I See the Light

Parade of Clowns

A soothing voice rang through the walls of one of the dorm rooms. A girl wearing a peach sweater was rehearsing for one of her school performances when her same-age friend walked in with an assessment book in her hand. 


“And at last I see the light,

And it’s like the fog has lifted..



The girl was abruptly interrupted by the singing vocals of the friend and stared at the other party with a hinge of annoyance. She stood up angrily and confronted the other female in the same room as her. 


“Yah! Can’t you just let me sing in peace? My performance is going to take place in two day’s time..” Chuu whined loudly beside the girl’s ears, hoping she would take the hint and stop singing. 


“Sorry.. The lyrics are kinda boring to me you know? Especially when you’ve been singing the same phrase for the past 2 weeks.. It’s like ‘Bumblebee’, but like in 93.. Get it?” Jungeun smirked at the end of her sentence, knowing her school friend won’t get the joke. 


“SAy whaRT?” Chuu smiled widely despite not knowing what new information she had been fed with. 


“Urgh… I knew it..” Lippie chose to facepalm instead of bashing her head onto the desk table, not wanting to both look and feel stupid like her girlfriend. 


“Anyways, back to my point. I’m going to sing the same phrase as you, just with a different line. Hear me out, will ya?” The February baby held in a long breath, before serenading the air with her nasal tone. Chuu sat in anticipation as well. 


“And at last I see the light,

And it’s like I scored 100 on all my tests.” 


Jungeun smiled brightly into the air before looking down to a very disappointed look on her friend’s face. Chuu shook her head disapprovingly and expressed her thoughts.


“Bruh… It’s not even exam period yet. Stop being so attached to your girlfriend. You gay mess.” The strawberry girl then left the room, leaving the awkward tsundere in the room alone to reflect on her past words. 


“Wait, what does that gotta do with me being that attached?” Lippie chased after her friend before she got too far. 


“Didn’t you forget your girlfriend’s a big nerd? She even topped her school with mathematics.” The girl left out a sigh before heading to another quiet place to practice. 


“Oh… That still doesn’t mean anything though..” Jungeun stood at her spot motionlessly while her ears go blistering red. 



A/N: If you didn't get the joke Lippie mentioned above, feel free to comment down below :D

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The title is me and my friends so I obviously have to read this
Chapter 1: The kcon misspelling got me laughing good
sygie0510 #3
Chapter 1: Totally agree, can't understand how can they made such stupid mistake at names