” Mark says in a matter of fact way. “And can you please put your sword away, there’s no threat here”.


“Mmm you’re a threat to me Markie” the captain says, slowly moving forward. “What could I possibly do?” Mark exclaims “you kidnapped me, remember?”. Lucas laughs “Oh Mark believe me you’re doing a lot of things to me”. Mark scoffs the captain clearly has forgotten that it’s a whole crew against one, if he would decide to do something. But he isn’t that stupid.


“For example, you make me want to do this…” the taller one says, placing a hand on Mark’s cheek and closing the distance between them. It takes Mark a couple of seconds to respond because he’s to shocked by the feeling of Lucas’s lips against his, warm lips may I add.


Lucas pushes Mark against the pole, and their kiss slowly turns into a make-out session. The captain stops once Mark lets a whimper slip past his lips. “Right, you are cold” he says. Mark doesn’t have the nerve to tell him that he didn’t whimper because of the cold, which he isn’t feeling anymore because of the warm feeling spreading inside of him.


Lucas grabs his hand, and slowly drags him to his cabin.


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