Photos of You

Music of the Heart


To all my subscribers and silent readers, its been a while right? 
Hope you will enjoy these update!!
Please do comment!
God bless!!
Chapter 8
A single photo tells a hundreds of stories, speaks a thousand words. It captures a moment of beauty and bliss, sadness and grief. It is stored for the future that was etched from the past.
A memory we keep and a comfort that we seek. A photo tells of history for generation to see.
Taeyang frantically ran out of the studio once Teddy announced that they were finish for the day. He was beyond ecstatic when Karly told him that Zach and Joel wouldn’t be able to come. He thanked every god in the heavens who gave him this opportunity to be alone with her. He was also certain that Karly will enjoy their time together more than she enjoyed her time with Yuan. In his mind there was a competition (between him and Yuan) and he will make sure he will win.
Karly on the other hand was in the piano room. She wasn’t playing this time. She was enjoying the silence getting lost on a book. Although she has read the book several times, she never grew tired of reading it. It’s one of her favourite books growing up, the daddy long legs by Jean Webster.
The peaceful silence was disturbed when a knock was heard. Taking a peak, Taeyang smiled when he found her sitting on the corner of the piano room. Karly lifted her head and smiled when she noticed his presence.
“Oh you’re here already?”
“Yep, Teddy hyung let me go early….well actually I asked him if we could finish early.”
“Won’t you get into trouble with that? Karly asked worried that he might get into trouble with YG because of her.
“No. Not at all. I was able to finish my part for the song and Teddy hyung knows I'm going somewhere so no need to worry. Besides the earlier we leave the more places we could visit and things to do and enjoy. So relax, Ok!”
“If you say so.”
“Huh? What does that mean?”
“It means let’s go.”
“ahh…” Karly nodded. “Youngbae! Kaja!” Karly said with a smile using her newly learnt word.
As the two made their way to the parking lot Karly wondered how they are going to whatever destination Taeyang has planned. Karly was pretty sure that the boys have a manager that drives there around. 
“Wait! How are we going to whatever place you have planned? Is your manager coming with us?”
“No he is not coming. I brought my car today so don’t worry.”
“Is it ok for you being out and about like that?” Karly enquired. Theres nothing wrong with what Taeyang was wearing. Clad with a nice biker leather jacket which was sure everyone can call everyone’s attention, which was what Karly was worried about, the attention. For the short amount of time Karly have spent in Korea so far she already understood what price they paid being an idol, a celebrity. They become public property and in turn loose their privacy. What she noticed on the first day they went to YG building was the amount of fans outside. Without even meeting them at that time she already couldn’t help but sympathise with them. They are after all still human and want to enjoy life.  
Sharing her thoughts and worries to Taeyang on how they might grab people’s attention because of his status. Taeyang reassured her that he came prepared. 
“You worry too much.” 
“Can you blame me?” She retorted. “I'm with a celebrity. My presence with him could create chaos. I still value my life and want to live till the next day” she added.
“Trust me it’ll be fine. And I’ll make sure you’ll leave till the next decade.” He added.
There is a comfortable silence inside the care whilst they were on their way to their first destination. There was small talks but has nothing to do with where they are heading. Karly tried not to ask as she wanted to be surprised and try not to show how eager she has become with this trip.
Taeyang announce that they have arrived at their first destination.
“Where exactly are we Youngbae?”
As he pointed to where there were heading. Karly’s eyes grew big in amazement. To see it on a picture is beautiful but to see it with your own eyes, it was stunning. She would probably defined is a light within the darkness. As the sky darkened the tower stand tall majestically as a light that could be seen from a distance. 
“I can see you like it.”
“It’s beautiful.” Karly responded not tearing her eyes away from it. But once she did, she couldn’t help but laugh at what she was seeing. Covered with hat and a mask, it was Taeyangs’ take on being incognito.
“so this is what you meant when you wouldn’t grab everyones attention, right? Does it even work?”
“Yep it is.” Showing off his hat and mask. “It works all the time.”
“As you can see the tower is located on the mountain. So to go there we need to use that.” Taeyang pointed at the cable cart not too far from where they are. “So let’s go! I have more planned for you.” He excitedly announced.
As they went in the cable car the anticipation is increasing. Karly constantly took photos after photos. She even took a photo of Taeyang when he wasn’t looking. She took several actually. She couldn’t help it. His expression, his eyes it was as if he was brought back to life. He was glowing. She couldn’t help but smile to herself. Well, she hasn’t stops milling ever since she stepped in Korea and met the people she has.
When they had reached the top of the mountain the two quietly went out of the cable car. Seeing the amount of peopleat that moment Karly was apprehensive. The fact that she is with Taeyang who is a CELEBRITY added to that fear. If they get caught they will surely be in trouble it’s not just his name is on the line but Bigbang too. 
Taeyang noticed how Karly suddenly tensed. “Are you ok?”
“I don’t think this is a good idea. I didn’t think it would be this crowded here at this time. Can we go back instead?”
“No! Common were here already. Here.” Taeyang took hold of her hand hoping that she will feel at ease and also so she can’t run away.
Karly let herself be dragged and followed him. When they reached the steps towards tower and walk towards the elevator she felt that everybody was looking and it added to her nerves. But what amused her was Taeyang nonchalantly walked towards the elevator, without any cares in the world. ‘He must’ve done it so many times.’ She thought. Inside the elevator Taeyang took a blindfold from his pocket and covered Karly’s eyes.
“What is this for?” she asked.
“I want you to be surprised. I want you to the view the moment you open your eyes. So trust me ok? I’ll hold your hand and lead you. At the end of this you’ll see the most beautiful view of the city at night.”
Karly just nodded in response. What can she do? She knows nothing of the city and she trusts him. Yes she does. It doesn’t take long to know Taeyang to know what an honest person and trustworthy he is.
When she heard the elevator bell chimed she knew that they have reached their destination as Taeyang gently hold her hand and lead her out manoeuvring her movements out so she can see the beauty of Seoul.
“I’ll remove the blind fold but keep your eyes closed, ok? I’ll tell you when you can open your eyes.”
As he did, Karly still closed her eyes. She was anticipating what the view would look like. “Open.” Taeyang was right. The view was magnificent. It was breath taking, the sea of lights, the bridge with changing colours, the hustling and bustling of the cars and buses from the distance, from Karly’s perspective, the view was amazing. 
“It’s beautiful right?”
“hmm….its breath taking.” She doesn’t even tare her eyes away from it. Karly wanted to remember every detail, never forgetting to take photos after photos.
For a moment, she turn away from the view, she noticed she wasn’t the only one who was still amazed from the view. Silently, she lifted her camera and took a photo of Taeyang looking at a distance, the city lights as its back drop. She smiled to herself as she was able to capture the emotion she wants to convey. Taeyang slowly turned his head towards her and gave her the sweetest and most genuine smile. She smiled in return and mouthed ‘thank you’ to him.
When they started roaming around the top floor, Taeyang was able to remove his mask and look around freely because there was no single individual around which was odd for Karly. She knows that it’s a tourist attraction and considering with the amount of people when they entered the building she knew that even at night it’s a popular spot.
“How come there aren’t people around?” Taeyang called ignoring her question. “This is quite popular with lovers.” He was now showing her the love padlocks which were attanched to the fence together. It means everlasting love. There were mass amount of padlock around the fences. Karly went and looked around and took several photos of padlocks which have something written on it. She plans to show it to her cousins and maybe ask them to translate it. For a while Karly has forgotten about her question and concentrated on what she was seeing. She asked once more after being side tracked with the mass amount of interesting love padlocks.
“Common Youngbae! Why is there no one here?”
Heaving a big sigh Taeyang looked into her eyes and replied. “I rang the management earlier on before I came and met you. I asked them if they could close it from the public for an hour or so, so we could room around freely.”
“You know you didn’t have too.” Karly responded with a sigh.
“But I wanted too. I wanted us to enjoy the place without being interrupted. For once I want to be selfish and enjoy this.” He spoke with honesty. “So please don’t get mad at me.”
“I'm not mad at you. I just think it’s unnecessary that’s all. But I also understand where you’re coming from.” Taeyang’s expression looked sad. It’s very rare for him to use his status as a celebrity for his own gain or advantage. For once he wanted to use it so they could both enjoy their time together.
Karly didn’t fail to notice Taeyang’s sad expression. So, she took his hand and drags him to the adjacent fence and look at the padlocks. When she turned to look back at him he was still sporting the same expression. His brows were furrowed together and his lips were pouting. He looked like a child in Karly’s ayes and she found it adorable and cute that she couldn’t help but pinch his cheeks and cooed. “You look so cute when you sulk. So please stop. I might not be able to help myself and pinch your chubby cheeks more.” She intertwined their hands once again and drags him to where she has spotted a red heart shape padlock. 
Taeyang face wasn’t red because of the pinch Karly gave but also for the fact that their hands were intertwined and that Karly called him cute. The simple comment made his heart beat fast and left him nervous. He was glad that Karly’s turned her back from him. He was then removed from reverie when Karly asked him to translate what was written on the red heart shaped padlock.
“I will love you ‘till the moon and back” he translated.
From then on Karly asked him to translate the padlocks that caught her attention and took photos as a souvenir. Before they know it, they had spent nearly 2 hours and it was time for them to leave and continue their tour of Seoul by night.
Both had a great time at the tower and their trip has only just begun.
“Wait!” Karly called. “Your car is parked towards that direction so we need to ride the cable car again.”
“I know it is but I have to bring you somewhere first.”
As they walk in a comfortable silence, enjoying the scenery at night and without realising that they are already walking on a small path walk separating them on the main path.
“I think you don’t know where were going.” 
 “Don’t worry I know exactly where we are going, you worry wort. Soon you’ll see and have a satisfied tummy. You’re hungry right?”
“Just a bit.”
Karly could not believe that further down she can already see a line of street vendors selling foods. Who would have thought that there’s a market near the tower.
“C’mon you have to try some of these foods and I know exactly where to go. The best out of Seoul.” Taeyang said confidently and once again took Karly’s hand and excitedly drag her with him.
“Ajumonim Anneyeonghasaeyo!” He greeted in Korean.
“Hello there youngman! To what I owe this visit since I haven’t seen you in more than a month.”
“I’m here to tour a friend and though she should try your food.”
“Ahh…. This young lady here? She’s pretty and you look good together. Are you two dating?
“A..a…anniyo Ajummonim!!! Yeolja chinggu anniyo!” Taeyang stuttered and nervously replied. “She’s a guest in the company, that’s all.”
“Arasso! But you two look good together.” Ajumma commented but Taeyang just sheepishly replied.
All those time that Taeyang and the lady was talking, Karly was already staring at the food. was watering already due to the inviting aroma. But when she heard Taeyang stuttered and blush she made a mental note to ask him what the lady said. She has an idea that they were talking about her because she noticed that the lady glanced at her several times.
After and awkward and embarrassing chat with the lady Taeyang turned to Karly. “You like what you see?” He asked. She just nodded in response not steering away from the sight of the food. 
“C’mon! It’s better to taste it that just stares at it. I’ve already ordered food if you don’t mind.”
“No not at all.”
The two just talk whilst waiting for the food about everything and anything. Gradually their talk lead to Karly’s another day off the next day, which was Sunday. But before she was even able to reply to one of Taeyangs’ question their order came. It was the lady who bought their food. She was smiling brightly at her then turned to Taeyang giving him a knowing smile and a wink. Luckily, Karly didn’t notice any of the lady’s action as her full attention was on the food in front of her. She was definitely hungry, she thought.
“Let’s eat.” Taeyang announced.
“Wait! Let me take a picture first since I'm not good with Korean names yet so I'm taking a photo so I can remember it by…. And let me take a photo of you too with the food. Don’t worry I won’t post it. This is only for me to keep.”
“How about..mmm.. let’s take a picture together to remember this night out.” Taeyang suggested. ‘Please say yes.’ He thought
“Sure! I’ll give you a copy too.”
In the middle of their meal Taeyang asked her if she has any plans for tomorrow since it was her day off which turns out that she is free and no prior commitments.
“Want to go to church tomorrow then?”
“Sure. I don’t think I’ll be doing anything much since I'm pretty sure Zach and Joel would be busy.”
“It sounds to me like you’re not happy about it?”
“Well I am, a bit. Since this is supposed to be somewhat like a holiday even though we’re working. But, business comes first, I guess. I’m not as disappointed as I am though since you and Yuan have been really kind to take me around the city.”
Taeyang was happy when he heard his name at first but slightly frown when Yuan name was included. Karly notice it and aske id he was ok and he just responded that he suddenly thought of something important. Taeyang wasn’t a jealous type or much more the possessive type. He himself is astounded with his own behaviour.
It was already midnight and Taeyang’s plan was from over. There was one more place he planned on bringing Karly too. As he paid for the bill and said goodbye to the lady the two made their way to the car. It was a good 15 minutes’ walk. Though it was cold it was refreshing at the same time. It was also a good way of digesting all food Taeyang ordered. The tteok bok (rice with sweet sauce) and ttheokboki was her favourite. Though Karly wasn’t a fan of spicy food, it was an exemption. The dak ggo chi (chicken on a stick) was closely her second favourite. It was delicious that they had 8 serving between them. The word full was an understatement. She felt stuffed to the brim but she wasn’t complaining.
Their comfortable silence was interrupted when Taeyang’s phone. Someone’s calling him and he is hoping that that someone isn’t GD. He planned on ignoring it at first but when it consistently rings forced him to pick up the call. He was right. It was GD and he had his moment of epiphany and demanded for Taeyang to come to the studio ASAP and record the song. Begrudgingly he agreed. Though the night was still young but it has to come to an end, abruptly.
“GD wants me to go to the YG building and record.” He informed Karly, disappointed.
“It’s OK Youngbae.”
“I'm still having fun though.” He whined. 
Karly giggled at the sight. Who would have thought that the person in front of her who she might add is one of Koreas women populations dream guy, is pouting and whining like a kid.
“Maybe next time. I'm so stuffed that all I want to do is go to sleep.”
With a heavy sigh the two went to the car and made their way back to the hotel. Taeyang made a mental note to punish GD later for ruining his night.” 
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UPDATE! Hahaha!
BigBang_VIP #2
This is so cute!! I love it :)
Sweetness and cuteness rolled into one :) love it!
cheriedl1988 #4
Love it so far look forward to an update
Taeyang and Karly! yay! Thanks for the update ate!
#6 he going to be Taeyang's rival? hmmm....thank you for the update ate!
Looks the triangle is already formed :) update soon ate :)
Woohoo!!!...taeyang-karly piano moment<3
back to back updates! Yey! Thank you ate:)
annyeong ate :D love love love the description :D