Chapter 2

Best Life Ever

"Miss Park,its time to wake up now."

The maids try to wake you up but still you continue sleeping.

"Good morning Miss park."

"Morning!!Is my dear sister still sleeping!?!"


"You guys can go continue with your work i will wake her up."

"Yes miss."

The maids bowed to your sister and left the room.

"Tae eun,wakey wakey!!"

You pulled uo your lazy head to see who was the one who was waking you up cause to you your sister isn't those girl with ageyo,never was and never will.Your sister smiled at you but you laid your lazy head under the pillow to cover you ears.Your sister was annoyed by your behaviour then she lean closer to your head and whisper.

"Your P.O oppa is waiting downstairs,Do you want me to invite him in to show omma."

You shoot up from your bed and saw your sister's evil smirk.

Damn.I got tricked.

"Ppalli,you're gonna be late for school sleepy head." Your sister waved to you while she walked out of your room.

You went to wash up and change into your school uniform.

"Morning Unnie!!"You went up to your sister and gave her a pecked on the cheecks.

"Where's omma?"

"She left for work already.Ppalli, eat your breakfast."

"You actually care alot for Omma why do you always act like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you hate her so much and all."

"You won't understand.Unnie,I've got to go.Annyeong." You grab a toast and went out of the house to ran away from tour sister's questioning.

"Ya!Remember to come back before dinner,there will be guest today!!"

"Araso unnie!!"

You went up the car and starting eating your toast while thinking about what happen that cause you to not like your mother.


"Omma lets go to the park!!"


Your Omma holding onto the 5 years old you and went to the parkYou were skipping along the way as you rarely have time with your Omma to yourself due to her busy schedule.

You were playing on the swing when your omma went to answer a call.

After that call,your Omma didn't come back instead she went to settle the problem in the company forgotting about you.

You continued playing on your own not knowing that your mum had left.

The sky became dark and you started crying when you couldn't find your omma.Then sky started to rain and you went to hide under the slide.You were scared and cold and then you heard growling sound and saw a big black dog staring at you.You kept screaming for help Hoping that your Omma will come and rescue you.She never did came.You covered your eyes waiting for the dog to pounce at you but you only heard the dog wincing.You open your eyes and saw your unnie and the butler.You buried your head in your sister's embrace and she put on a jacket over you.They two of you went home safely.

When you were heading back to your room ,you went to see your omma.She was sound asleep.

*How could she!!She forgotten about and went to sleep instead!!"You clenched your fist and ran back to your room and you spent the whole night crying not knowing when you fell asleep,

*flashback end*

"Miss,Miss.We are here!!Are you okay?!?Do you need to skip school today?"

"N-No,I'm fine.Thank you."

You step out of the car,trying your best to forget what you were thinking about.You didn't even realise the car left until you felt somebody's hand around your waist.


"A- annyeong oppa."You knew it was P.O as he was the only one who would and who can touch you like that.

"Are you okay?" P.O asked worriedly.

"Neh oppa!!" You peck him on the cheecks and went into school.

The whole student body had always been envious of you cause of the close relationship you have with 2NE1 and Block B.Every girl in school had tried to flirt with Block B and up to 2NE1 but well, it always doesn't end well.

You were once a gangster girl... It's kinda normal when your parents doesn't care and your sister was overseas.You would hang out with the local badass,Beast and 4 minute and go around playing and looking for trouble and such.But not those that would break the law.

Block B and 2NE1 was new in the block and they challenged Beast and 4minute over territories.

At first 4minute and Beast won the challenge so Block B and 2NE1 wasn't happy about it but they didn't cause trouble either.Not before long,memebers of 4minute and beast had to go overseas for their studies leaving you alone in Korea.

P.O found you all alone and went to approach you.At first you were mean to him as you thought he was just showing sympathy to you but everytime you were down or in trouble he would be there for you.P.O fell in love with you when he first show you with 4minute and Beast. Slowly you guys became friends and eventually into a relationship.

You and P.O are in the same class which makes lesson much more interesting to you as you won't be bored whenever he is around.You were one of the top scorers in school and some times your teacher even thought you cheated in class cause you were friends with Block B and 2NE1.Their result were average not those that would fail in school but well, they would skip class most of the time.It's normally,cause school is boring they other students wanted to skip too but they just didn't dare.

Lesson ended extraordinary fast today.You guys went to Block b's hideout to chill after school.The sky became dark and You went home with P.O sending you.The two of you kissed goodbye and you went in.

The table was full of food.It wasn't always like this since your Omma is always busy with work and your unnie is busy with her studies.You would mostly eat alone or with your unnie once in a while.

"Taeeun,quickly get change the guest are coming already."

"Deh,Unnie."You went to your room and change into something comfortable but not to casual.


"Good,My Taeeun looks so pretty!!Finally you have grown up."

Your unnie pinch your cheeks and led you to the dinning room.The guest had already arrived when you were changing.

"Right,before we go in.Smile please and no matter who you see don't show you expression."

"Neh Unnie, But wae?"

She pushed you towards the door and whispered into your ear.

"Cause you will be seeing your future husband and his parents.SMILE"

"Taeeun here you are."

"Deh, Omma."

"This is myungsoo's parents,Mr and Mrs Kim."

"Annyeonghaseyo,Park Taeeun immida."

"Annyeong,sit sit."


"Haha!!Soon you will be calling me Omma already."


You faked a smile just to be polite.Your unnie saw how annoyed you were and spoked.

"Omma,Why not let Myungsoo and Taeeun go have their own private time to get to know each other."

Both You and Myungsoo shot your head up and glare at your sister.She knew how the both of you hated each other and still she suggested that.

"You're right.Taeeun,why don't you bring Myungsoo to the garden."

"Deh, omma."

You stood up and dismissed yourself and Myungsoo followed behind.

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i want the girl with p.o!!!!!please update soon..!
Jacquelyn #2
Sweet P.O !! But i still prefer myungie! :) hahahaha! let her fall in love with myungie~~ !! XDD
kyayaya......update sooon ~~
Unnie!!Thankkgyu for commenting on my story!!So happy!!^>^ will update soon:)
Miszfiqa #5
fb, do update soon..and this is so so great..
i love this..
can't wait for the update..
haha!!yea:D will do:D
Jacquelyn #7
Yay! You updated! :D update soon!!
Haha!!Thank Gyu!!:D:D Will try to update asap:D:D
Jacquelyn #9
Chingu ah, it's a nice story plot and I'm looking forward to the next chapter xD I wonder what fate had instore for them xD update soon~~!! :D