White Birds

Parade of Clowns

As the girls were watching television on their off-day during the holidays, the screen showed a blurred picture of a white bird, quickly catching the attention of the dorm leader. 


“Hey, that’s me!” Haseul screamed excitedly while pointing at the image. Startled by where the loud noise came from, another person from the leader line popped her head from behind her dorm door. 


“What? No, that’s clearly me.” Yves stated while munching on a ripe apple given to her by her favorite stalker. 


Glaring at the other girl, she insisted that it was her that showed up from the TV screen. The two then started arguing over that small matter. 


“I represent a white bird, not you.”


“Ain’t swan a white bird too?” Yves was about to gobble the entire fruit in her hand like an angry K*rby. 


“Yeah, but swans can be black as well. My animal is specifically a *white* bird.” Haseul stomped angrily on the ground, making the whole house almost shake under her rage. 


“Hey, don’t speak of black swans as commonly as black chickens!” Yves was ready to fight the other NPC in the house. 


“Did someone mention chicken? What’s the tea guys?” Jinsoul walked in during the middle of the battle with her toy chicken in her hand. 


“We ain’t talking about you, you idiot!” The other two women stared intensely at the baby passing by, who seemingly got the idea and drifted away from their eyesight as quickly as she could. 


“Geez, why are they like this when they haven’t reached the age of 40 yet?” The blond-haired girl mumbled as she disappeared behind the kitchen counter. 


“WE CAN HEAR YOU!” Both the white birds then dropped their weapons and ran after the oblivious fish.

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The title is me and my friends so I obviously have to read this
Chapter 1: The kcon misspelling got me laughing good
sygie0510 #3
Chapter 1: Totally agree, can't understand how can they made such stupid mistake at names