
Language of Flowers

Peony - Happy Life

.: Jonghyun :.

There he was, my lovely Key. Arranging beautiful bouquets for people that love the beauty in flowers. But for me, nothing could ever beat my Key’s beauty.

“Hey, baby.” I hugged him from behind, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

“Hey, Jjong. How are you today?” He pecked me on the lips and went back to arranging his flowers.

“Better now that I’ve seen you.” He giggled and flicked my nose.

“Same for me too.” We stayed silent for a while and he started humming the song I wrote for him.

“Have I told you that you’re beautiful, Key my love?”

“Practically every day, Jjong.” I laughed and he laughed along. His melodic voice ringing in my ears.

“You’re everything that I ever wanted.” Key stopped his work and turned around to wrap his arms around my neck.

“And you, Kim Jonghyun, are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I love you, Kim Kibum.”

“I love you too, Jjong.” He kissed my lips in between each word.

Yeah, this is my story.

A happy love story that started with a short trip to the flower shop.

It’s a new beginning of a new and better life for me.

My life with my Kibum.

A/N : That's it people! Thanks for putting up with me and reading this story until the end. I love how this turned out, so fluffy and nice~

Oh, and did you know? Peony also means "Happy Marriage"


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Nice fanfic !! Fighting!
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 8: that was beautiful, short, fast and full of information hahahaha they made me smile cause of their happiness
oooooooooh how cute <3
i love it really :$
i love flowers very much :$
so sweet, great job, love it;
awww. I like how it all had to do with the flowers and their moods. That was a very nice touch. and it was so sweet and romantic.
LockSTARx #7
Gah i was biting my lips and clenching my fists at the same time. Yea, im a er for fluff, but i regret nothing! Haha thank u for this <3