
Devil Contract

Waking up from his bed he look around at the hour, it was almost 7...well it’s time to prepare himself to go to school, no time to be lazy and closing his eyes again to get the 5 mini more, he stands and moves to the bathroom, when he finishes he moves his legs down stairs, he was already hearing voices from the kitchen, it must be his mother and father that always be so energetic and wakes early and do sports outside and eat healthy food


“Good morning brother” 


He heard his little sister from behind him saying and she passed by him to go to the kitchen for breakfast 


“Good morning” he replied following her from behind, their parents said a good morning to them and the four sits on the table to eat




His father have his intention 


“Tomorrow is your birthday” he said then take an envelope from the table near him “this is an early gift”


Baekhyun smiles and take the envelope and open it he look at his parents who were having a little worried look waiting his reaction, open seeing what inside he look at the paper with a little disappointed look “is this a full year paiement?” He asked


His father clear his throat with “yes”


His sister look at the paper “gym?” She smiled “big brother you really need to work on your weight” and Baekhyun smiled back to her nodding


Yes...his fat...but not just fat fat! His weight was almost 180Kg...but he didn’t mind! Truly he love eating, he have a family they love him as who he is, also he have his best friend that he accept him since childhood, maybe he doesn’t have more then one friend but it really enough for him! Even at school no one talks to him he feel the looks to his body but no since he is happy with his one friend and laughing with him he don’t mind the looks 


“Honey!” His mother said “you know we love you as who you are” she tried to explain but he already knew what she was going to say “but this is for your own good! Soon you will finish high-school and go to college and then you need to find a proper job! and for that to be easier in this life you need to work hard in your studies and your looks, you understand me right?” She said taking his hand and pressing on it with a soft and kindhearted smile


Baekhyun nodded “I will start to go after tomorrow” he smiled “at least let me enjoy my birthday cake”

He said with a sarcasm and the four in the room start laughing. then start to talk on what he want to do tomorrow and what he wants to eat because he will probably start a diet 




>>> at school <<<



“Good morning Baekhyun” his friend come in the class room and sits next to him as usual

“Good morning Kyungsoo!” Baekhyun smiled at him “how was your family meeting yesterday?”

Kyungsoo roll his eyes hearing the question “am glad it end without my parents killing each other! I don’t know how they bring me to life if they are like that”

“They love each other once I guess!” Baekhyun said like it is an obvious thing 

“Well glad they divorced as soon as they realize that was a lie! Also my step father and step mother extremely in good terms you should see that”

Baekhyun laughed “that weird”

“I know right?” Kyungsoo said taking out his books and looking at the door “your crush is coming in”


Baekhyun look at the boy coming in the class room he smiled with himself just by the look at him, how tall he is how good looking he is, how confident he is, taking a deep breath “not my crush my ideal type! If I will born again I will ask to be in a body like Park Chanyeol”


Kyungsoo look at him with an odd expression “I know you since forever you do have a crush on him since middle school when he said hi to you by accident”


Baekhyun shrugs not wanting to give the subject any further intentions he was just looking at how the tall guy was talking with everyone smiling with his perfect smile, maybe the gym idea isn’t bad after all! He could be like that someday if he keep the hard work.




Sitting behind a boy hit the one next to him whispering “you heard that?”

The boy asked “what?”

“FatByun having a crush on Chanyeol” the boy said and his friend start to laugh immediately and turn to another one to tell him




....and just like that rumors start to spread....




Finishing the class Baekhyun goes with Kyungsoo to their lockers to take the sport clothes, the two were talking about different things, laughing about how silly the early birthday gift was at the morning, opening his locker a paper fall from it and Baekhyun pick it up from the ground with “what is this?”

Kyungsoo comes near him to take a look of what being written their


-I always loved you from my deepest heart Baekhyun if you are willing to accept my feelings meet me tonight near the bridge at 9 ~ PCY -


“What the hell?” Baekhyun look weirdly at the letter, And Kyungsoo jump in his place with happiness “YOU HAVE A SECRET LOVER” he said screaming and Baekhyun immediately close his mouth with his hands “shshshsh!!! Are you insane? No one will love me! This is a prank am sure”


Kyungsoo shrugs “no one prank you before Baekhyun why they do now? Also PCY? Could it be...” he said realizing the three letters with wide eyes he look at Baekhyun “you should go”


“NO!” Baekhyun said “no way!” He repeated knowing that it is impossible “let’s go to the sport class” he said moving with fast steps their and Kyungsoo was insisting in going all the way down to the class, not stopping all the time about how he won’t lose anything but he will lose if he didn’t go and a specific someone was waiting him, Baekhyun look at Chanyeol who was playing basketball with his classmates...thinking about it


the class was tiring as usual for him he finished and everyone goes to take a shower Kyungsoo left too and he stayed at the changing room to be the last one, as usual, he doesn’t want anyone to see him because probably they will laugh at him so why not avoiding any embarrassment, and glad everyone didn’t even care they probably preferring it like that


As everyone finished he goes in to take a shower of his own then left to the restaurant where Kyungsoo was already talking to some classmates, he wave at him and take his plate going next to him and sitting down “I just got invited to a party tonight” He said to him hyped about it “what your plans?”

Baekhyun knows that Kyungsoo deserves to have other friends his so good to just have one  even if he didn’t plan anything he answered “you know at night it would be all family night so I won’t go out”

Kyungsoo smiles “then I will go to the party I will wish you a happy birthday at 12 tonight I won’t forget you I swear”

Baekhyun nodded “you should”




The time pass and the classes are all over going back to his house Baekhyun goes to his room and put his huge body on the bed he put his two hands on his fat belly and start to hit it in a rythme thinking about the letter he found in his locker, he stands and look at the mirror, well he do look ugly and very very fat, his face is round like a watermelon even if he smiles he looks way worse! His eye were so little, and his haircut...let not talk about that...also he was short! Yeah life didn’t give him what he wanted in looks, maybe in brain too because he wasn’t that smart he was average like anybody else.



Eating dinner he chitchat with his family his little sister was happily saying what she did in school today. She was pretty popular when you hear her talking about it, but she never admit she is to not make Baekhyun look inferior, finishing he goes up to his room it was almost 9 his heart start to race? Should he go? What if no one was there? But what if someone was there he thinks about Kyungsoo opinion! He won’t lose anything...


Not thinking about it anymore he made his mind and take his keys going down stairs with his big body, his sister take a peek from her room “everything okay Big brother?”


Baekhyun smiled to her “yeah! I will go outside for a while”

“Okay love you don’t be late or mom will go crazy” she said and closed her room door and Baekhyun continue his way out, looking at the hour he moves with fast steps he can hear his breathing from miles away! Because he start to feel tired, feeling that even now if someone was there will just run away because of his smell, he stopped to take a second to catch his breath, he look at the specific bridge that was mentioned in the letter not far from him, so he continue to the place. He look around and found a girl standing there, his heart skip a beat of joy the smile in his face was clearly being seen from miles away, but not even getting near her a boy come next to her and take her hand and the two left


Oh that was going to be so embarrassing...his thoughts was screaming the words if he went and talked to her, he look at the hour it was 9:03pm he look here and there maybe he came earlier...


...So he waited...




...He waited...




Baekhyun knows it was a prank he clench his fist in anger, but still at least no one knows! He moves with fast steps leaving the place before anyone could see him, that was stupid from him to believe that! Yes he is accepting himself as who he is! But people don’t...people always want a victim to pass time with it! why he was such an idiot to believe that there is someone in love with a fat ugly huge piece of like him?


Wondering around for an hour after getting back home, a notification come to his phone in the Facebook group of his school, to be honest his heart was about to stop reading the notification title 


“FatByun V1”


He said and immediately open it to see the shock of his life, there was a video of him showering at the school, his eyes were wide open, the feeling of embarrassment? Anger? Shame? How he look so exposed at the video...tears start to fall from his eyes immediately looking at how much the views were increasing and how much the comments were having sarcasm about his body, 


Yes Byun Baekhyun! Your life just got smashed on the floor right now, he couldn’t move a step so he just sits on the edge of the road crying and crying but didn’t stop reading what his classmates said, what he should do? How he can face them tomorrow? 


But what makes it even worse was the next notification of something else get posted 


“FatByun V2”


He clicks on it and a video of a hand was shown writing the letter in his closet with some giggles in the video saying “write Park Chanyeol write it he have a crush on him he will go definitely” 


But the hands just write the PCY the move putting it in his closet, the video got black with a big “at 9” in white in it, and there it is...someone was recording a video of him waiting...


How embarrassing....


How humiliating....


How ashamed....


He hate himself now...he hate it...he hate it...standing from there to go back home and maybe never go to school again...he snap out of his thoughts looking at the sudden lights that got opened from a near church,


Not knowing why but his legs goes in there immediately! Maybe he can cry his heart out here without anyone recording him since he knows someone is around, he gets in and found a woman sitting in the wood chairs, he doesn’t want to bother her by his sobs because she look so into her prayers, so what he did is going into the confession room and sits there crying and cry again! What his family will say? What he should do? Probably they will want to have a lawyer and that will make him to go to the school again...


“Is everything okay my son?”


He heard a man voice from the other side it wasn’t that old but it kind of sounds peaceful 


“Y...yes father” he replied 


“Tell me my son! your secret will be safe” 


Trying to catch his breath with all the crying he tell what happened and how he was feeling bad for believing that there is hope for him in this life with someone else...not just someone the hottest one that he was observing since middle school since he said hi to him by accident 


He didn’t hear the father saying a thing for a while 


“Father? You still there” Baekhyun asked looking at the wooden wall that show nothing of the other side


“You want to correct everything right?” The father said 


“Can I do that?” Baekhyun said looking in anticipation 


“If you want things to get right there is away”


“What way?” He asked


“Do you believe in god?” He heard him saying “god give us a way to correct things! you should go back to the bridge and jump to the water to wash all of your sins, then come back to me here and I will show you the way that make everything better for you”


Baekhyun stopped not saying a word for moment “jumping to wash my sins? Make everything better?” He repeated and move out of the place immediately with fast steps


at moment of depressions people could believe anything others can tell them...even if it was a crazy idea like that...



But what he didn’t know is the moment he left the confession place the laughs from the other side heard “did he believe that? let follow him fast” 


A “FatByun V3” was already on the move


Baekhyun runs to the bridge again maybe he would find a solution to his problem if that man give him the way! And if the only thing was for him to do is jumping he will do and come back to him,


Reaching the edge of it he look down and the way was really far, he stopped thinking of how the idea was crazy, he start to take a back this must be another prank! he heard his phone ringing with a video call from Kyungsoo, he slide the green button to see Kyungsoo topless in a bedroom first he get the idea of he really having fun on the party...and he must be embarrassing him because he is his best friend he must be having hard time there watching the videos


The big clock on the church pointing at the midnight start to tick with a very loud sound of the 12 hits not letting him hearing what Kyungsoo saying 


“What?” He said 


But then someone unexpected comes to the view the specific someone that Kyungsoo clearly knew he had a crush on him was at the same room with a topless Best friend of his


“Why is he with you?” Baekhyun said with a shocked and defeated voice 


The face of Kyungsoo was priceless looking back and forward he was saying something but Baekhyun just make the phone slip from his fingers and look at the bridge without hesitation not thinking of a way to clear the mess no thinking of the way to end his miserable life 


and with the 12 clock hit sound he jumped 



...The place now was quiet....



“Baekhyun don’t jump they are doing a prank on you live Baekhyun! Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo was still looking at the phone 

“Oh my god!” Chanyeol who was standing next to him watching the live he saw the video recorder running to the edge of the bridge “oh my god man! He jumped” the voice was start to freak out “can you see him?” 

“No you?”

“No! This is bull am out of here”


With that the video stopped 



Kyungsoo eyes got wide open watching the live video he runs fast outside calling the police and heading to the place...everyone was silent at the party looking at Kyungsoo because they knew they are best friends.



But he was late...



The police arrived and with no time they found Baekhyun body...




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Chapter 13: Ohh nooo
Chapter 8: What !!?!?
Chapter 5: It's creeping in my heart babe~~
Chapter 3: Devil Baek is sooo cool!
Wow thats very interesting story i like devil baekhyun statements and offcourse chanyeol lil brother😂
Beau1996 1334 streak #6
Chapter 16: Super interesting plot - didn't see Chan killing him or getting out of his deal - nice ending!
Chapter 16: The plot was awesome. I don't have any words. You are my favorite author already.?❤
Chapter 16: i love this weird story (´ε` ʃƪ)❤️
Chapter 16: I actually. Really love this story and just completed it agaiiiiiin
ctskyn276 #10
Chapter 16: This is quite good actually..well done authornim..thank you for this interesting story..