
Music of the Heart
Chapter 6

Talent  is a gift. In which it may or may not define you. Some suggest that talents comes from nature. Imprinted on your DNA. Some however states that it can be nurtured from nothing. Either way it will be dead as a log without one thing, Passion.  Passion is a positive attraction to your talent something that will brings life to something that was once dead. 

Later that day Yuan came and pick up Karly. He had promised to bring her somewhere and show her Seoul that not many know about.   With a spring on her step she went to see her cousins to tell them that Yuan is waiting from the reception downstairs but before she bid goodbye to her cousins she asked if they were certain that they are not able to come. 

"are you sure you two really can't come?" 

"I'm positive cousin. We are waiting for Mr. Ross to call us". Joel replied. 

"As much as we would like to come we can't or else we won't be able to enjoy the rest of our stay here if we don't sort this out now."  Zach explained. 

"If its really important then I should stay. I have as much responsibility with our clients as you two.  This is OUR business after all." Karly retorted. 

"No need K the two of us would suffice.  Besides its just about the building architecture and the budget for it. If there are any changes for the interior design we will just reschedule it or just send Hannah to fill in for you." Joel reasoned out hoping the younger one would agree.  With a deep sigh she just nodded. She wanted them to come if they were available as it was as much as their trip as hers. 

The look on Karlys' face has a tint of disappointment and Yuan saw it straight away.  "Are you ok?" He asked. "We don't have to do this if you don't feel like it."

"No it's ok I'm just a bit annoyed. Plus you're here already. So let's just go and enjoy the evening." 

"If you insist." 

"I do."

Inside the hotel room the brothers were discussing about the meeting when their attention went to Karly and Yuan. 

"Are you sure about letting Karly go with Yuan on her own?" Joel asked. 

"Yeah of course. Yuan is alright plus Karly sees him like an older brother. If that's what you were thinking." 

"I was thinking about the other way around." Joel sharing his thoughts. 

"No way. You're just over thinking things. Anyways we need to call aunty and uncle. We need to ask them if Karlys' result have arrived and if our gift has already been delivered and we can't do that if she's around." Zach explained. 

"I guess you're right. It won't be a surprise of she new about it".  Their conversation was interrupted when a ring was heard signifying that there's an incoming call from the laptop before them. 


Inside of one of the recording studios in YG two young men were busy recording then editing songs. Until one of them noticed the time.  "Wow it's 7 pm only and I'm hungry already." GD said. 

"What! It's 7 already?"

"Yep unless I don't know how to read a clock and it's actually 7 in the morning." GD sarcastically replied which earned a glare from his long time best friend.   He returned to what he was doing and starts murmuring.

"it's 7 already are they together already?" "Where will they go?" 

"Yongbae -ah" "What will they do?"


"Would it be just the two of them or they'll be with Zach and Joel hyung."

"YAH YONGBAE-ah!" GD shouted. "What on earth is wrong with you? I've been calling for your name several times already. And what on earth are murmuring about like a lunatic?"

"It's nothing."

"But clearly it's something or you won't space out like that."

"Really it's nothing."

"Well if you feel like telling someone I'm just right here ok."

"Thanks Ji."

"Anyways, let's go to the canteen and have dinner. I don't want to get told off by YG if he found out I skipped meal again or else he will cut short my studio time and I can't have that. So are you coming?"

"Come on let's get going." Taeyang said standing up.  The two friends made their way to the canteen but Taeyang thoughts are on Karly who may or may not be alone with Yuan but he was hoping for the latter. 


"So what's the plan for the evening Yuan? Karly asked as she put on her seatbelt. 

"You'll see." It's been 30 minutes since Yuan started driving and by the looks of it they just reach their destination as the car pull to a stop. 

"We're here in Hongdae!" Yuan informed her with a bright smile.

"Wahh so many people." Karly was amazed. 

"Don't worry where we're going it's not gonna be crowded. We're going to a different side of Hongdae that not a lot of tourist know." As they walked to their destination the sea of people becomes less an less. Yuan never fail to assist Karly, protecting her from the crowded area putting his arm around her waist leading her. Realising where they were heading. Karly smile grew. She gasped from excitement and realise that they are going to a jazz bar. 

"Oh my gosh!"She exclaimed. 

"You like it?"

"Yep! Totally!" She was so excited that she rushed Yuan and drag him towards  the entrance. 

For Karly watching an artist on a smaller intimate venue is better than seeing them on a bigger venue. For some it may not be their cup of tea and they prefer to see artist running around on an arena with so many pyrotechnics and what not. But for Karly she appreciate the talent more without those special effects. She prefer artist singing their heart out with their raw vocals and instruments.  It's not to say that big arena concerts aren't good it's just that talent is easily judged and rate that way. Over the years she saw many British talents that made it big like Amy Winehouse in campden and the arctic monkeys when they had a gig around shepherds bush in west London.  Tonight was a new experience a jazz bar in Korea. She had never been anything like it in London so this was definately a first.  

"I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you. This is definitely a first for me."

"Lets take a seat then." As they were ushered  inside Karly was amazed. It was dimly lit and had that cozy feeling to it. 

"This is beautiful." She praised.

"How did you know about this place?"

"My friend once invited me here. He was playing and want some moral support." Yuan explained.

"Aren't I a good friend?" He added. 

"Hmmmm maybe or maybe not." She jokingly added. 

"Aww I'm hurt." He acted. 

"Serves you right for being big headed." Said Karly and stick her tongue out for good measure.  The two burst out laughing at their childish behaviour.  'She's so cute.' He thought. 'And she doesn't even know it.' 

The two stayed there for 2 hours. There were 2 groups in total who played both have different flares or style in expressing their music. They had a great time. 

"Wahhh that was awesome!" Karly exclaimed as she and Yuan made their way out of the bar. "They were all good."She praised. 

"You're right."

"Are you hungry?"

"Now that you mention it. I am actually."  "Should we get something to ea..." Yuan wasn't able to finish his question due to Karly's stomach rumbling. 

"I guess that just answer your question right." Karly spoke. Embarrass of what just happen Karly's face turned red. 

"Let's go I'm hungry too." "How's Italian sounds like?" He asked changing the topic and to not embarrass Karly even more.  Karly just nod in response. Still embarrassed. 

"It's not far away from here. About 15 minutes walk." The show made then hungry and off they went. They spoke all things regarding what they just saw. Yuan comfortably put his arm around Karly's waist protecting her from bumping other people since they are moving closer to the main street.  Yuan thought Karly would have mind his actions but in fact she doesn't mind the close proximity and she doesn't want to get lost with the sea of people. She did not put any malice since her feeling towards him is the same as Zach and Joel like brothers. 

After their meal it was their time to get home as both have practice the next morning.  Their night finishes on a high with a satisfied stomach. Yuan drop her to their hotel accommodation. 

"Thanks for tonight Yuan. I had a great time. 

"I'm glad you did."  Tiptoeing Karly kissed his cheeks and gave him a bear hug which she normally does to her 'brothers' or to those who she sees as one. But it left Yuan a flushed face and a grin from ear to ear. Waving her good bye Karly made her way to their room and called it a night leaving Yuan standing and contemplating of what just happen scolding his thumping heart.  'heart, stop thumping like crazy' but he knows better. He knows he is falling for her. 

Don't hesitate to comment and subscribe. God bless. Secretlyinluv xoxo
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UPDATE! Hahaha!
BigBang_VIP #2
This is so cute!! I love it :)
Sweetness and cuteness rolled into one :) love it!
cheriedl1988 #4
Love it so far look forward to an update
Taeyang and Karly! yay! Thanks for the update ate!
ooohhh...Yuan...is he going to be Taeyang's rival? hmmm....thank you for the update ate!
Looks the triangle is already formed :) update soon ate :)
Woohoo!!!...taeyang-karly piano moment<3
back to back updates! Yey! Thank you ate:)
annyeong ate :D love love love the description :D