The Truth Untold

Lie |

By the time Jimin had arrived, it was sprinkling slightly, and tiny droplets of water were strewn atop my hair.

Jimin ran out of his car and enveloped me in a warm hug. He knew it wasn’t a good time to bother me with questions.

“C’mon Y/N you’re really cold.”

We both got into the car and I couldn’t help the warm tears still streaming down my cheeks.

“Jimin, can I stay at your house tonight?” I ask softly through continuous hiccups.

“Of course.” He says, his voice earnest and wholehearted as he glanced at me, worry swirling in his deep brown eyes.

I nodded and laid my head against the window as the sound of tiny droplets hitting it lulled me to sleep.

Jimin’s POV

I had no idea what was going on. Why was she out here in the middle of the night crying? I knew at the moment I shouldn’t bother her much, I’d known her for years and she had always needed a little time to sort herself out before she spoke to anyone.

I sighed as I watched her sleeping form, she looked peaceful despite her tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. I turned and locked my eyes back onto the road as I continued to drive.

Y/N was still fast asleep by the time we reached my house so, I walked to the other side of the car and opened the door for her.

“Wake up Y/N,” I say softly. She stirs a bit before her eyes flutter open, she unbuckles herself and follows me to the door and into my room.

“You can lay down,” I say gesturing towards the bed.

 She nodded, pulling off her socks and laying down facing me as I cleaned my nightstand. As I turned to leave I felt her grab the hem of my shirt. “Can you stay?” she asked her voice sounded pained, I felt a pang in my own heart.

“Of course,” I say as I sat next to her, and it wasn’t long before we were both asleep.


When I woke up, I was wrapped up in white sheets within a room that didn’t belong to me. Confusion washed over me, and it took a moment for my newly awoken brain to remember and realize that I had stayed the night at Jimin’s.

Suddenly all the memories came flooding back but, I wasn’t about to cry again. Instead, I sat up, sheets still draped around my body and thought.

Every time that I’d ever gone through a hardship I just needed to think and sort myself out, create a plan that could make things easier.

It wasn’t long before I formulated a plan in my head, just having the outline of my week helped to calm me down.

I took a deep breath of relief.

The house smelled of coffee and it wasn’t long before Jimin walked in with two mugs in his small hands.

“Good morning," he says, "also don’t worry I called the school and told them that I couldn’t attend today and that you were sick.” He says a sympathetic smile across his sleep-swollen features.

I smile in response then go on to speak, my expression immediately growing stern, “Jimin there are some… things we need to talk about.”

He sits down and hands me one of the coffees. “I’m ready for anything.”

“Remember when my parents died?” I asked my voice cracking throughout the sentence.

He nodded looking quite worried.

“And, remember how I moved in with my aunt?” painful memories began to flood my mind.

He nodded.

“I didn’t move out because I wanted to try living on my own, she… she was abusing m-me.” I say my voice shaking.

Jimin’s eyes went wide, “What?” he asks setting down his coffee.

I inhaled again.

“Ever since I moved into my apartment, It’s… just been extremely difficult to support myself, a-and most days I only eat one meal because I can’t afford food.”

Jimin reaches for my hand and I let him hold it as he watches me attentively.

“Y-yesterday, my landlord came to visit me at the café… and she told me that I had a weeks’ notice to move out after some rich landowners decided they wanted to tear down the building.” I say, now I was moving on to the part hardest for me, I could feel my eyes begin to water.

“J-Jimin, there’s one more thing,” I pause as a tear falls down my cheek, “I-I’m... dying.”

His face went pale, “W-what?” he asks again his bottom lip quivering and his eyes sparkling with newly found tears. “Why didn’t you tell me all these things?” He asks his voice cracking. He sounded so hurt.

“I didn’t want to be a burden to you,” I whisper.

It was like a dam had broken as Jimin began to sob, “y-you can’t die, I-I-“ He stopped and just continued to weep as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

“Don’t cry Jimin,” I took in a sharp breath, “You’re gonna make me cry again. Its okay I’ll figure something out… I always do.”

Jimin’s grips onto me tighter, “Jimin, listen… don’t treat me any different than you usually would… promise?”

He sniffled and sat up, “Just tell me is there anything I can do?”

I bit my bottom lip… should I tell him about the surgery? He would definitely try to pay for it but, he’d be in debt.

“Uhm… no.” I say unsurely.

“You’re lying, noona.” He says.

Wait what the did he just call me?


A/N: I know this chapter was really short, cringe-y and, the ending was pretty bad but, we’ll see where this goes. Hopefully, the next chapter is better! Love you guys and see you in the next chapter!




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