
Music of the Heart
Chapter 5

Music is a form of art whose medium is sound and silence. It's an extension of ones emotions that is rooted on the heart of its master. It depicts the moment of passion of love, anger and sorrow. 

Music brings you to a world where your mind visualise and your hand creates. It can separate you from reality but brings understanding to the truth. 

It was now past lunchtime when BigBang arrived after their scheduled interview. They are now on their way to their practice room to relax before they start their grulling practice.  As they entered they noticed everyone seems to be dispersed.  Taeyang noticed that there is someon in particular is missing.  "Jiyong I'm gonna walk around for a bit. Ok." 

"Just be sure to be back in an hour Youngbae-ah"  Walking around the 6th floor Taeyang heard music being played.  'No one should be here today' he thought. As trainees shouldn't be there at that moment. They would have been on the 2nd floor where the dance studio is located or the recording studio on 4th floor.  His heart rate increases as he followed the sound which seems to lead towards the piano room. 'ghost' he thought. 'man up Youngbae ghost doesn't exist' he kept repeating it like a mantra.  His heart rate returns to normal upon recognising the song.  'Canon in D major? Ghost in love?' slapping his face several times to get his senses back he continued his walk towards the room. 

As he now stands in front of the very room were the only piano is located he took a deep breath and reach for the door knob to reveal the identity behind the sound. 

Meanwhile, Karly was so consumed with the music. She's been sitting there since the beginning of their lunch break which was an hour ago. As she touched the black and white keys her hands glide across. She was  creating melodies which was full of passion and conviction. Her heart was on her hands.  The sound emitting makes her relax. It takes her to a world were her problems does not exist. Away from the stress of reality. It clears her thought and brought sanity to her life. She was so into it that she haven't notice the presence of an individual, listening to it all.  

Karly took a deep breath after playing the last note and a smile grew on her face. It was what she needed.  It's been so hectic for her and felt she was going insane. She was glad she accidentally found the piano room. Her thoughts were interrupted when someone started clapping. Turning around she saw him.  The one who has been so quiet and quite awkward towards her. But at that moment that didn't matter. It was her chance to take that awkwardness head on. 

"Wow! Just Wow! That was beautiful! 

"Thank you! I didn't realise you were there.  How long have you been listening?" Walking towards her direction

" for about 5 minutes. Mind if I join you?

"Sure have a sit umm Tae..umm Yong.."

" call me whatever feels comfortable." Taeyang interjected as he can clearly see her confussion. 

"sorry. I'm just a bit ...umm how should I say it...umm lost." "it's ok" "It's just that people call you different name and I guess I'm just a bit lost to which name I should call you."

"How about you call me whatever feels comfortable for you."

"I like Yongbae. I shall call you that then." Karly reached her hand. "Please to meet you Yongbae, I'm Karly." As Taeyang reached her hand to shake it, a current pass through them that causes them to retrieve their hands immediately in shock but replaces with giggles between the two. 

"You know what? I thought there was a ghost playing the piano". Taeyang spoke after the giggles subside but start laughing at is own comment. 

"Don't be silly! Ghost? Really? She too started to laugh at her new friends own silly thought. 

"Anyways." Taeyang trying to calm down from laughing  and change the topic to save his pride from his slight cowardness.  "I didn't know you play the piano? "I do. I love playing. I started to play when I was six. You?"

"I play too." Taeyang then started to play a few notes. 

"Did you write that? Karly inquired.  

"Sadly, no." He replied.  Clasping her hands together. " Could you please play the whole song. Pretty please." she looked at him batting her eyes.  'How can I say no to her when she look at me like this. Oh great now my heart is thumping like crazy! Calm down Taeyang. She's just asking you to play not asking you for a date."

Taeyang just nodded in response and start playing River flows on you by Yiruma. He too starts to get lost in the music but came back when the last note ends. 

"Wow! Just Wow!"  Karly started clapping looking at Taeyang in amazement. 

"Thank you".  He slightly bowed his head. "Wait! Did you just quote me?"

"can't blame me when you play amazingly". 

"Well thank you."

"You're welcome".  Was that your favourite piece?It's beautiful."  Karly asked. 

"It's one of them." He replied but also thought. 'Only if you new how this talks about romance. Aishhh why did I even play this.'

"It's very romantic you know." Karly suddenly blurted out. 

"What is?"

"The song. It's like a confession or declaration of love to a special someone."

"Ahh yeahh." Taeyang started to scratch his non itchy head.  'I should have known she wouldn't miss it.' He thought. 

For the next hour Karly and Taeyang played song after song with no awkwardness. Both felt at ease with each other company.  Glancing towards the clock just above the door. 

"I think we need to go since practice is about to start." Karly spoke.  Upon realising the time Taeyang hunched his shoulder and whined.

"Aww..I'm having fun though". He said with a pout.  Karly giggled at his expression and thought that he looks like a kid. 

"Well we can do it again tomorrow if you want". She offered.  Taeyang suddenly sat up straight and smiled.

"Really!"   Karly just nodded in response. 

"It's a date....ummm I mean it's a deal" offering his hand she took it and said "deal". 

Walking back to the practice room, Taeyang was quiet. He was inwardly scolding himself. 'well done Taeyang! Date? Date! You sounded like a desperate idiot.' his inward rant was interrupted when someone called. 

"Where have you been Karly? Taeyang ? We've been looking for you. I thought you got lost or something."

"I'm sorry Yuan. I was with Yongbae..."

"Showing her around the building".  Taeyang interrupted. Turning to look at Karly and secretly winked. Understanding what he was doing Karly smiled.  "yeah yeah he did. You know the building is quite big and has so many rooms and corridors."

"Anyways you should get going they might be waiting for you too. Practice starts in 5 minutes." 

"You're not coming hyung?" Taeyang asked.  "no I'm not comming today. I've got an appointment."

"Ok" But before Karly and Taeyang made their way. Yuan turned around and said "by the way Karly, don't forget tonight ok? I'll pick you up at 7." Karly nodded "I wouldn't missed it."

"Bye then! " Karly waved goodbye. 

"Bye hyung!" The two now made their way both were quiet once again.  'what they have a date?' Taeyang thought. Shaking away the thought and maybe slight jealousy. He decided to shrug it off and remember the past hour he spent with her, alone.  With a bright smile Taeyang entered the room in a good mood and continued to practice. 

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UPDATE! Hahaha!
BigBang_VIP #2
This is so cute!! I love it :)
Sweetness and cuteness rolled into one :) love it!
cheriedl1988 #4
Love it so far look forward to an update
Taeyang and Karly! yay! Thanks for the update ate!
#6 he going to be Taeyang's rival? hmmm....thank you for the update ate!
Looks the triangle is already formed :) update soon ate :)
Woohoo!!!...taeyang-karly piano moment<3
back to back updates! Yey! Thank you ate:)
annyeong ate :D love love love the description :D