What Went Wrong

Don't Give Up On Me

Ch. 25

“It’s so dark and cold.”

A small voice spoke, the words sending out echoes within the small confines of the empty room. That would’ve been completely engulfed in darkness if it wasn’t for a small source of light sneaking its way in through the cracks of the heavily locked door to the side.

Though even with the small illumination, one could not even see the hand that is held in front of them. Fortunately the human brain is quick to adapt and after several hours in the dark one should be well adjusted as it only takes the cones in the retina of your eyes 9 minutes to adapt to the dark.

In the corner of the room, the outline of a small figure could be made out. It was sitting with its back against the corner, head buried within its arms.

A loud boom had woken the young child from its restless slumber. The child leaned its head back against the wall and sat with their legs propped up, arms resting on them.

The child is badly wounded, where exactly cannot be determined. The child’s hair is slightly shorter than shoulder length, tied in a small ponytail. Her clothes are slightly ripped where dry blood stains covered. Her arms and legs have scratches and bruises covering them; all from self-defense and trying to fight back against her kidnappers.

Being held captive for a week takes a toll on a young child’s mind. All she wishes is that she can return home to her loving family.

Amber’s POV:

How long have I been here for? I want to go home. I don’t even remember how I ended up here. I remember playing with Soojung, and then we got in a small fight, and the next thing I know I woke up here in this room with four strange men.

They tried to get me to move to another room but I refused and started kicking and screaming. I got away and made a dash for it but unfortunately I wasn’t so lucky.

Now I’m stuck in the godforsaken place. Judging by the numbers of meals they bring me I’ve come to a conclusion that this should be the start of the fourth day of my captivity.

As to why I am here?

I have no clue. The men speak Korean and I just recently moved here so my understanding of the language isn’t so well.

I got some familiar words that I made out to be Soojung’s family name and ransom; the rest made no sense and I’ve deemed it irrelevant.

Maybe if I went through what happened that afternoon I could find a reason to why I’m in this situation. Man, I hate being so perceptive at my age.


I jumped at the sudden intrusion. One of my kidnappers just burst through the door. To think after 3 days I would’ve been used to it by now.

I looked up at him as he made his way towards me with my rations on a tray. When he got close enough he squatted down and tossed the tray of food in front of me.

“Eat. We can’t afford to have you dead…yet.”

All I could do was glare at him. I stood up, balled my hands into fists, and held them down tightly against my sides. I needed to refrain myself; I can’t afford to do anything rash. This is a fight that I definitely won’t win.

“When are you going to let me go home?” I said fiercely at him.

“When your daddy pays up.” He said getting back up to make his way out.

“When my dad finds you, you’re going to go away for a long time.”

“Hmph…we’ll see about that kid.” He gave me one last look before closing the door.

I could hear the locks being secured before the footsteps of the man faded away.

I let out a heavy sigh before sitting back down. I took a piece of bread from the tray and started nibbling on it.

I gave up after a couple of bites; my appetite is gone.

I’m feeling rather sleepy again. Oh how I wish I was able to sleep on my back but every time it touches something the wound on it burns.

My eyes started getting heavier and I finally decided to succumb to it.

“…I hope Soojung isn’t too worried….” I muttered to myself before blacking out.



“Baba! Baba!” Amber called out for her father as she ran through almost everyone room in the house trying to find him.

Amber stepped out of her father’s bedroom after finding it empty. She stood motionless while trying to figure out where her father could be. The house is so big, he could be anywhere.

Then something clicked in her mind, the rose garden. Mr. Liu spends his time in the rose garden whenever he needed a quiet place to think or to get away from all the stress that comes with the company

“Baba!” Amber ran up to her father after she finally spotted him sipping from his cup reading the newspaper.

“Yes, honey?” Mr. Liu looked up from his readings.

“I’ve been searching for you everywhere. Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” Amber said pouting up at her dad.

“Ahahah, this wouldn’t be my peace and quiet time if I let everyone know where I am, now would it.” Mr. Liu chuckled at his daughter.

“I guess….Okay, hurry! Soojung’s coming over! Come one!” Amber started to pull her father up by grabbing his arm with her small arms.

She wasn’t getting anywhere as Mr. Liu was still seated and laughing at Amber’s fail attempt to move him.

“Now what does Soojung coming over and me have to with anything?”

“Oops, I forgot that Mr. Jung is coming over for a visit too.” Amber flashed her father a dorky smile at her slip-up.

“*sigh* I swear your mind only is 24-hour shrine to Soojung.” Mr. Liu smiled while getting up.

“Of course! She is my princess. Jeez, dad; get with the program.” Amber said with her hands on her hips.


Amber’s ears perked up at the sound of the doorbell.

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” Amber went running into the house as fast as she can screaming with glee.

“Ahahaha Ms. Oh, should I tell her she’s in love?” Mr. Liu asked the maid as she cleared his coffee table.

“I think she’ll figure it out on her own. She’s a bright child.”

At the park:

“Soojung? Are you okay?” Amber asked the girl in front who has a emotionless face on.


“Are you mad?”

She threw an icy glare at Amber, whom is already accustomed to it though once in a while it would freeze her on spot.

“At me?” Amber pointed at herself with a confused face on. Sometimes she just doesn’t understand her.

“No, I’m not mad at you.” Soojung said releasing a sigh.

“Then what is it? Are you not having fun? You wanted to come to the park.” Amber said poking Soojung’s cheek.

“A girl in my class called me a spoiled brat.” Soojung’s face contorted in anger when she retold the story to Amber.

“Ahahahaha is that it? You don’t need to listen to her.”


“Hmmmm?” Amber hummed as she watched the ducks from the nearby lake wobble out of the water and shaking the excess liquid off its body.

“Do you think I’m a spoiled brat?”

“Ummm…well. Yeah, but I am one too. But I wouldn’t add the brat part.”

“*sigh*” Soojung then buried her face in her arms.

“Aw, don’t be like that princess. It’s not a bad thing. Why don’t you just try smiling more? Be friendly. ” Amber said shaking her arms trying to get Soojung to look up.

No response.

“Soojung? Soojung…..Krystal? Krys? Princess?” Amber starts to get worried.

When Krystal finally looked back up her eyes are once again filled with anger.

Ugh oh. I’ve done it now.’ Amber though while gulping, seeing her impending doom in the eyes of the one they called they ‘ice princess’ of their grade.

“Are you trying to say that I’m not friendly?”

“W-w-what?! No, I mean you are really a nice person but-but you aren’t the most social with people you don’t like or when you’re shy.”

“You know it’s not easy being me, Amber. I can’t live my life carefree like you! I have standards to hold. You don’t know how it feels to be compared to your older sister at every single thing you do.”

“I’m not saying anything like that, Soojung. Why are you overreacting? It’s such a small matter.”

“It’s not a small matter to me. I don’t need you to tell me how and how I shouldn’t act. I mean look at you. Dress and act any way you like. You’re just living the good life aren’t you?”

“Soojung, we’re eight…”

“Doesn’t matter how old we are. I have standards to uphold, but you wouldn’t know anything about that would you.” Krystal let out a sarcastic laugh.

At this point Amber couldn’t take it anymore and is frustrated that Krystal could overreact over such a little harmless comment. I mean I guess knowing Soojung she takes everything to heart but she should know her well enough not to think that Amber would insult her any way.

“See that’s what I’m talking about. That attitude too; no one is going to want to be your friend if you always have this smug impression on you. And quite frankly I don’t think it’s so difficult to be you.” Amber didn’t really mean it but she was irritated.

“Oh really?” Soojung said rolling her eyes.

“Yes, really. All I have to do is ask for everything and anything that I want and look cute. Simple.”

As the two bickered they didn’t see a pair of men hiding behind a tree eyeing the two little girls.

“Which one is Jung’s daughter?” One said to the other while observing the two.

“I don’t know.”

“Well we can’t just randomly snatch one.”

“Don’t we have a photo?!”

“Yeah but we can’t see either faces.”

“Okay we’ll get closer then we’ll decide.”

The two men snuck closer to the Amber and Soojung and since they both are too immersed in their little quarrel they didn’t suspect a thing.

“Then why don’t you try doing it for a day?!” Soojung screamed in Amber’s face.

“FINE! I’m JUNG SOOJUNG!” Amber screamed out throwing her hands in the air.

“FINE, SOOJUNG!!” Soojung screamed stomping away. She then turned around wanting to say one more thing to Amber but noticed that two men in black have snuck up behind Amber.

“A-Amber! Behind you!!”

“Huh?” Amber turned around but it was too late.








(A/N:   Missed me? ^_^ <----- my friend says my eyes actually look like that when i'm smiling....

Anyways, sorry for the long wait and thank you guys for being so patient. I've just been so tired after work and school lately that i don't have the drive to write as much and as quickly as i used too.

And since this fic is going to come to an end soon, i'm planning on finishing this one before updating my other fics ('The Up's and Down's of love' and 'For the Best'...."Lingering Touch' will still be on hiatus for i don't know how long..... XD)

Well, i hope you enjoyed the first part to Amber's kidnapping. Thanks for all the comments and subs! You guys are the best!!



Comment, Subscribe, and i went to San Fran last week and it was in' AWESOME!!! Sorry i cuss too much ^^

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Next chapter should be out sunday or monday pst. Sorry and thank you for your patience!!!


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Chapter 30: Great story author
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 30: Great story thanks
King_Aston #3
Chapter 30: Woo great story author *claps*
King_Aston #4
Chapter 25: So what your homie said has a point some Christian are really homophobic like my whole family is christian and there's two types of Christian the ones who judge people really hard and the ones who love people for who ever they are and I think amber is the one who doesn't judge and it's SUPER hard when your raised Christian and your gay cause your afraid that they'll judge you and look down upon you like even if you pray to God or fight it theres just some things that don't go away so that's why I just decided to embrace it cause my mom is hella religious and if I was to tell her she would no doubt disown me but my dad's chill and he would accept me (my parents still don't know nor my family but my friends do). So basically what I'm trying to say amber could be like how I am but who knows but I really do think amber has a thing for girls but of course she could never say it cause she's a kpop idol but who knows???? Only amber knows
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 30: I re-read this too! damn author I so soo miss you that I'm re-reading all of your studies instead of doing my projects. lol. Author-nim fighting!
melovestage #6
Chapter 16: Omg I was just reading and then I saw your A/N... YOU LISTEN TO S.H.E TOO?!?! OMGGGG
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 30: Awwww this was so cute, Thank you for writing this story!!
FrozenMikael #8
Chapter 25: awesome...
Chapter 18: Who shot Amber?
Chapter 16: Amber just think Krystal