
Language of Flowers

Forsythia - Anticipation


Gosh, the forsythia flowers delivery just had to come that day. It had been two days since I talked to Jonghyun-hyung. It was really nice to be able to talk to him and have a good time. I really wanted to see him again. He did say that he would see me soon and that gave me this little hope of seeing him. Every time that door opened I perked up and wished it was him walking inside the store and whenever the store was empty I would sit down and daydream.

The first time we met I was so nervous. His beautiful voice was like liquid velvet in my ears! And he just had to smile at me and almost made me melt into a puddle of goo. He was sent by Jinki-hyung to get some flowers for the café and I happened to be on my shift. We talked a bit and I just had to go on rambling about flowers. I was so afraid that he’d thought I’m a weirdo or some sort.

“Key, stop daydreaming about your lover boy.” Heechul-hyung poked my cheek.

“Sorry, hyung. It’s been 2 days and I really want to see him again. He promised to see me soon and I’ve been anticipating him to walk through that door.” I sighed and pouted.

“No wonder you have forsythia on the vase.” Heechul-hyung grinned and fiddled with the flower.

“The delivery came in today! I didn’t put it up on purpose!” I threw my mini tantrum and poked his rib.

“Hahaha, yeaaah, sure, Key.” He walked away and arranged some flowers for a bouquet.

“Aaagh! Believe me, hyung!” He only laughed. I pouted and stuck my tongue out.

I just wished Jonghyun-hyung would come see me.

A/N : Okay here's the thing. I decided to use simple, short drabbles for each chapters. I'll probably go on longer for some chapters, but not all of them because I want to focus on the meaning of the flowers. I hope you don't mind!

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Nice fanfic !! Fighting!
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 8: that was beautiful, short, fast and full of information hahahaha they made me smile cause of their happiness
oooooooooh how cute <3
i love it really :$
i love flowers very much :$
so sweet, great job, love it;
awww. I like how it all had to do with the flowers and their moods. That was a very nice touch. and it was so sweet and romantic.
LockSTARx #7
Gah i was biting my lips and clenching my fists at the same time. Yea, im a er for fluff, but i regret nothing! Haha thank u for this <3