Chapter 4

Best Life Ever










"Taeeun,wake up already.You are going to be late for school."


Today you woke up without much difficulty,it was your last day in Brandnewstardom Academy.You washed up and wore your school uniform for the very last time.

"Ah, Taeeun come eat something before you go to school."

"Gwanchana Unnie."

"I will be going to school now,Annyeong."

"Deh,have a good day at school."

*It really hurts me to see you Like that.But I promise you,I won't let you marry Myungsoo.Trust Unnie.*

You dragged your lifeless body out of the house and into the car.When you reach school today,P.O wasn't there to greet you.Block B skipped school again today.

*Out of all the days they have to skip school today.*

You didn't even paid attention in class and was daydreaming.

"Taeeun ssi, are you okay?"

"D-deh, seongsaeng nim."

"Okay,please concentrate in class."

*ding dong dang*

"Park Taeeun of class -----, please proceed to the office now.Thank you."

Your teacher looked at you and you stood back dismissing yourself and headed to the office.When you walk in your saw your Oma and L's parents in the principal office talking to the principal.You knocked on the door and went in.

"Miss Park, you are here.Take a sit."

You nodded and took a sit beside your omma.

"Miss Park, I know that today will be your last day in school.So I'm allowing you and your friend to skip all the lesson today and explore the school for the last time."

You were shocked by the principal's words as your principal detest students who skips school and those that doesnt take studies seriously.

"Its okay principal,I would like to continue with my lessons."

"I insist Miss Park, go roam around the school, take pictures and enjoy your last day here alright."

You looked at your mum and she nodded to you.You stood up,bidder goodbye to Myungsoo's parents and the principal and went out of the room.

Went walking out,you could hear murmurs from the students around you.

"Have you heard?!? She is marrying Infinite's Myungsoo."

"Infinite?!? I thought Infinite and Block B are rivals, and and isn't she dating P.O oppa."

Tears started to welled up in your eyes.You looked up from the ground and saw P.O from far.He saw you and started running towards you.You couldn't face him now.You didn't tell him you were transferring to Woollim High.You quickly ran into the ladies, as that's the only place he won't step into or so you thought.You locked yourself into cubicle,but you could still hear what was going on outside,

"Noona can you help you check on Taeeun,she went into the toilet after seeing me..."

"Aigoo, you two finally had your lovers fight?!? Don't worry, we will help you check on her."

You started hearing the clicking of heels and a knock on the door.

"Taeeun ah, its dara unnie here,are you okay inside??P.O is worry about you.Can you open the door?"

You were on the verge of crying when you saw P.O but you held your tears in but after hearing Dara say that P.O was worry about you,your tears fell.You opened the door and went into Dara unnie's embrance.

"Aigoo,Dongsaeng ah, why are you crying?"Bommie Unnie,patted your head while asking for the reason why you were crying.

CL and Minzy went forward to you patting your back while you were crying your hearts out.They started calming you down while you continue crying.

"I'm switching school...."

"When and why?"

"Tomorrow and because...."

All four of them lean in to hear what you say but they were a bit to close causing you to move back a little.

"Unnie,ppalli,because of what?"


"Unnie,speak properly already."

"I'm marrying L,L from Infinite!!"

"Bwoh!!Jjinja?!? How can that be?How about P.O??"

"I know,I really don't know what to do." You covered your face with your hand.

"Hyung,help me keep a look out here.I'm going in.Noona I am coming in."

P.O walked into the girls toilet without a second thought and saw you being devastated.

"Babe,are you okay?"

P.O walked towards you and hold onto your hand.The two of you met eyes with each other.You quickly hug P.O and started sobbing again.Unnies went out of the toilet leaving the two of you alone.

"Babe,why are you crying? Isit about the marriage again?"

You nodded with your head still on P.O's chest.

"It's okay babe,I'll be there for you,no need to cry."

He moved you away and wipe the tears off your checks.He helped you up and went out of the toilet.The other Block B oppas and 2NE1 was worried about you.The twelve of you went to the back of your school.P.O sat down with you under the tree while the others were behind but leaving the two of two alone.

"Oppa,today is my last day of school..... I'm transferring to Woollim high tomorrow...."

You turned to face P.O but he was looking at the front.

"Why the sudden change of school?"You could hear he sounds sad but he was putting up a poker face.

"He's parent wanted it,they want us to go to and same school and live together before we get married after we graduate."

"And you are okay with that?"

"No, but that's the only way my mum can save my dad's company."

"Well,then I have nothing more to say."

"P.O stood up and walked away from you.Your eyes followed where he was walking but your legs couldn't hold you up to chase him.Jaehyo and B-Bomb ran after P.O.After seeing him left,you stood up and head back home.The rest wanted to followed but you rejected their offer and went back home alone.


"Taeeun ah,you are home so early."

"Ye Unnie, I will be in my room."

Your sister knew something was wrong as you would always be teasing her if she was home earlier than you,but this time round you just went back to your room without a second word.She put down the book she was reading and went to your room.You went to your room,placed your bag on the bed and went into the bathroom.You the shower and fell on your legs,letting the water fall on your head,trying to let the water wash away everything in your mind.

"Taeeun what do you think you are doing?!?!"

Your Unnie turned off the shower and wrap you in a towel.

"Change into this and I will help dry your hair."



You changed into what your unnie gave you and went out of the toilet.She was sitting on the edge of the bed when you walked towards her.You passed the towel to her and sat down on the floor between her legs.She started drying your hair like how she did when you two were younger.She was like a mother to you especially when your mum have always been busy with her work.Her world is only full of work and nothing else.

"Go to bed,and stop thinking about it already."

You climbed up the bed as she asked you to,your unnie only left the room after she saw you went to sleep.

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i want the girl with p.o!!!!!please update soon..!
Jacquelyn #2
Sweet P.O !! But i still prefer myungie! :) hahahaha! let her fall in love with myungie~~ !! XDD
kyayaya......update sooon ~~
Unnie!!Thankkgyu for commenting on my story!!So happy!!^>^ will update soon:)
Miszfiqa #5
fb, do update soon..and this is so so great..
i love this..
can't wait for the update..
haha!!yea:D will do:D
Jacquelyn #7
Yay! You updated! :D update soon!!
Haha!!Thank Gyu!!:D:D Will try to update asap:D:D
Jacquelyn #9
Chingu ah, it's a nice story plot and I'm looking forward to the next chapter xD I wonder what fate had instore for them xD update soon~~!! :D