Now or Never

better by the day
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Sitting there now, Changkyun thinks about how much he hates how the doctor speaks. Quiet and careful with a smile on his face despite the situation, like a clown. Changkyun feels uncomfortable, feels small and like a kid again. He would prefer not to be here and would choose to do something, anything better with his time, but he had to be here and he had to confirm this pregnancy so he could get it in his personal and official files. He needed the prior proof so he could get an abortion at the clinic that was a ninety-minute bus ride away.

Currently, the doctor was taking some blood samples for the blood test after Changkyun had already turned in a urine sample for them to take and test. Both tests were supposed to take up to ten minutes before a clear answer was offered, but to Changkyun it felt like an eternity. He already had his answer, but he needed it on paper from an actual clinic to prove so. He had long since thrown his home test away, had even gone as far as breaking it into pieces out of anger. This was all a nightmare and he didn’t have the time to sweat over this. All he wanted to worry about was attending class on time and getting all his art assignments done before their due dates, not a baby he didn’t want. He didn't have the time nor the energy to think about a different person entirely. That's why Changkyun stuck to himself; he only had to think about himself, and therefore there was no worry about other people. A baby added into the mix would be disastrous.

His mind wandered to Hyungwon and how disappointed he had looked when Changkyun had uttered the word 'abortion' as though it was something unspeakable, a bad and nasty word. It was a controversial topic, yes, but Changkyun felt the expectant person had a choice and his belief for the right to do what one wants with their body was what he had a passion for. Pregnancy was not magical for everyone and there were many instances where a pregnancy was unwanted or invalid. Sometimes it was painful for the mother or father to continue with such a commitment, and that's how Changkyun saw this. If he were to continue, he would only endure pain, he would lose his family, he would lose his education, he would lose his job. He would be nothing and have nothing, and so he needed this abortion. Changkyun would fight for his own right to get an abortion, tooth and nail, and if he didn't have the safe option of terminating this pregnancy, he would have to find a different route. There was no changing Changkyun's mind on this, it was happening. Who was anyone to tell him what to do with his own body? This was a difficult decision to come to, but this was a viable option for him and no one was going to take that away from him. 

Without warning, the doctor removed the needle from his arm with a small and sharp sting. Caught off guard, Changkyun gazed up and noticed how the doctor was smiling with all his teeth on show as he shuddered an apology. This whole thing was so condescending, honestly. That's why he had avoided eye contact as often as possible, not wanting to get a good look at this man who possessed no inkling of knowledge pertaining to his life. Changkyun was just another number in this damn clinic and his indignant nature was left ignored, "I'll take these back to a nurse so she can test them and I'll have you sit here and wait another few minutes, okay?" another flash of that irritating smile, a pat to the knee, and he was gone past the white door closing behind him with a click. Changkyun was alone again and above all things, he preferred this. He deeply exhaled, glad and more relaxed.

Those tests were going to end up positive and that doctor was going to come back and give him the 'good news' and ask him how far along he thought he was. It had been a week since a decision had been made and Changkyun knew he was ten weeks along, that was for certain. He would be asked questions to figure out where he was in gestation and if he was 'lucky', in a perfect world, Changkyun would be receiving an ultrasound. It was probably a bit too early for an external ultrasound and he was most likely going to have an internal ultrasound. Changkyun would receive an offer to have an ultrasound by a smiling doctor, but he had already decided against the idea, withholding his consent for commitment to making this whole experience personal. Seeing that ultrasound would give him a reason to hold on to any inkling of hope to keep the baby. Changkyun had studied everything that went into this process and in the end, he wasn't going to need it. Confirmation of his pregnancy was enough, then he was going to call the clinic to schedule an appointment for the next day, head to the abortion clinic, show them his file, and get it done. It was going to be official. 

Now enveloped in silence, Changkyun took his phone out of his pocket to check on who had been texting him incessantly this whole time. His pocket had been vibrating relentlessly with a persistence that was rather surprising and admirable. Changkyun had been reluctant to check due to the despair of seeing who it was. He knew who the sender was already since he rarely received many texts from anyone else, and there was only one person who could care for him this much to try and find where he was. 

Glancing at the screen his suspicions were confirmed as the name 'Hyungwon' patterned his screen followed by collections and series of texts. The messages ranged from 'where are you?' to 'I hope you're safe' to 'come back to the room'. Changkyun couldn't blame him for worrying so much, especially since he didn't come home last night nor did he return at any time this morning. He had instead slept in the lounge of their dorm, nowhere near their unit, frustration too great to let him sleep in his room with Hyungwon for the night. He had been ignoring the older for days and last night his pride had forgone common sense and he slept out of his room for the first time since the semester started. The couch was uncomfortable and he woke up with a sore back, but it was better than suffering through another conversation with Hyungwon. 

Changkyun had lingered on the largest couch in the lounge and purported to finish homework for most of the night when the RAs walked back and forth outside in the hall, making sure he wasn't doing anything he wasn't supposed to be doing. There had been eyes trained on him all night until he eventually fell asleep, anticipating his appointment at the school clinic. He had been waiting for this for a week and tomorrow was finally his day. He had already called off work with the excuse that he had a migraine and would come in when he could. He had already missed half an hour of work and he was going to go back right after this to try and get his mind off of what was ahead of him. He needed this one day to prepare himself after what he was committing to tomorrow. There was still a lot to think about even when a decision was made. 

Ignoring the messages from Hyungwon, Changkyun opened his web browser and stared at the website pulled up on a tab. It was a link to the only abortion clinic within the district, notorious for abortions even though it was a choice, not a political debate. He looked over the requirements for obtaining an abortion and just like every other time he had read it, it had not changed and he had met every requirement. He was perfectly eligible for a procedural abortion and it was so easy. In the next day, this wasn't going to be an issue any longer. And he was no idiot, he knew what this entailed. He believed in the power of choice, but he also knew the facts. He knew what was going on with his body and what was going to happen to his body after the procedure, what was going to be removed from his uterus. Changkyun was not naive and uneducated. He was making his choice like the adult he is and no one could make him see differently.

He had not waited long for the results before the doctor was returning with a file in his hand and a sullen look. Changkyun straightened up with his hands folded in his lap, fully aware of what he was going to be told. He chewed his lip, biting off the skin that was dry and was peeling due to lack of proper care. The doctor was about to break it to him and he wasn't going to wait to be told how to take care of this pregnancy because he was going to immediately inform his doctor that there was no need. He was getting rid of it anyway. 

The doctor sat down on the wheeled chair close to the examination table and brought himself closer to Changkyun, avoiding eye contact and instead staring down at his files as though filtering through them again. He was pulling a type of bedside manner that was not sitting well with Changkyun, he was approaching the topic carefully and this was much different from his attitude before. Maybe he had assumed Changkyun had been imagining the whole idea and was paranoid, but now he was looking at fact and he was going to agree with Changkyun this time around. Changkyun hated everything about this interaction and he felt nothing but discomfort. He was entrusting the most personal information to this man he didn't know and even though he was bound by contract and HIPPA laws, the fact that he still knew was enough to make Changkyun nauseous. 

"Well," the doctor started as he finally looked up to face Changkyun, bottom lip between his teeth as he frowned, "Both the blood and the urine tests picked up significant traces of hCG... and it's safe to say that you are indeed pregnant. So a congratulations is in order," he fiddled with the file and placed it to the side before looking back at Changkyun with his hands clasped. He looked so shocked and Changkyun couldn't help but think that maybe this doctor was newer. He hadn't had much experience in something like this and he was still new, didn't know how to show emotion or bias. Made Changkyun's stomach churn more, "Would you be able to pinpoint when gestation would have begun?" 

Changkyun had that specific date burned into his head and it was so immediate when it slipped from his lips, "August 13th is when I slept with the father, I'm around ten weeks now," he informed, lip starting to hurt the harder he clamped down on the delicate skin. He was now chewing on his tongue in tandem with his lip, tongue acting as a buffer so he didn't draw blood from his lip, "I'm sure of it, that was the last time I had ," he had kept a close eye on the calendar, noting every day how far along he was even when there wasn't much of a difference. 

The doctor pursed his lips and nodded as he grabbed his laptop and started to type that information into his files. He was quietly muttering words of affirmation under his breath, more directed at himself but still providing a sense of comfort for Changkyun. But it was also anxiety-inducing and all he wanted to do was to curl into a ball, lay down in his bed, and hide away from the world, but he couldn't even do that there with Hyungwon preventing any chance of calm for his person. He wanted to be able to confide with Hyungwon after getting to know him some more, but any chance of a possible friendship was demolished when he had told others his secret when he asked that he didn't. There was no trust there anymore, he couldn't find it in himself to stay around the older for long periods of time before his heart started to race from the anxiety. His room was supposed to be his safe place, but it was no longer. Hyungwon was apologetic, he had made that known many times, but Changkyun couldn't find it in him to forget. He had forgiven, but trust was no longer a concept in their relationship. They were just roommates at this point. 

"You are eligible for an ultrasound, but we don't have any ultrasounds readily available here but I can refer you to a prenatal clinic where they can give you an ultrasound and a proper look at your baby," the doctor chirped as he mentioned all that he could. Yet, Changkyun was quick to deny that offer before he could move towards the desk where a collection of numbers and referrals sat for a variety of patients if needed. Changkyun had not seen room to fit an ultrasound machine and he was relieved to hear that. He was sure the sight would have made his stomach flip, or maybe that was just the pregnancy in general. 

"No," was his immediate answer, the doctor lifting his head to face Changkyun again for clarification, "There's no need, I'm not keeping it. It would only be a waste of time and money," no point in watering it down for this doctor who felt it was his job to convince his patient otherwise. Surely he could see from the beginning of this appointment that Changkyun wasn't too thrilled about any of this, "I just needed to confirm it so I can take my file to the abortion clinic for an appointment."

There it was, that flicker of discontent in the doctor's eyes as he heard Changkyun utter his plan with confidence. Surely he knew that keeping a baby would only prove disastrous for Changkyun. He had all of his information and history, had his age and year in university. He was well aware of Changkyun's position and he had no place to tell Changkyun what to do even as a doctor. His doctor nodded as he cleared his throat, "You are well within the regular termination window, and you're very healthy other than the pregnancy symptoms, so termination will not hurt you in the slightest. You will feel the effects but otherwise, everything should go smoothly," Changkyun was hoping to hear that, "I cannot tell you what you can and cannot do, but I can offer you peace and happiness," the doctor nodded as he handed Changkyun the file with his information. He had already handed a copy to the secretary for his profile. It would be there until Changkyun graduated and the thought was unsettling. The health clinic would have that information for years to come. 

"Thank you," Changkyun accepted his words of encouragement despite the odd foot they were on before he accepted the file the doctor held out for him. Once his incriminating evidence was on his person, he hopped off the table to leave and tucked the file under his hoodie to hide it away from everyone who could see it. The doctor guided him to the front desk and Changkyun paid for the small fee it had taken to attend his appointment before finally stepping foot out of the building that smelled too much like hand sanitizer. The scent was starting to make him sick as did many other things did recently. He was looking forward to not being pregnant. This was too much of a nuisance. 

With his file on his person, Changkyun headed to his dorm with a better mood. All the tension he had felt in the doctor's office was dreadful and stepping into the chilly fall air was refreshing, he was feeling better physically and mentally, but the issue continued to remain. It would cling to his entire being until tomorrow afternoon and then he would be done with it. His plan for the future was going to prevail and there would be no more setbacks for him, no more issues and no more bumps in the road. He was stupid to let his guard down for even one night because here he was in this mess. Trust and vulnerability were unfamiliar and he wasn't going to reinstitute such concepts into his life again. Life was better alone where he didn't have to depend on others and others couldn't depend on him. 

He had never wanted kids in the first place, why change his mind now that he was pregnant with a baby that belonged to someone he didn't know? It was just a fetus he didn't have any connection to, it was nothing to him. Why hold onto things that didn't mean anything to him? 

Changkyun stepped into his room as quietly as possible, having left the door slightly open so he didn't have to use his key card again and make more noise that could stir sleep. Hyungwon should still be asleep by now and this gave Changkyun enough time to hide his file where Hyungwon wouldn't snoop, get ready for work, and then leave for a few hours. He was debating packing his day's essentials into his backpack and then staying out of the room altogether for the rest of the day and possibly the next day when a voice caught his attention. 

"Where have you been?" this voice was tired and held an accent of elation at the return of Changkyun. It was also cautious, not wanting to overwhelm the newly welcomed guest even though Changkyun lived there. 

The freshman looked up from his spot on the carpet to face a very worn looking Hyungwon. His tone was calm but his facial expressions screamed more, like he was worried sick and anxious, maybe even a dash of anger over not knowing where his roommate had been for the night. There were dark bags under his eyes and his skin was pale, giving away that he had stayed vigilant all night. He had agonized over Changkyun and while the younger would have thought that was flattering, it was concerning as well. 

Changkyun cursed in his mind at the frustration of having to talk to his roommate after the fight they'd had, but he couldn't just ignore him. Besides, he felt guilt over causing such pain and anxiety for the older but maybe he just deserved that little corner of what Changkyun was experiencing, "Sorry, I forgot to send you a text. I was doing homework in the lounge all night," not a total lie, but not the total truth either, "Slipped my mind." 

"I'm sure it did," Hyungwon played along as he moved to leave the bed but decided last second to stay seated. Now was not the time to get close to his roommate, "Changkyun, talk to me. It's been a week now, I just want to know what you're thinking," he was careful and attempting not to overstep his boundaries. He had a lot of apologizing to still do and a lot of kissing up to commit to, "I know I messed up, but we're roommates and I really want you to confide in me and talk to me when you're in need or having a bad day. I want to be there for you, especially with a baby on the way." 

Changkyun slid his file into his backpack and felt his blood boiling at what Hyungwon had uttered. He was trying to keep his cool without exploding again but the older was making it so difficult with how clueless he was portraying himself. Changkyun figured the best course of action was to not make eye contact in order to avoid a breakdown on his part. Still keeping his back to Hyungwon, he spoke up, "How can I confide in you when you didn't listen to me the first time? It just doesn't make sense for me to take that step another time with your standing history," he was keeping his cool but he was feeling his mind further trickle into anger as he heard Hyungwon's words repeat in his mind tauntingly. He wanted to continue yet he was keeping at bay because he didn't have time for this. He still had to go to work and he still had classes later that he had to focus on rather than what was happening right now.

Hyungwon cleared his throat as an act of embarrassment and then continued, "I know that I messed up, but you have to listen to me," Changkyun paused at that because was he really trying to justify this whole thing? Hyungwon was not in the right place to do that, "The only reason I told Kihyun and Minhyuk was so they could help you out and I thought there was no harm in that.  It was Minhyuk that took it too far and started this whole mess by telling Jooheon." 

Changkyun bit his lip in annoyance, trying to keep words from darting out of his mouth but it wasn't working. He could taste the metallic tang of blood flood into his mouth and it fueled his building rage further, "You thought there would be no harm," he reiterated with a sarcastic chuckle of his own, "If you didn't want any harm done, you would have kept it quiet," he zipped his bag closed with a fury, wanting nothing more than to leave this room right now, “You wouldn’t have told people that only know my name,” he pictured those few mornings he had spent with Kihyun and how the tea the older brewed made him feel better. He realized the older had done that specifically for him, and while the gesture was kind, it was unnecessary and it made Changkyun want to avoid Kihyun altogether. He knew about the pregnancy and was thus involved.

Hyungwon sighed, but not in a frustrated way, it was in the way that communicated he was agreeing with the younger and that he was frustrated at himself. He knew this was all due to him, “I really didn’t mean for this to happen and I know that it was an error in my judgment. It just seemed better if more people knew so you weren’t so alone in this. No one can raise a baby by themselves,” there was a personal tone in his voice as though he were referring to himself when help was pictured. He was the one who wanted to help Changkyun out of everyone. 

Changkyun felt a wave of calm wash over him as he quickly slid his uniform shirt over his head, covering his bare chest again. He found a moment of clarity and a sense that he had control over the situation, he had nothing to hide or be ashamed about. Having an answer to all of this was so calming and it gave him drive for what was to come, “It won’t matter, the damage is already done but it won’t be a big deal very soon,” he heard Hyungwon choke on his words as he attempted to decipher what that meant exactly. A silent ‘what’ filled the room and pounded in Changkyun’s ears, “I went to the clinic today, and I’m for sure pregnant. Every test I took had the same results. All positive.”

A few seconds passed before there was a belated, “Congratulations,” that Hyungwon whispered under his breath yet again, afraid as his brain ran every worst-case scenario through his head. There was no good coming from what Changkyun was insinuating. ‘Soon’ was relative and doing something about a pregnancy ‘soon’ wasn’t a light matter. That meant one thing, but Hyungwon was giving him the benefit of the doubt because he was sure his roommate wouldn't go that far. 

Changkyun paused and deeply inhaled, exhaling a sigh as he turned to face Hyungwon once more. His entire person felt numb and he felt as though he was having an out of body experience, not quite sure what was taking charge anymore. He gripped his hands together in an attempt to keep himself grounded and it helped for the most part, but he still felt anxious, “I’m getting an abortion tomorrow, so it won’t be a big deal very soon.” 

Hyungwon gaped like a fish as he stared at Changkyun, surprised and shocked at such an answer. He never knew anyone who’d had an abortion, had never really spoken to many people who were pro-choice. In fact, he had never really discussed abortions with anyone before because it wasn't a popular topic. The Republic of Korea was highly conservative and anyone who thought differently outside the standards of society were outsiders, so not many opposite opinions were shared so openly. uality was being antagonized less but any other concept that wasn't viewed as "traditional" was untouched and abortion was one of them. To Hyungwon, it just seemed too heartless, and the first words that came out of his mouth were, “Why?” without him processing his mental filter. 

"I just can’t have a baby,” that was enough of an answer, he didn’t need to explain himself and he didn't need to delve more into detail with his personal life with someone who thought it was okay to spill secrets and details, “I’ll be calling a clinic after work," he paused, carefully planning out what he was going to say as he asked a favor, "And the website says it’s recommended that I arrange for someone to pick me up from the appointment, and since you have a car, I was hoping you could do that for me,” it would be a way for Hyungwon to make it up to Changkyun after all that he’s done. It was perfect and that was that, but he wasn't the type of person to say so, “I’ll be out of it and I’ll need someone for the support I guess,” he didn’t need that part though, he was sure of it, “It would be awesome if you could drive me over. If I took the bus it would be a disaster and I could potentially pass out and not wake up for a few hours. I'd rather not have that happen and wake up in a different district.”

The tension in the room was palpable and Changkyun swore he could cut it with a knife. He didn’t want to be here but he had to ask, it was necessary and it was worth a shot. But Hyungwon looked skeptical and had his eyebrow lifted in a questioning manner. Changkyun was ready to tell him to forget it and not bring it up ever again in order to keep this entire thing under wraps. His anxiety was taking over and it was telling him to run away from the situation. Sharing more details about his personal life was yet another mistake even if it was just with his roommate. Hyungwon was nosy and had a big mouth. 

“Wait,” Hyungwon faltered, unsure of how to go about this without ruining more of their relationship. It was already pretty far gone, but he was trying to salvage what he could, “Are you really sure this is what you want to do?” he inquired, now scurrying out of bed to stand in front of Changkyun. The younger had taken a step back and Hyungwon made a mental note to keep his distance so as not to overwhelm the younger and drive him further away. He still needed him here, “This is a huge step and what if you regret getting the abortion? You can’t go back on something like that.”

“What if I regret having the baby?” Changkyun asked next, which was a highly valid question and one that supported his stance, “I could regret both options, but it’s up to me to decide whether or not either option is worth my time. This is my choice,” a wave of nausea was starting to itch up his throat again and he so badly wanted this over with as soon as possible. It was distressing, “And thus it is me who decides what I am ready to deal and cope with. No one should have their opinion hanging over my head when it is my body.” 

“But it’s a baby,” Hyungwon stated as though that meant anything to Changkyun. It was also a hurtful statement as though guilting Changkyun's choice. It was a baby, but did Changkyun need to remind him that he couldn't have a baby? 

“I’m aware,” the younger stated, wondering if Hyungwon really thought he was going to win Changkyun over with this. That was exactly why he was getting an abortion in the first place. 

Hyungwon continued with a determined look that was still cautious with no intention to hurt feelings, “It’s a living person that has a heartbeat. I don’t know much about the development of a baby this early along but Changkyun, there’s a person inside of you that just wants to meet you and love you, why waste that kind of potential?” Hyungwon felt his throat dry and stick as he felt the emotions build up in his chest as he spoke. He felt an unknown passion about this topic and while it was as surprising as it was, it was also refreshing for his soul, “This baby could cure cancer or become the prime minister, he or she could be a parent someday and have their own children. Your grandchildren. Do you really want to put a stop to that?” 

Now Changkyun was experiencing a fit of anger he's never known, not even when he found out Hyungwon had told others he was pregnant in the first place. He was not appreciating the steps that Hyungwon was taking to convince him otherwise. This was manipulative whether Hyungwon was aware of it or not, “Are you really trying to change my mind by telling me what ‘my baby’ could do and how I would be ruining their future because I made a decision? Are you really going to pull that card?” Changkyun was fuming and his voice was raised in disdain. He clenched his fist and felt the stab of his nails digging into his palm as the anger flooded every cell of his body, “What if they grew up to be a serial killer or a drug dealer? What if they decided that he or she wanted to steal from jewelry stores and banks? There are so many things that this ‘baby’ can grow up to be and you decide to focus on the positive aspects because you are not experiencing this for yourself. It’s easy for you to have an opinion because you’re not the one risking everything to have a baby that you don’t want in the first place," his argument was unequivocal and unambiguous. It was plain and clear, no room for biased interpretation. 

Hyungwon was speechless now with no more fight left in him, no more will to try and convince Changykun to sway the other way. The younger was right, he was completely correct and that was that. Changkyun was furious and wanted to continue and push Hyungwon further into his place, but he was ready for work so he had no reason to stay any longer. He ripped his backpack from the chair it was sitting in and started to walk out the door with heavy stomps of his feet and forced breath, “Never mind, by the way, I’m going by myself. Don’t worry when I come home tomorrow looking like I’ve gone through hell because I am getting that abortion and you can’t stop me,” with that last statement he was gone and storming out of the unit living space, hearing the door slam behind his back. In spite of Hyungwon, Changkyun made it a goal of his to not say more than two words at a time to him until he switched dorms after this semester. There was no need to speak to someone who was so disrespectful of his opinions and choices. 

Hyungwon stood still in shock because what he thought had been friendly attempts at convincing Changkyun to not get the abortion had been insensitive and rude. Now hearing all that Changkyun had to say, he had no choice but to stay resigned and acquiesce despite his initial thoughts. He shouldn't have mentioned anything in the first place but he was delusional enough to think he could change Changkyun's mind and show him the miracle of what a baby was. Consideration had not been at the forefront of his mind and he instead had the intent to change his beliefs. 

And after everything that was happening, he remembered that Jooheon still had no clue. Jooheon had occasionally texted Hyungwon in curiosity of how Changkyun was doing but had never exclusively asked about the baby, and when he did text about Changkyun, it was vague and wasn't as concerned. Just wanting to know the general state. He was asking just for the sake of it and he was keeping tags on his person. There was no true care for his well being and it was as though he felt obligated to ask since the younger was pregnant with his child. He had made no other efforts and might as well not trouble himself about Changkyun, but in all the drama, Hyungwon felt he still had the right to know even if Changkyun thought he didn't. There was no way Changkyun was going to tell him and someone had to pass the message along. 

And due to Changkyun's apparent hatred towards him already, Hyungwon guessed that there was no harm in taking that step and informing Jooheon about what was happening the next day. With Jooheon's indisposition, there would be no harm on either side of this spectrum. He would send a text and ask to not think too much about the situation. He would explain the bare minimum and that was it, not wanting to put too much of Changkyun out there when it still wasn't his place. He was breaking so many rules for the sake of his own sanity and that was entirely wrong, but also needed. 

So he sent a text. Short and sweet with enough information to leave Jooheon satisfied. Feeling like he committed a huge sin on his part, he felt as though he needed to cool off and after tossing his phone to the side, he grabbed his towel and headed towards the bathroom of their unit. It was going to be cold since they were having issues with the water heater and he didn't care, he needed that wake-up call. It was going to make him feel better and clear his thoughts. Hyungwon made a goal that he was going to be a better roommate and change his ways so that Changkyun won't have to suffer anymore even though he knew for a fact that Changkyun was going to transfer living spaces when they had to renew housing contracts or sign new ones in a few weeks. Hyungwon was going to act and perform better as a person and not turn to such insensitivities when dealing with other people. No one was going to suffer anymore due to his decisions and actions. 

Except for Jooheon because the older was suffering on the other end of the text as he read the short paragraph Hyungwon had sent him, letting each word sink in and what it meant. He was almost certain he was having an aneurysm from all the shock and stimulation of fear. This was not how this was supposed to go down and Jooheon wasn't even sure what he thought would happen after discovering he was going to be a father, but this definitely was not it. 

Jooheon swore his brain was turning to mush and his body was slowly following in shock. He couldn't find it in himself to believe this was true despite the fact that this was happening. He never imagined something like this would happen to him, yet it was occurring right before his eyes. 

Im Changkyun, someone he barely knew, someone he had slept with once at a party, someone who was pregnant with his first child, was getting an abortion tomorrow and was leaving him with the knowledge that there could have been something more. And while he was pro-choice, all for the one'

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jaemi_ki22 #1
Chapter 30: I LOVE UPDATESSSSS 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 30: No apologies needed. I'm glad you're working through things in your personal life and sincerely hope they continue to get better. Thank you for this.
Can't wait to see what happens next. 😭❤️
Chapter 27: Whew. I'm ready!
Chapter 25: This had me reminiscing about the days before I had my baby boy. You wrote Kyungs feelings and anxiety of those impending last few weeks really well. I love how his and Jooheons relationship is developing. I'm so happy he's got so much positivity in his corner too.
Chapter 24: 😭😭😭😭🤧 I've been waiting for this moment
aanyaa #7
Chapter 22: I love love loved this. I want to hug Changkyun so badly.
aanyaa #8
Chapter 20: All the cute. I loved it.
Chapter 20: Happy New Year! This was lovely