IBSW 3 - Meeting the other babysitter

I'm Babysitting with?

At the dining room after delivery had finally arrived all of us are enjoying our meal. I'm so glad actually I'm finally eating, filling up my empty stomach. I look up at Aleyna whom eating her Mcdonald like a proper princess would, as soon as she opened her small mini ice-cream tub, Yoogeun pointed at it. "I want!"
Only Aleyna actually ordered an ice-cream but she refused to share. Yoogeun pouted so adorably and stared down at his finished food. Aleyna looked at me and teasingly shook my head, "tsk tsk tsk"

I chuckled. "share maybe?" I smiled at her. Aleyna sighed and nodded, she poked Yoogeun's arm and with a spoonful of ice-cream, "say aaah~" 
Yoogeun giggled, he opened up his mouth wide as Aleyna happily fed him. What I'm seeing now is really cute! This little girl could be a good big sister to Yoogeun and Yoogeun also can be a good little brother to Aleyna.

The bell rang again this time. I wasn't expecting anyone anymore or maybe..
"Must be the other babysitter?" I asked to myself, standing up from my seat and walked to the door, opening it. Outside the door stood a tall, blonde guy. He looked scary honestly but he grinned at me.
"Is this the correct.. address?" he asked. deep voice wow
He showed me a paper written with this house's address, "Yes and excuse me, who are you?" 
"My name is Bang Youngguk" he bowed and so I bowed back at him, giving him my friendly smile.

"Are you the second babysitter?"

He chuckled and rubbed his nape "Not really.. that second babysitter is currently inside the car" he pointed the silver car behind him.

"Isn't he coming out?" 

"Wait a minute.." he ran back to the car and opened the door revealing another blonde guy curling up into a ball inside the car. Youngguk tried pulling him out from the car but some reason the other guy seemed be.. scared. There were alot of shouting but it was unclear. I blinked and tilted my head. 
Youngguk successfully dragged the other guy out from the car, he carried the guy onto his shoulder.

"Hey! Let me go!" the other guy exclaimed.

"No way Junhongie. You promised your father" Youngguk put the guy onto the sofa.

"I broke promises!" He cried.

"Not today" The deep-voiced man patted his back. Jeez


Aleyna and Yoogeun rushed into the living room when they heard shouting. That Junhongie guy is calm now.
"I don't like children.." he finally said.

I was just shocked when he said those words so easily and infront of the kids. 
"No.. don't say that infront of the kids." I tried to stay calm.

Junhongie looked at me with a deathly stare,
"And I don't like annoying girls. " He shot back and that just made me angry but I tried to stay calm. be calm. tsk. 

"Choi Junhong! Don't say like that!" Youngguk scolded him. So his name is Choi Junhong huh?

Junhong stood up and ran into the corner, sitting down or much like curling up into a ball again like he did inside the car.

"I'm sorry about that , I'll bring Junhong's stuffs inside" 

I nodded at him and he quickly run outside and bringing back a bunch of Junhong's bags. 

"I'm done, Bye now! Junhong, Please be nice" Youngguk saluted; walking ouside.

"W-what.. No! Don't leave me here hyung! hyung..? HYUNG! HYUNGGGG!!!!!" The guy in the corner yelled, pleading Youngguk not to leave. 
I calmly approach Junhong like a jungle guy trying to approach a wild lion. A cute wild lion I must say since he have that baby-face.

"Please go away!" The lion growled at me, entering his "territory". 

"Dummy, calm down." slowly taming this lion.

Trying to be friends with this lion is the hard step. "My name is Jia, are you.. hungry?" I bent down to him and smiled. 

"Uh.. I don't care! No, I'm not hungry!" a sound of growling from Junhong's stomach made me giggled a little.

"Yah!" He shouted, clearly embarrassed.

"I'll share my Mcdonald meal with you" 

"No ! Too icky and.." He was gonna continue when his stomach growled again

"Fine, I'll eat ALLL of it myself then" I smirked and walk right back to the table, teasing him 

"Wait! I want to eat! I'm h-hungry.." 
Lion successfully tamed.

He followed me into the dining room but he suddenly froze. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pointed at Aleyna and Yoogeun.

"WOAH what are you doing?!" I yelled


"They won't bite you you know."

I gently slapped his hand that's wrapped around my waist. He let go off me but I laughed at him since he's afraid of kids. Junhong scrunched his nose.

I took a seat next to Aleyna who's finished with her food. "Noona!" Yoogeun called my name.
"Who's that?" he pointed at something next to me. It's Junhong; squatting down, hiding from either Yoogeun or Aleyna.
I took another Happy Meal from the plastic and set it next to Yoogeun.
"This is Junhong hyung." I replied to the little boy's question.

Junhong dude cleared his throat, "No. Only my close friends or family members call me that. Call me.. Zelo. And where's my food?"
Zelo is such an odd name but since he explained that.
"There, next to Yoogeun" I pointed at the meal I have set earlier. "It's either starve or eat eheh"
Zelo guy had no choice so he "bravely" sat next to Yoogeun and he's finally eating.

Few minutes have passed, I had to clean up Yoogeun and Aleyna's hands and mouth from eating their meal. They dried their mouth and hands on their own with a dry towel on the counter.

"Now Yoogeun, Aleyna , Go play at the living room" I smiled at them
and they nodded.
"Come on Yoogeun-ah! Let's watch Pororo!" 




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tryingtobecool #1
Chapter 35: when are you going to update sooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?? T^T
Daelo13 #2
Pls pls update soon.
pls update^^ love your fanfic soooo much ^^
AllyZe #4
Chapter 42: Update woon pleaseeeeeee :3333
Chapter 43: pls update soon~ i love your fanfic :)
Chapter 43: update soon~!! ^^
hyogyeong #7
Chapter 43: the kids is so adorable x)
Jongkey804 #8
Chapter 43: Awwww~ They kids are so cute hehehe

where is zelo?!?!
Chapter 43: Oh.......... cuteness over load OTL
Chapter 43: They are soooo cute...a young love

Did Zelo went to find Jia? Did he heard Ren's confession?