
Forget Me Not

Author's note: This chapter is mainly focused on Nomin.But don't worry,next chapter will be markhyuck all the way.


Haechan was healthy again after a couple of days.The boy didn't care how nerdy he sounded when he said he actually missed going to school and that being coped up in the house was driving him crazy.

As usual,Mark waited in front of Haechan's house so that they can walk to school together.After a couple of minutes, Haechan came out of the house and joined Mark on their way to school. The walk was silent,but it was more of a comfortable silence than an awkward one.Mark secretly glanced at him. Haechan's eyes seemed to sparkle when he stepped out of his house and breathe in the fresh air.He must've really missed the outdoors,Mark thought in pity.Mark continued to stare at him as he remembered what Haechan told him a few nights before at the playground. The boy has amnesia after losing his parents. It must've been hard for him,waking up to find out you're all alone in the world without even knowing your own name.Mark can't imagine anyone being fine after that experience.Yet, the boy beside was laughing and giggling just by watching a few stray kittens playing with a falling leaf.Mark chuckled, he's kinda cute when he's laughing.Haechan didn't deserve what happened to him.


"Are you done staring?", Haechan looks at him with a smirk. Appearently, Mark wasn't so discreet.


"Oh...Sorry I just...",Mark clears his throat. "You look a bit too happy for someone who's going to school"


"Of course I am! Do you know how long I had to stay in bed? It was torture! It was unacceptable! It was-"


"Haechan,you were only bedridden for 3 days", Mark cuts him.


The boy pouts,"Well,it definitely felt longer"




Mark was looking forward to another peaceful day at school.But that was before he saw Jaemin greeting him and Haechan at the school gate. Alone. No Jeno.

 Oh,right, Mark thought.He's been so distracted of Haechan's well being these past couple of days that he forgot about Jeno's issue.

Haechan, who didn't know what was happening between the two, voice his question, "Where's Jeno?"

Mark swears he saw Jaemin's eyes darken for a split second before it changed back to normal. Jaemin smiled,which Mark is sure is a forced one, before replying, "Let's not mind him"


It was during math when Haechan caught on to the cold atmosphere between them. Mr.Kim was writing a question on the board but Haechan's attention was on his friends sitting a few rows in front of him.That was when he saw it.

Jeno was looking at Jaemin with a look that reminded Haechan of a kicked puppy.But it was Jaemin's reaction to it that was shocking. The pink haired gave Jeno a cold,hard glare that made the latter to look down at his own table instead. Haechan was confused.He had been gone for 3 days and came back to find his friends fighting. Seriously, what happened in those 3 days?



"They're fighting",Mark says on their way back from school.Haechan rolled his eyes.


"Yeah,I noticed.But why?"


"Jeno forgot about their anniversary and lied to Jaemin about it"


"Oh.I feel bad for Jeno", the younger said in sympathy.


"Me too.I feel like we should help them. Their our friends after all",Mark sighed.


"We should.Where does Jeno live?", determination filled him as he fished out his phone from his pocket.


"He's in this neighborhood.Why?"


But Mark's question was left unanswered. Instead,the younger was dialing someone's number and brought it to his ear.

"Jeno? Hey,where are you? At home? Can we come over? Mark and I can help you.Okay,great. Bye"

Upon looking at the confusion on Mark's face, the younger grins, "I have a plan and it's gonna work",then he takes Mark hand and starts walking again, "Now, come on.We're going to Jeno's house"

Mark was gonna protest and say he's tired but the hand holding his felt too warm and comfortable to let go so he just stayed in that state silently.




Haechan's plan was big. 


The plan is that Jeno needs to apologize to Jaemin in front of the entire school. They're going to hang a big sign that says 'I'm sorry' at a one of the buildings and then Jeno will work his own apology. They started by coming to school earlier so that they have plenty of time to work on the plan before Jaemin arrive.


Are you sure this is gonna work?",Jeno felt nervous.


"Trust me. Have you memorized your speech?",Haechan squeezed Jeno's shoulder in reassurance. The other nod.


"Then you'll be fine"


When Jaemin was seen entering the school gates,he had his head down.




Jaemin looked up in surprise,only to see a huge banner that says 'I'm sorry'  at the building and a very red and very embarrassed Lee Jeno standing in front of him.Mark and Haechan was watching them from a few feet away.A crowd was forming around them,eager to see what was going on.


"I was at fault cause I lied to you..."

Jaemin took a few steps closer until they were only a few centimetres apart,his face void of any emotions.

"And I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary,but I promise it won't hap-"

Jaemin grabbed Jeno's collar and pulled him closer before connecting their lips together, successfully cutting the boy off.Jeno was surprised for a second before kissing back. The crowd started cheering.


"Operation Nomin was a success",Haechan was proud of himself.

Mark laughed at this.

 It was finally going to be a normal school day for them



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MonstaX_EXO #1
This is sooo cute and fluffy my heart (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡
Chapter 12: It's been long since my heart goes aching from reading a story... I feel fluffy inside(´∀`)♡
Chapter 11: This is really cute ~~
LeeJiyoung_23 #4
Chapter 12: that's so sweet!! love the ending!! <3
Chapter 12: aaaa i love this so much i feel so happy with the ending uwu thank you so much for writing this love u <3
Chapter 12: I really couldn’t ask for a better ending, it was so sweet! This story has got me so emotional rn ??
laurashipssaida #7
Chapter 12: Haha c: I love this ending
Ldvs1234 #8
Chapter 11: oh my god. i wonder how they'll solve this problem :'(
Chapter 10: i love this omg