The Confession

searching for that broken moon's other half

“You what?”

Chanyeol heard Baekhyun sigh at the other end of the line. “I knew you'd freak out.”

“No , Baekhyun. Where are you now? Are you okay?” Chanyeol searched for Junmyeon, and his fiance's secretary quickly came to him. “Baekhyun got into accident,” he informed the man.

“He what?”

“Did you just tell Junmyeon? , great.” Baekhyun groaned. It wasn’t out of irritation. He sounded like he was… in pain. “I'm okay. Just hit my head a little bit, I think. But I swear I'm fine. I'm on a taxi now. I'll be there in five.”

“What the hell? You should be on the way to the hospital, not here.”

Chanyeol's mind was reeling, while Baekhyun stayed silent.

“.” He gritted his teeth. There was something amiss with this situation but Chanyeol couldn't pinpoint it. “I'm gonna wait for you in the lobby.”

“You don't have to.”

“Shut up, Baekhyun. Just--” Chanyeol raked his fingers through his perfectly styled hair. He couldn't care less about the interview anymore. And Joohyun seemed to catch that as she excused herself to the media, informing them that the interview was unfortunately cancelled.

Good. Chanyeol didn't have time to think about such a trivial thing when his fiance was involved in a freaking accident and was on the way here.

“I've arrived,” Baekhyun said, followed by the sound of a door being opened and unfamiliar voice of a man saying let me help you, sir.

Chanyeol started running toward the elevator. “Wait for me there.”

“Okay.” His voice was too weak, and Chanyeol didn’t like it. And with that, Baekhyun ended the phone call.

The elevator ride felt agonizingly long. Chanyeol couldn’t stop tapping his shoes while his fists couldn’t stop shaking on his side. His eyes trained to the numbers on the top of the elevator door, waiting for the letter L to light up.

Beside him, Junmyeon was clearly losing his too. Chanyeol knew how awful his fiance’s secretary must’ve felt right now. After all, his boss got into accident just when he wasn’t with him.

As soon as the elevator dinged and the door opened, Chanyeol with Junmyeon on his tail rushed out and immediately he spotted Baekhyun sitting on the sofa, surrounded by two of the security building and a man wearing taxi driver uniform. Strangely, his hands were grabbing his head.

Something was clearly wrong.

Chanyeol took no time to shove everyone away, getting to his fiance and crouching down in front of him.

“Hey.” He touched Baekhyun’s cheek, forcing him to look up. “Are you okay?”

He wasn’t, Chanyeol could clearly see it now. Baekhyun’s face was bordering pale and his eyes were unfocused.

“Sir, excuse me, I was the one who brought him here,” the taxi driver stepped forward. The old man actually looked concern, which meant this situation was just as bad as Chanyeol expected. “I saw the accident, and after the police came and took his statement, this young man asked me to take him here. The police and I already offered him to go to the hospital, but he refused.”

“ing hell, Byun Baekhyun.” Chanyeol looked at his fiance with incredulous eyes. “Why would you do that?”

“We have interview appointment,” Baekhyun uttered it like it was an obvious fact. But the way his lips gradually paled along with the beads of sweat started showing on his forehead, gave away the fact that his fiance was starting to doubt himself that this was might be bad after all.

“I’m… really fine,” Baekhyun breathed out as he slumped further, as if the gravity was so strong it pulled him down, making him unable to keep his body up any longer.

It was terrifying how things could go downhill in a spare of seconds.

One second Baekhyun was sitting in front of him, and the next his fiance already fell limp into his hands.

With his heart in his throat, brain short-circuited, Chanyeol felt his body shut down for a second as he saw Baekhyun’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, before he finally came to his sense. “, , somebody call the ambulance!”

It was one of his security who moved, running toward the lobby, making the emergency phonecall.

Then Junmyeon crouched beside Chanyeol. “Hold his head. Don’t let it move. He probably hit his head or neck.”

Chanyeol’s mind went blank. “Concussion?”

“Hopefully only mild concussion.” Junmyeon’s tone was quiet, but Chanyeol knew better. The secretary tried to be calm and rational in this situation, because clearly Chanyeol had lost the ability to. “Baekhyun, can you hear me?”

Then Chanyeol heard the frail sound of his fiance’s voice. “... ch… yeol…”

“I’m here,” Chanyeol rasped, his hand rubbed up and down his back, trying to ease him. “You’re okay, you’re alright. I’m here.”

His response became slower after that. “... wanna……”

Junmyeon nodded. “Yeah, this is definitely concussion. Can someone get a plastic bag?”

The other security rushed to the receptionist desk, and only then Chanyeol realized that there had been more people around them, trying to watch what happened. When the security came back with a plastic bag, he handed it to Junmyeon, who held it near Baekhyun’s mouth.

“Just puke if you can’t bear it, okay? Let it out,” Junmyeon said, his voice was so soothing in the midst of this tense situation. “Stay calm. Keep breathing.”

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun shudder, his shoulders heaved up and down.

Junmyeon kept going. “Try to breathe from your nose. Come on, breathe with me. In… and out…”

Chanyeol didn’t know how long it went on. What he knew was that he tried his best to hold Baekhyun’s body, supporting his neck and head carefully, while Junmyeon kept talking to Baekhyun, distracting him from passing out.

Before he knew, Chanyeol heard a set of hurried steps stumbled into the building and in a second, paramedics surrounded them. Chanyeol didn’t know what happened until he realized that Baekhyun was no longer in his arms, and he saw Junmyeon along with the taxi driver were asked by the paramedics about the basic questions.

How long has it been since he hit his head or snap his neck? Did he lose consciousness? Did he throw up?

Junmyeon and the taxi driver answered the questions perfectly. Good. If they asked Chanyeol, he wouldn’t be able to answer at all.

It was like he was moving in autopilot because suddenly he was inside the ambulance with Baekhyun and they moved toward where Chanyeol assumed was the hospital.


“Mr. Park, this is mineral water for you.”

Chanyeol opened his eyes just to see a water bottle right in front of his eyes. His secretary, Joohyun, handed it to him, with her eyes full of concern. Chanyeol took the bottle. His hands still shook, but at least he could take and hold the bottle well this time.

Joohyun sat next to him and fell silent. She had been accompanying him in the hallway outside the room Baekhyun was being treated for the past two hours, while Junmyeon took care of everything. Chanyeol understood a little from what Joohyun had relayed to him, that Junmyeon went to the police station to know what really happened at the accident site.

Chanyeol was so thankful. He reminded himself to thank the guy later when he at least could function normally.

“The news already spread,” Joohyun spoke beside him. “About Mr. Baekhyun’s accident.”

Chanyeol didn’t even have the strength to raise his voice. “What?”

“Remember the media in our office that supposed to do the exclusive interview. They revealed the news. The fiance of Park Chanyeol from Parkson Corporation got into terrible accident. That’s what they said.”

Chanyeol shook his head. “Can you take care of it, Joohyun?”

“Of course.” Joohyun was about to get up, but she stopped. “But are you okay, Mr. Park?”

“Yeah, just go.”

She got up and left, but not without patting her boss at the back.

Now that he was left alone, Chanyeol let himself sink deeper into his thought and be miserable. He almost broke when he saw Baekhyun go limp in his hands, and he hadn’t recovered from the shock. It was weird, so weird that he reacted so violently when he realized that Baekhyun’s life and his well-being was in danger. His brain was drown by the fact that he could lose Baekhyun anytime, any second, and it scared him to death.

Chanyeol knew now that Baekhyun was okay. It was only mild concussion caused by the sudden jerk of his neck and head when his car made an impact with other car. The symptoms came late, that was why Baekhyun felt fine at first before his brain slowly shutting down, leaving him feeling dazed and nauseous.

It was only mild concussion but Chanyeol already felt like he was the one feeling like dying. If Baekhyun was ever in the worse condition than that, Chanyeol could never imagine what he’d become.

He didn’t know how much time had passed when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Raising his head, he found a female doctor with her nurse behind her. Chanyeol immediately got up.

“Doctor,” he bowed slightly.

The doctor smiled. “You’re Mr. Byun Baekhyun’s family I supposed?”

“I’m his fiance, yes.”

“Okay. We already ran some tests, and we’re glad to inform you there is nothing wrong with the patient’s central nervous system. The CT scan and MRI also ruled out bleeding or other serious brain injury. With this, he doesn’t have to be hospitalized and can just rest at home. But, take a note that the symptoms, especially nausea and dizziness will probably linger for another twenty hours or so. Just make sure that he doesn’t move much to avoid the chance of having a second concussion. We’ll prescribe medicine so the patient could rest more comfortably. Do you have any questions?”

Chanyeol shook his head, numbly. He felt dumb for not having questions, but his brain just hadn’t caught up with anything.

The doctor nodded with her default smile still adorned her face. “Okay then, the nurse will get the medicines, and you’re free to see your fiance, Mr. Park.”

“Thank you.” Chanyeol felt himself nodded before he saw the pair of doctor and nurse left walked away down the hall.

He didn’t wait another minute to enter Baekhyun’s room. The room wasn’t big, and it didn’t look near what Chanyeol expected to be. No machine or wires. Just Baekhyun, sitting with his back leaning on the head bed, his neck and head were supported by a stack of white pillow. He looked out of place in this hospital room, Chanyeol thought.

But he looked better. So much better that Chanyeol couldn’t help but choking out a sigh of relief. “Baekhyun.”

His fiance opened his eyes, and Chanyeol could see that he was still sluggish, but he gave a lazy smile for Chanyeol nonetheless. “Hey,” he croaked out.

“Babe,” Chanyeol sauntered toward the best where Baekhyun laid. Suddenly the urge to hug him was so strong, but Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun couldn’t be moved too much. “How are you?”

Baekhyun hummed. “Weird. My head kinda hurts,” he said, his hand reached for Chanyeol’s. “I don’t feel really good.”

“That’s what happen when you don’t go to the hospital immediately after you crashed,” Chanyeol’s tone got sharper without him noticing.

Baekhyun frowned. “Well, I was feeling okay and I wasn’t hurt physically so I thought…,” he sighed. “Alright, I admit I’m an idiot.”

“Good. Cause you are.”

Smiling gradually, Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol so the latter took a seat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry, forgive me.”

“You scared the hell out of me.”

“I can see. I bet my color is better than you right now. You look terrible.”

“And whose fault is that?”

“The person who crashed into me?”

Chanyeol groaned. “God, don’t even remind me of that. I can’t believe you got into a freaking car accident, and you didn’t call me.”

“It wasn’t that serious.” Baekhyun shrugged.

“And look where you are at right now.”

“It was just a mild concussion, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol shook his head. His fiance was stubborn, and while it was one of his endearing traits that Chanyeol loved about him, it frustrated him when it came out in a time like this.

“Baekhyun, please don’t say that.” Chanyeol the soft of Baekhyun’s cheek. It was so delicate, so fragile, reminding Chanyeol that his fiance could break any time. “Don’t say just so casually like that. It’s not just a just to me, or to anyone that care about you. Seeing you hurt, in pain, the thought of you leaving me… that, I can’t handle it.”

Maybe it was the accumulated stress and fear from the whole ordeal, or maybe it was the gloomy atmosphere of the hospital, but Chanyeol was feeling so vulnerable, so afraid. He didn’t want to let go.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun started. His eyes were still a little unfocused yet they were so warm. “You know I felt bad for making you worried. I know you care for me. I mean, if someone I like got into accident too, I also will--”

“Like?” Chanyeol was flabbergasted. The edge of his lips was pulled upward followed by a dark chuckle. “You think I like you? Byun Baekhyun, I’m ing in love with you. And even that is an understatement. If I only like you, I wouldn’t react like this.”

Baekhyun blinked and Chanyeol could see tears started to pool in his eyes. “What?”

“God.” Chanyeol cupped his cheeks. “Damn you, I didn’t plan to confess in a hospital, but I love you, Baekhyun. I’ve been in love with you since ten years ago and not even one day has passed without me feeling that way. You were constantly on my mind, and not just the passing oh I wonder how’s Byun Baekhyun doing nowadays , but I genuinely thought about what are you doing, are you healthy, are you happy, where do you live. You’re always with me, in my mind.”

“So understand when I acted like this, out of my head worried about you, it’s because I fear to lose you again, Baekhyun. It’s a constant feeling gnawing in me every single day.”

A fresh tear rolled down Baekhyun’s cheek. Chanyeol caught it, but soon it was replaced by another one, and another one, and another one. “You…” Baekhyun sobbed. “You love…”

Baekhyun couldn’t continue his words, so Chanyeol kissed him. It was only a mere touch to his lips but Chanyeol poured out all of his feelings into that single desperate kiss.

I love you I love you I love you.

When he pulled away, still with his hands cupping the crying man’s face, Chanyeol realized that he was also starting to cry. “Don’t cry,” he chuckled. “Come on, baby, don’t cry, you’ll hurt your head again like this.”

“I don’t even…” Baekhyun stopped to take a breath. “... know why I cry. You love me…”

Baekhyun uttered it like it was a statement, and Chanyeol smiled in relief because it meant Baekhyun get it. Baekhyun understood. He knew that Chanyeol was telling the truth.

“How could I not?” Chanyeol laughed and kissed his fiance once again, soft and sweet. “This relationship, it was never just a contract or deal for me, Baekhyun. Even from the start, I’m all in.”

Baekhyun closed his eyes, and for a few seconds, he looked like he was going to sob. But then he opened his eyes, they were bloodshot and exhausted, yet still the most beautiful depth Chanyeol had ever had the opportunity to be drawn in. “Thank you, Chanyeol. I’m… I want you to know--”

“Hey,” Chanyeol shushed him, shaking his head. “You don’t have to say it back. I was stupid enough for blubbering it out in this situation. But you don’t have to force yourself to catch up to me.”

Baekhyun only looked at him, probably trying to process his words. His nose looked so red it almost looked cute when he finally nodded.


Since Baekhyun needed to be watched for at least the next twenty four hours, Chanyeol insisted to have him stay over at his place for the night. After the exhausting day, both physically and mentally, they got ready for bed in silent. It was awkward, but Chanyeol had to admit it was a welcomed one.

This wouldn’t be the first time they slept together in one bed. There was that time when they stayed at Baekhyun’s parents house. But this was the first time they did it after Chanyeol confessed his undying love for his fiance. And he knew the awkwardness was a given.

However, they were too tired. Baekhyun was too out of it, and Chanyeol was too affectionate so they found themselves in each other’s arms pretty easily and naturally.

Before he knew it, Baekhyun already curled up to him after he took his medicine. Chanyeol prepared a basin by his bed just in case Baekhyun wanted to throw up because of his nausea.

“Wake me up if you feel sick, okay?”

His eyes already closed, but Baekhyun still nodded. His nose was buried in Chanyeol’s chest and his hand clutched onto his waist. “Tomorrow...” he mumbled. “... we’ll talk again.”


“But I think....” Baekhyun’s grip on him tightened. “... I want to be all in, too.”

His words were slurred, but Chanyeol caught the fondness in them. They made his heart hurt because it felt so much. “Okay, Baekhyun,” he answered. “Thank you.”


The alarm sound hit his ears like a goddamn train just passed right beside him. Chanyeol jolted awake and cursed loudly as he felt the room spinning by the sudden movement of his and the bright light of morning sun. He heard Baekhyun groan, still in his hold, and that was the second surprise of the day.

He totally forgot about Baekhyun.

“,” Chanyeol shook the sleepiness in him. “Babe, I’m sorry. Are you okay? Is your head hurt?”

Baekhyun didn’t answer, and Chanyeol almost thought that there was something wrong before he heard the faintest mumble from his fiance. “‘m fine. Turn off the alarm, please.”

Only then Chanyeol realized his surrounding again. The sun was obviously already up high in the sky, and he realized that it wasn’t the sound of his alarm, but his ring tone. He picked up his phone and the screen showed unknown number. He was adamant to answer it at first, but thought the better of it since it was probably important.

Speaking of important, he needed to talk to Junmyeon about what he had found yesterday.

“Hello?” he answered the phone.

“Oh, great, you finally picked up, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol frown. “I’m sorry, who… wait, is this Mrs. Byun?”

“Yes, sweetheart. Oh my God, finally I could reach one of you. I was so worried.”

, he had done it, hadn’t he? What kind of son-in-law was he for not contacting the parents of his spouse when something bad like this happened?

“Ma’am, I’m so, so sorry. I have no excuse, but yesterday was so--”

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, darling. I saw the news, but I already knew he was okay from his secretary. But I just really wanted to know how the two of you doing.”

Chanyeol’s heart clenched when he heard that Mrs. Byun wasn’t only worried about her son, but also him. A mere nobody. “Baekhyun is fine, Ma’am. It was mild concussion.”

“And you? It must’ve been difficult for you too.”

Chanyeol laughed nervously. “I was a little rattled, but I’m fine now. We’re okay.”

“Alright,” the woman released a pent-up breath. “I’m glad, then. Please call your mom too, Chanyeol. She’s so worried.”

“Yes, of course.”

“And thank you for making sure he was safe, sweetheart. Thank you so much.”

That almost done it. His throat hurt from holding himself from crying. The phonecall was ended before Chanyeol could reply her. When he looked to his side, Baekhyun was already awake, albeit still laying down on his back.

“Is that my mom?”

“Yeah,” Chanyeol laid his head on his fiance’s chest. “How are you?”

Baekhyun was playing with his hair when he answered. “I told you I’m fine.”

“I just realized something,” Chanyeol mumbled. “If something happened to you, everyone would come to me. And I’m sure it was also the other way around.”

“What’s your point?”

“I just realized that we are a couple.”

“You sound awed.”

“Of course I am.” Chanyeol rolled so he could face his fiance. Baekhyun looked so soft in the morning, Chanyeol would never get tired of it. “Good morning.”

Baekhyun laughed. “Do you remember what I said last night?”


“I’m going to try, Chanyeol. I’m all in, too.”

Yesterday, Baekhyun was a mess. This morning it was Chanyeol’s turn. There was nothing that Chanyeol wanted more than hearing that sentence out of Baekhyun’s mouth. He hugged Baekhyun’s torso and buried his face on his fiance’s shirt, letting his tears flowed freely.

They stayed like that for the longest time. By the time Chanyeol finally raised his head while still sniffling, Baekhyun laughed at him, but he was looking at him with a stare that made Chanyeol ridiculously special.

Chanyeol wanted to stay in bed, hugging and cuddling with his fiance, ignoring the rest of the world. But he knew he needed to go, especially when Junmyeon’s call broke the comfortable in the room.

Baekhyun was confused as to why his secretary was calling him. But in the end he let Chanyeol go to the other room to answer the call.

“Hello? Junmyeon, how is it?”

“Mr. Park, I think we need to meet. I found something strange.”

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ververthesecret #1
Chapter 3: the mutual pinning is too much :( i did expect it to be somewhat angsty because that's what pinning about but i never thought it affected me that much. we went from romcom whenever chanbaek met but when the story is from their own povs and or the flashbacks it had such an opposite mood and tone :(
ververthesecret #2
Chapter 1: wow, it's only the beginning and it's already interesting! and... I really like it when the present interleaved with past scenes like this, it helps explain the story well.
174 streak #3
Chapter 13: Don't want this to end 🥺
174 streak #4
Chapter 12: I am melting ❤
174 streak #5
Chapter 11: "I'm all in, too" - Baekhyun

Skrt,skrt ❤
174 streak #6
Chapter 9: How come this hasn't got featured?
174 streak #7
Chapter 1: Owww this is really interesting 😲
Babybaek4chan #8
Chapter 13: Wow this story is so good. I can't stop reading it. And what matters is both chanyeol and baekhyun are happy together. Thx
NCFR36 #9
It's finally finished ;~; I can read it now
Chapter 13: Waah this was really good, they've come a long way since that time ten years ago and it's really nice to see their relationship grow. I enjoyed reading this, it was fun. Thank you for writing this *^^*