Usual Afternoon

Our Love Was Hidden Until A Miracle Happened

Hey guys sorry I've been really busy :P

Anyways on with the update :D

Your Pov

After I opened the door and got my usual hugs from everyone. There sooooooo cute! I sat on my couch and the tv hoping spongebob was on. I laid back and flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. Taemin was sleeping on my lap, like he usually does and I pet his head. Minho came out of no where, with his leash in his mouth, and jumped on my knees. Minho was barking like crazy while he wagged his tail. "Alright, alright Minho we can go for our walk now" I said. Minho jumped off my knees and ran towards the door. I gently picked  Taeminnie up and placed him on the couch while I got off. I grabbed my jacket and walked towards the door. I put on my jacket then leaned down towards Minho. I placed his leash on and opened the door. I waved Key, Onew, Jonghyun, and sleeping Taeminnie goodbye then closed the door and locked it.

I held onto Minho's leash as he walked forward. I breathed on my hands to warm them up since it was freezing. Dang, how can Minho stand this freezing temperature?! I continued to shiver a little. It's so cold...I suddenly saw someone real familiar. Oh no, not him. Him! Him of all people! I quickly tried to pass him hoping he doesn't see me...spoke too soon. I suddenly felt a hand grab my arm "Huh is that you ~~~~~?" Great..."Oh h-hey Joon-sshi" I said nervously. Minho stopped walking and starred at me and then at Joon. "You son't have to be so formal. Just Joon 'kay?" I nodded and started to walk again. "Oh hey wait! ~~~~~ I'm really bored do you wanna hang out or something?" Joon asked me. I started to blush a little, "Uhh I'm in the middle of walking my dog now" I replied looking down at Minho. "Come on, just leave the dog and hang with me! I'm pretty sure this dog can fend for himself" Joon said. "B-but he's my dog. He's my responsibility" I said almost screaming. "Hmph so your saying. Your time with this dog is more important then your time with me?" Joon asked glaring at me. "Y-yes!" I hesitantly said and ran away as fast as I could.

Joon Pov

W-What the hell just happened here...Sh-she turned me down! OMG THIS IS TOTALLY GOING TO RUIN MY IMAGE IF THIS LEAKS OUT. I started to panic a little and quickly walked back to Seungho and the others. I was greeted my Mir first "Yah! where the heck did you go?!" he screamed at me. "Yeah you took so long, we went and got icecream already" Thunder said his icecream. "Awww no fair! Why didn't you guy's buy me one?!" I yelled pouting. I sighed "Nevermind. Anyway guy's you won't believe who I bumped into just now" I started. "Who?" Seungho asked. "It was ~~~~~!" I screamed sounding like a fanboy. "Oh that hot antisocial chick" Seungho said. "So, you asked her out?" G.O asked wiggling his eyebrows. "WHAT?! Why would I ask her out?" I asked curiously. "Cause, we know how you are you can't resist a hot chick even if she is an antisocial one" Thunder said. I gasped "There's no way I'm ever going to ask her out again" I said bluntly "AGAIN?!" they all screamed " to go!" I screamed and quickly started to walk home.

Onew Pov

Where is ~~~~~ and Minho? They should be back by now. It's almost nine o' clock. Minho if ~~~~~ get's a cold because you wanted your stupid walk, your so dead! I waited patiently on the couch until ~~~~~ and Minho came home. Key was too busy trying to tidy up the house so he hadn't notice the time. Taemin was a little more...restless, literally. Taemin never stays up this late but he can't sleep unless ~~~~~ is at least a foot away from him. I looked around and saw that Jonghyun wasn't in the living room. I guess he must be sleeping now.

I got off the couch and walked over towards the door to find a shoe to gnaw on. While I was searching for shoe the door suddenly opened, it was ~~~~~ and Minho. I looked up and saw ~~~~~'s terrified face. Oh great, something bad must have happened. ~~~~~ never makes that kind of face without something happening. I walked over to Minho "Hey, Minho did anything happened?" I asked. Minho turned to me and said "Not much but we ran a lot though. I think ~~~~~ is tired. Should we put her to bed?". I shook my head "We should, but I meant like anything bad happening. ~~~~~ look's terrified right now" I said. "Oh wait! On our walk through the park we did meet up with this dude. I think his name was Joon or something" Minho replied. Suddenly, something in my mind just went click. 'Joon! No wonder! He's the dude ~~~~~ mentions everyday in our little daily talks!' I thought.

I saw ~~~~~ took off her jacket and shoes. She unhooked Minho's leash and he ran towards the couch. I saw ~~~~~ sigh and walk up to her room. I know that sigh, it's the sigh she makes right before we have our little talks. Even though I'm not the one who's talking. I quickly ran up to her room and I saw she left the door open. I walked in an climbed onto the bed next to her.

Your Pov

God, I just want to go to sleep right now. I walked up to my room and left the door open for Onew to walk in. I waited for a couple minutes and sat on my bed. I suddenly saw Onew walk in and climb on my bed. I pulled Onew towards me and sat him on my lap facing me. "Hey Onew. I met Joon-sshi today" I started. I saw Onew start to get a little agitated so I started to rub his head, he always likes it when I do that. "You know, when I saw him he asked me out. But I said no. He's probably going to start another rumour about me again" I said. Onew looked up at me and my face trying to calm me down. "If only you can talk. Then maybe you can tell me what to do" I said looking down at him. I tried to keep my serious face but I couldn't. I started to chuckle lightly "Like that could ever happen. Oh well, it's getting late I'm going to sleep. Onew go tell the others to sleep too okay?" I asked and he nodded.

I placed Onew down on the ground and watched him walk out the door. I quickly changed into my pajamas and leaped onto my bed. I placed the covers around me and turned off the light. All that running made me tired and I quickly fell asleep.

Key Pov

Few! Tidying up the house is hard work without thumbs! I layed down on the couch with Minho to relax a little. My relaxation vibe broke when I suddenly heard a bark. Me and Minho jumped up and we looked behind the couch...SDJVNKNDCJSNNSKCNASODCNJNVKSNDVKJN! "JONGHYUN!" I screamed. That freaking dog is barking in his sleep! He's totally ruining my relaxation time. I saw Jonghyun wake up and ran away from the couch. "GET BACK HERE!" I continued to chase him around the living room until Onew came down the stairs and yelled "YAH! ~~~~~ IS SLEEPING YOU KNOW!" Me and Jonghyun stopped running and started to feel guilty.

Onew came down the stairs and sat on the couch. I walked up to him and said "So how's ~~~~~? While I was cleaning I took a couple glances at ~~~~~ when she came home. She doesn't look too good". Onew sighed "Yeah on Minho's walk they met up with this Joon guy. ~~~~~ doesn't seem to like him" he said. "Hmm maybe we should go sleep with ~~~~~ tonight?" I asked looking at the rest of them. They nodded especially Taemin who quickly ran to ~~~~~'s room.

We slowly followed Taemin only to see him already underneath ~~~~~'s arm. We all took our usual positions when ~~~~~ and us use to sleep on the same bed when she was little. Taemin underneath her arm, Me at her feet, Jonghyun on her left, Onew on her right, and Minho at the side of her bed on the floor.

Normal Pov

While ~~~~~ was sleeping happily she doesn't know what her little dogs were thinking of, which will probably change her life forever. 'I wish I was human. I want to be your happiness' they all thought and eventionally fell asleep by your side.


So how was it :3

sorry If I haven't updated in a long long while. I've been getting too much homework and quizes at school. Plus I'm getting real lazy these days -.-

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Chapter 7: plssssssssss update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakura_24 #2
Chapter 7: It should have been reversed for taemin and Minho lol
Chapter 7: XD omo i bet minho was a pretty lady

and thank youuu for updating!!!!
jeyoun #4
Chapter 6: updat update authornim xD
tinnew #5
Chapter 4: new reader here..update please i'm loving this story kekek...Taemin -ah why so cute >.< .. <3
kpop_luv #6
Chapter 4: Interesting story plz continue
Chapter 3: oh soo cute update soon
dear_kpop #8
Aww this is so cuuuuteeee! Please update....
Awwww please update this!!!!!this is the cutest story I have read this week!
vikKiBeoMin #10
Especially Taemin~^^

Update soon!