Take Chance

Music of the Heart
2hours later and now tidying up the set, Sean approached the musicians clapping his hands giving them praises.
“Wow! That was awesome guys”.
“You all sounded great. Like a professionals”.
“Well done!”
Everyone turned and thanked Him and went back to continue their work.
Zach walking towards Sean direction bowed and started talking in Korean.
“Anneoyounghasayeo sunbaenim”.
“Anneoyounghasayeo Zach-ssi. You guys were really good tonight. But I thought you were one of the vocalists?” Sean asked.
“Cause’ the video I saw you singing with Joel so I assumed.” He continued.
“Yes we do but because our resident bassist and sound guy were busy and couldn’t make it today’s show. JM is actually our main and resident drummer but I played the drum alternately to give time for a break.” Zach explained. “My brother however is actually our acoustic guitarist but since we don’t have a bassist and since he can play he was asked to do it. But we both occasionally sing”.
“I guess you guys are all rounder.”Sean complimented. “To be honest I was hoping to also see you both sing. I wanted to see you sing together with Joel and Karly. I am now more interested in you and Joel knowing that both of you speak Korean. In Karlys’ case, I was definite to bring her and introduce her to my CEO.”
“Are you ready?” Their conversation interrupted. Dominique was approaching them.
“Let’s have dinner. I’m sure you guys are hungry.”
“Sure.” The two answered.
Thai Break (Thai restaurant at Notting Hill)
“So Sean, I hope you enjoy the show? The sounds alright, right?” JM asked.
“Ah! Yes it was. I can clearly hear everyone. Great mixing.” Sean complemented.
“That’s a relief. I thought the speakers were too loud.”
“No it wasn’t.” Sean assured him.
“Do you have plans tomorrow Sean?”Pastor Mike asked.
“Actually, I have to leave tomorrow. I need to be back for a meeting. It’s such a shame that I have to leave immediately but I can always come back and watch you guys again.” Sean reassured.
“Aww. Thats a shame. We haven’t toured you around London.” Karly spoke after finishing the Thai green curry.
“Yah! Are you that hungry? Aren’t you scared you gain weight with that amount of food you just gobbled?” Joel jokingly commented on his youngest cousin.
“Aish! Leave my weight alone!”
“I don’t get you? Why is it you eat so much yet you don’t even gain weight?” Arianne curiously asked.
“Yeah thats true.” Cher added.
“Last week right she ate a large quarter pounder meal plus 9 chicken nuggets” Cher stated. “And barely an hour later had she eaten 3 scoops of Gelatto mio.” Everyone started to laugh.
“I’m right here you know! I’m. Right here!” Karly waving her hand and then pouted.
“It’s alright couz, we’re just find it amusing that you barely gaining weight when you eat so much.” The older cousin comforting the young girl while resting his hand on her shoulder.
All Karly could do is to look and smile at her cousin and join in poking fun at herself.
“Sorry to interrupt your happy hour but it’s getting late and Sean over here has a flight to catch tomorrow.”Pastor Mike interrupted.
Everyone realising that it was indeed late. All decided to end the fun evening. After paying the bills, all headed out of the restaurant.
“Well I guess this is goodbye.” Sean stated.
“Who’s gonna drop you back to your hotel?” Josh asked.
“That would be me.” Dominique raised her hand.
“But Dom you live on the other side of the city. We’ll do it instead since it’s on our way.” Zach offered.
“We have space anyways.” Joel added.
“Is that ok with you?” Dom looked at Karly since she’s the one with a car and is the driver for the night.
“Yes, its fine Dom. I agree with Zach and Joel. It’s on our way so it’s not a problem.”
Turning herself to look at Sean.“Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick you up.”
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”Sean replied.
Everybody bid their goodbye to Sean took a group photo to commemorate the day. Hugs and Kisses were shared and everyone hop on their respective cars and left.
With everyone heading home the four head to Karlys’ car. A black 2010 Volkswagen golf GTI and off they went to drop Sean on the hotel. On their journey Sean started the conversation.
“Guys I have something to ask you. I’ll go straight to the point. As you have probably heard our entertainment company is looking for backing vocals for an upcoming concert for one of our talents. I was hoping you three would like to do it?”
“Excuse me!” Karly exclaimed whilst her eyes is fixed on the road.
“Well yeah! I think you guys will be perfect.”
The car now stopped on the side of the road both Karly and Zach who was sitting in front turn around to look at Sean.
“Is that why you want to see us three sing live like you said earlier on?” Zach asked.
“Ah yes. I wanted to ask you then but we were interrupted and I’m actually happy that you offered,” looking Zach, “to drop me to my hotel. So I would personally offer you the job.”
“It’s not permanent is it?” Joel asked with full interest.
“It really depends if my CEO likes you he might offer you a permanent job.”
“Sorry to disappoint you but we all have a job here and we just started a property development company 7 months ago.” Zach explained both Karly and Joel nodded in agreement.
“I’m sure we can arrange something. How about you give me your contact details and I’ll discuss this with my CEO. I’ll leave you with my card as well so if you have any questions you can just give me a call.” Sean Explained.
After exchanging their contact details Karly resumed driving. Arriving at the hotel, Zach, Joel and Karly bid Sean their goodbye. Off they went home.
(YG building 48 hours later)
“Come in!” an invitation was given after the third knock.
Giving a 90 degrees bow “Anneoyounghasayeo Sajangnim”
“Oh! Sean, how are you? How was your trip in London?”
“It was good. Though it was short but it was good.” The young man replied.
He continued. “I came to speak to you about the vocalists from the video I showed you Sajangnim. And they are good. Although I wasn’t able to see the two male singers sing live but based on the video you can tell that they are good which you already have acknowledge. To top it all off the two male singers speaks Korean fluently as they are of Korean descent. The girl, she’s good. They all are. But her voice blends perfectly with the two male singers.”
“I can sense there is a -but.” The CEO interrupted.
“There is I’m afraid. They are all professionals in different field and had opened a business less than a year ago. I don’t think they are the looking for a job but I’m really interested to give them a try and I think I can persuade them too.”
“So are you proposing something Sean?”YG CEO asked.
“Well I was hoping to try them for the coming concert of Big Bang and maybe if they are good we can ask them to be backing vocals specifically for Big Bang.” Sean explains hoping that his CEO would agree to his idea.
“What made you think that they would be perfect for Big Bang?” YG asked
Without any hesitation Sean answered.“Simply because they are raw talent and they would perfectly compliment the guys’voice with theirs.”
YG CEO sighed “I trust your judgement Sean. If you think they are good enough, then I leave you to it. Just know we’re your limitations are.” The older man continued to work a sign that the younger can now leave.
“Thank You Sajangnim. I’ll do my best and make sure that I’ll keep you posted.” Bowing once again Sean turn to leave.
In the corridor of the YG building.
“Hyung! How was London?” The young man with dark circles around his eyes asked. “Did you get anything for me??”
“Yah maknae!” The blond haired boy approached with four other guys. “Hi hyung!”
“Did you have a good time hyung?” The guy with a Mohawk asked.
“It was good.” Sean replied. “Made new friends, seen raw talents and I’m hoping to invite 3 of them.”
“Really hyung?” The tall small eyed boy asked. “When?”
“Soon but I can’t discussed details since it hasn’t been confirmed yet.”
“Anyways I have to go now. I’ll see you guys later.”
Sean the bid the group of guys goodbye.
(London a week later)
“I’m home! Uncle Dante? Untie Amy? Anyone?” Zach announcing his arrival from work.
“In the Kitchen!”
“Hi Auntie Amy!” Zach walking towards his auntie and taking the back of her hands and press his against his forehead.
“Auntie where is everybody? Where are Joel and Karly?”
“Joel is in his room and Karly hasn’t arrived yet.”
“I’m home!”
“Karly in the kitchen!”
“Hi mum!” Kissing her mum then giving her attention to the food her mums cooking. “Mmmm.... smells good.”
“Wassup Zachy?”
“K get change and then meeting in my room.”
“What now?” Looking at her mum hoping she’ll give her a hint but instead all she got was a shrug.
“Come in!”
“Ok Zach this must be good since you can’t even wait till after dinner” Karly moaned and Joel nodding in agreement.
“Well it is good. In fact it’s very good.”
“Can you get to the point my stomach is grumbling now.” Joel is getting impatient.
“As I was saying before you,” giving Joel ‘the look’, “interrupted me, Sean emailed me. He said he had spoken to his CEO and he’s offering us a chance to sing to a concert as backup vocals as a trial.” The oldest explains. “And before you say anything else he already explained to his boss that we do have jobs and were not looking at this prospect as permanent job. They are looking for talent and they think we are perfect for that. He also said that if the CEO likes us he would invite us to be BVs for this idol group specifically for this group for the following year and it only happens once a year. “
“However there’s a catch. If we do take this we need to stay in Korea for 3 weeks because we need to get acquainted with the song and practice it with their band until the concert.”Zach continued to explain without any interruption from the two. “What do you think?”
“I’m cool with it.” Joel response to his brothers’ question.
“Say what!” Karly turn her head in shock to youngest of the two cousins. “Have you thought about this?”
“What is there to think? All we have to do is sing nothing else. It’s basically like a holiday.”
“I knew you’re going to say that.”Zach commented giving his younger brother a high five. “I for one want to do it too just for the experience. Plus, it’s nice to go back and visit since the last time I was there was when I was 10. A lot of things changed and I might get some inspiration for building designs.”
Karly sighed. “I don’t know I’ve got things to do. Plus the company started less than a year ago. We need to concentrate on that.”
Us disappearing for 3 weeks won’t be that bad for the company, it’s like we just went for a vacation. And what thing to do? Joel challenged.
“Ummm ...”
“See, it not like you’re doing anything. You’re pretty much finished with your course. And by the time we need to go you no longer in university plus its 2 months before you start your job. And you also said you want to do something different before you start work. This could be it.”
“I really don’t know. Let me think about this ok. When do you need to give Sean your response?”
“Beginning of next week.”
“Now since this discussion is finished I’m going downstairs and eat. I’m hungry.” Joel announced.
Later that evening as Zach made his way to the kitchen to get something to drink when he saw a shadow in the conservatory staring at the collection of orchids. Walking closer realising it was Karly holding her Canon EOS60 SLR camera.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh Nothing much! Taking some pictures for mum, she’s been bugging me to take some picture of her orchids before it dies and also because she’s been thinking of using some photos to put in the cafe.”
“Hey K!” Zach spoke, changing the conversation. “Have you thought about the offer? Have you decided yet?”
“Zach you just told me about it few hours ago. I haven’t made a decision yet. I need time.”
“Come one K. It will be fun.” Zach trying to persuade his younger cousin.
“Have you ever thought that I don’t speak Korean at all?”
“The language is called Hanggul K! Hanggul!”
“Whatever! Well have you?”
“We’ll be there!”
“Still! We’re, I mean I am going to sing in another language I don’t know.”
“We’ll help you.” A voice from nowhere came.
“You like to in on other peoples conversation don’t you, Joel?”
“Whatever! But seriously K. If that’s the only reason why you don’t want to go then it’s pretty lame. Like what Zach said, we’ll be there to help. It won’t be fun without you. Plus mum would be supper happy if you’ll visit Korea. Mum loves Korea; she said she had great memories when her granddad takes her there with grandma.”
“How about this?” Zach interrupted. “Let’s make a deal. Since the concert will fall just after your course finishes and your birthday as a present we’ll give you something that your been eyeing since the beginning of the year.” He suddenly looked at his brother giving him a ‘go with the flow’ look. Making Joel respond with a stutter, agreeing with whatever his older brother plans.
“You don’t even know what it is.”Karly coolly respond.
“Are you sure about that? I’ve seen you stare at your computer drooling.” Zach replied with a smirk.
Joel was in awe at his brother. ‘What an evil manipulative genius’ he thought.
“Arrrgh!” Karly groan in frustration. She was caught! “Fine, I’ll come but don’t you dare tell mum about it.”
Zach smiled and nodded in agreement.“See it want that hard, was it?”
“I’m going to bed.” Karly announced.
Joel was still in dazed, clueless on what and how his brother made Karly agrees who normally wouldn’t be easily persuaded. All he could say was good night. Snapping out of his Trans, he spoke“what is it exactly she’s been looking at her computer?”
“It will all be revealed, but just a heads up, prepare to spend.”
“Oh ok! Spending money for the brothers wasn’t really an issue especially if it’s for Karly since she’s like a sister to them.
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UPDATE! Hahaha!
BigBang_VIP #2
This is so cute!! I love it :)
Sweetness and cuteness rolled into one :) love it!
cheriedl1988 #4
Love it so far look forward to an update
Taeyang and Karly! yay! Thanks for the update ate!
ooohhh...Yuan...is he going to be Taeyang's rival? hmmm....thank you for the update ate!
Looks the triangle is already formed :) update soon ate :)
Woohoo!!!...taeyang-karly piano moment<3
back to back updates! Yey! Thank you ate:)
annyeong ate :D love love love the description :D