04. Ball Dominance

♀♂♀ ♠S ♥E ♥X ♥E♥ S ♠ ♂♀♂
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Ball dominance

It was the free time in the afternoon where everyone gets a chance to play around the campus and play their favorite sports. 

Therons decided to play their favorite game, which is soccer to relieve their stress that the hundreds of female population around have caused them. It was evident that the boys aren’t liking having the opposite gender around them. 

What bugs them the most is that boys from DSU are starting to like having girls around.[A/N who doesn’t?? even gays loves to be around girls,….lol] 

Not to mention of course the six Holy Angels girls who are gaining fanboys around the campus. They have their fair share of girls trailing around them as well. Sure they like the attention but they didn’t like how they would start squealing and screaming when they are around.

When they arrive at the Soccer field it was already occupied by a few groups of students playing ball. The boys that were obviously from DSU that knew Therons very well immediately stopped their own game and walked out of the field to let the Therons do their thing as usual. But the girls who aren’t aware who they really are stayed and continued to play. 

This totally pissed Teddy and the rest off. The leader nodded his head and so the guys walked over to the bunch of girls who were innocently playing.

“Ya! get off! This is our field!” Jaejoong bellowed, towering over the frightened girls. 

“But… we…” one of the girls tried to reason them out but was cut when someone pushed her making the poor girl fall into the soft grass 

“No buts just..” 

Just then a ball came flying into the Therons hitting the guy who just pushed the girl right into his face. It was hard enough that the guy lost his balance landing on the ground with a great thud. The ball bounce from that guy’s face and hit Jaejoong’s head as well.

‘Ouch!” Jaejoong uttered after feeling a sting on his head, his hand gently massaging it. 

“YA! WHO THE Ugly Duckling JUST DID THAT?!” Yunho stood up furiously looked around only to see one of the girls from the parking lot early that morning. Her friends was on the middle of the field just looking at them like nothing is going on.

She was wearing a slim fit black wife beater and an extra shorty shorts revealing her long well shape legs and bottom. Her long hair remained untied making it sway from side to side while she was walking elegantly but strongly towards them

They can hear people gasping.. All students who knew about ARC and Therons reputations knew that this little confrontation might end up with a fight, a bloody one. 

Therons were just too stunned that the girl did managed to hit and make Yunho fall on his with just one hit. 

Upon seeing the presence that just arrived, the group of girls instantly bows down, taking a few steps backward

“Yuki Unnie” one of the girls greeted

“Go!” Yuki simply said and the girls walked out in hurry leaving Yuki facing the 6 guys alone 

“What do you think your doing!?” Yunho shouted wanting to just punch the girl in front of him.

“Opps sorry I didn’t mean to… it’s just that when I kick the ball it flew directly towards you. I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to play soccer” Yuki gave Yunho an innocent look and walked passed him to pick up her soccer ball. 

“Ya! you think you can just get away like that after hitting me?” Gritting his teeth, Yunho followed her, grabbed her by her shoulder and yank her to face him. 

Yuki squinted her eyes “get your Craking hands off me” she said in a whisper 

“What? YOU….. ” 

“Can’t you just take the hit like a man and stop whining like a baby.. gheez” Yuki’s eyebrow twitched, obviously mocking Yunho. His friends just shook their head not expecting the girl to do such thing, especially to someone like Yunho. 

Yuki took a few more steps before Yunho could even react to what the girl had said 

“Yah! You little…” He was about to yank her again but four more balls came flying in, intending to hit Yunho again but fortunately it was caught by his friends. 

“oppsie!” The long golden brown haired girl said while twirling her hair. But a smirk is clearly drawn across her innocent face (Bom)

“Ya! are you really here to annoy us this much? or you really wanted to get killed” Junsu stood straight, his hands on his hips. 

“Oh huhuhu, duck ! Can soccer make my bottom as big as yours?” Bom let out an amuse laugh while turning around, trying to look at her . [A/n imagine a dog spinning around trying to catch her tail...lol]

“Why you little rabbit! Ima kill you!” Junsu tried to advance forward but was stopped by Teddy

“Xiah calm down will yah? Ya! I’m slowly losing my patience. Can you all just go and let us play here? I’m giving you a minute to scram….if not you’ll regret coming in here. Or….. do you really want to get killed by us?” Teddy said, as he sat on the bench, eyes still on CL. 

“Aniyo! We’re here to learn how to play soccer” CL said scratching her head innocently.

“Yeah… you see how bad we at it? we want to make a goal but it keeps on flying towards your friend’s face” Dara giggled while pointing her index finger at Yunho. 

Yuki just laughed along with her friends, making Yunho angrier. 

“Ok let’s make this cool. We’ll give you your balls back just leave and go find a place to learn it” Teddy who was sitting on the side bench said, twirling a piece of coin, running it in between his fingers 

“We got here first, why don’t you all sit around and wait till we finish playing?” Minji said skipping towards the boys and tried to grab the ball out of the tall young guy in front of her. 

“My hyung said you can have it if you agree to leave this field” Changmin smiled a bit, showing his crooked eyes. 

Minji rolled her eyes in response. “Unnie! You were right… guys are dumb and stupid!... I think I’ll just grow old alone!” Minji faking a cry.

“Yeah me too, Yuki let’s go! Leave those jerks and and let’s play soccer” Dara turned her back making sure to leave the Therons one last shot of her fiery eyes 

“Ya! you ain’t playing any soccer because you don’t have any soccer balls! what are you kicking then….. AIR?” Jaejoong yelled trying to sound funny thus making his friends laugh 

Dara faced him and gave him a one finger rude salute while mouthing “Fu^ck You!” to Jaejoong and turned her back on him 
“YA!” Jaejoong yelled again. Getting really pissed off by the badass beauty that is walking away from him. “How dare you give me that rude salute you little doll!” 

But Dara shrugged him off and continue to walk. She then whistled and shouted . “BALLS!” 

A dozen of female students came running in towards the ARC’s and handed them all their balls. All six girls looked at the Therons, while walking backwards, smiling. 

“You can have those soccer balls if you want. Eat them for all we care!” CL g

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Chapter 4: kkkkkkkkkkk
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 13: It's been more than a year since I first read this and Im still waiting for an update plss
betchay1131 #3
Chapter 13: wow the story is quite crazy and interesting..when is the next update,,hope soon..im excited to know/read the next one kkkkkkkkkkkkkk...pls authornim update soon^^
Chapter 13: please update this story authornim... Thank you ^^
bluefairy07 #5
Chapter 13: this is awesome !!! please continue updating this author-nim...jaejoong and dara kekekekekekekek
CassieIndo #6
Chapter 13: OMG THIS STORY IS AWESOME...but why the last update in 2011? Are u abandon this stoey dear???
If u are then too bad..i really like this story..no i ove thia story
can u please update it again? Pleaaaaassseeeeeeeee T______________T
chellesd #7
Chapter 13: Have you forgotten about this story?
Chapter 13: hey, please update soon i like it
msdeathstalker #9
Chapter 13: i love the story!
Chapter 13: please continue this fanfics :( I really want to know what happening with them..