It looked like a normal day to the five friends. Hakyeon, Jaehwan, Wonshik, Hongbin and Sanhyuk were in the forest as they were taking a walk like they did a lot. It was on a Summer night and it already started to become dark.

''Guys, we should hurry. It's about to become dark and all of you know how scared I am for darkness.'' Wonshik said and the four men nodded. Wonshik was scared for the darkness as long as they could remember. To Wonshik, he was scared for it since he was a toddler. Wonshik always believed monsters were living inside his room and it always had chased him as the years went by.

Hakyeon and Hongbin grabbed the flashlights out of Jaehwan's bag and handed over the lights to each other. They always had flashlights with them in case of something was happening or if they got lost somewhere.

In the forest, it was quiet. Not many people walked through the forest and the five friends loved to walk through the forest with less people around, because they could talk about everything.

The five friends knew each other since kindergarten and they also went to the same schools by coincidence. And whenever someone was crying or just needed support, the other friends were there.

Some birds were singing a song and Jaehwan hummed along to it. Jaehwan did that a lot and none of the four friends were even bothered by that, because Jaehwan's humming also killed the silence whenever people weren't around them.

In the distance, the five friends heard some voices and it sounded as if two elderly women were in the neighbourhood. This forest was very popular by elderly people and lots of them visited the forest everyday. But also, lots of elderly people were murdered in this forest and no one ever knew what was going on. The last murder that was commited in this forest, was 5 years ago. After the last murder, no one ever noticed a thing about the killer and the loved ones of the victims never got some rest. Until this day, they were still having questions that remained unanswered.

But as soon as Hakyeon listened a bit better, his eyes widen and he looked at his other friends.

''Guys, I don't think that I hear any elderly women coming our way. I think I heard some strong male voices and I have no idea where they come from, so we have to watch out and stay close.'' Hakyeon whispered and the four men nodded when said this.

The five friends started to walk faster, but it didn't work out. Because the voices kept coming their way and it scared the hell out of Wonshik, he basically started to whine and it was Sanhyuk who giggled.

''Oh come on Wonshik, they will be gone soon. So let's run.'' Sanhyuk said and Wonshik nodded, before the five friends indeed started to run. They kept running and running, until they had to stop and to catch some air. Fortunately for them, the voices had disappeared and they grabbed each other's hand to hold each other tight.

Just then, it's Hakyeon who hears some leaves rustle and he was looking around him to see where the rustle was coming from. But too bad for him, he couldn't see at first where it was coming from.

Right after the rustle stopped, the five friends looked around them and they screamed when they saw a dark figure standing in front of him with some dark figures behind him.

''Shh, don't scream. People will wonder why you screamed.'' the figure said and it was clearly a man, Hakyeon thought that he sounded like a man of his age, about 24.

The figure looked up and he looked very young, but like Hakyeon's age. The figures behind him looked up aswell and Wonshik could tell that they looked like guards.

''Who are you and what are you doing here?'' Sanhyuk asked and the other four nodded when Sanhyuk asked his question, as if they wanted to ask him the same thing. The man smiled weak and giggled, before he took off his hoodie and giggled. It sounded like a devilish giggle, but the five friends weren't sure.

''Don't you know who I am? I am the king of the vampires, a creature that looked like a mythical and non-existing creature to you humans. I am King Taekwoon, nice to meet you all.'' the young man introduced himself and bowed, quickly followed by the men behind him.

The five friends looked at each other in surprised, but bowed back at this so called king. Why did he call himself the king of the vampires? Vampires don't even exist, not to the five friends at least.

''And what exactly are you doing here?'' Hakyeon continued to ask and Taekwoon stepped forward, before he bared his fang causing to scare the hell out of Wonshik.

''I am looking around for some an area to claim. And I wanted to meet some humans who could tell me more about this place, by coincidence we found the five of you. So show me around here, will you?'' Taekwoon growled a bit and the five friends nodded immediately. They were scared, but they couldn't show that to Taekwoon. They didn't know who this was, so they had to be careful with him.

Taekwoon stepped towards Hakyeon and smiled when he stood across from Hakyeon, before placing a hand on Hakyeon's shoulder.

''And I want you to be my guide, you have the face for it to show me around.'' Taekwoon said and Hakyeon's eyes widen. This vampire king was already claiming him? Well, it was just for a small tour for now. But what would he do if the two would get into a conversation about something else? Would Taekwoon claim Hakyeon and take Hakyeon with him? Was Hakyeon going to be a vampire? Or was Hakyeon going to be killed? Hakyeon didn't know and didn't even wanted it to know. He wanted this vampire gone as soon as possible and Hakyeon didn't care that Taekwoon was a king. He was from a dangerous kind.

A/N I wrote this one as it came up in my mind while I listened to Shadow by VIXX. I will use this idea in Out Of Touch, as it was a bit meant for that story. But I at least you guys like it. And I wrote this one within 25 minutes, while I usually take an hour or so for something haha.

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