Blaming Yourself, Blaming You

If I Die

A bright white light glowed though your eyelids waking you up. You sat up and placed your hand a few centimeters from your face to block the light from blinding you. When your eyes adjusted to your surroundings you found a girl in a white knee high dress with a pink ribbon around her waist and white high heels --though it was a bit hard to tell with the thin layer of fog around her feet. 

"Who are you?" You squinted. 

The said girl turned around. For a split second it looked as if you were in a movie with her, as she did a hairflip in "slow motion" but then you expectations were ruined. (Nako's face at 36 seconds (there is a link at on the words in the parentheses but if it doesn't work type in the link, also it is this RJ_GZ.....)


"You know it isn't your time right?" Nako smiled her cheeky smile.

"What?" you yelled. "It's not my fault I got stabbed," you were offended and crossed your arms."Does this mean I'm dead?"

"Do you really want to go?" Nako sighed.


"Ami-chan for someone who is ranked first in class, you're a bit dumb," Nako crossed her arms. "Go!" She waved her arms like a maniac trying to make you realize what go meant. Except it didn't work you only stared at her stupidly. "DEATH YOU DUMBO!" Nako sighed once again. 

"So I am dead?" you looked around.

"No, this is the place between the living and the dead." Nako kept a straight face. "You could either go back now and die when your clock runs out or stay here and have it all end." 

"What clock?"

"YOUR LIFE CLOCK YOU DUMB DUMB!" Nako towered over you like an anime charater yelling at another one.

"Nako-chan there isn't anything there for me," Nako's jaw dropped to the floor.

"What about your sister and her friends?" Nako swiped the air and a picture of Kami7 appeared from the fog.

"I think they just pity me because you died."


Nako did another swipe in the air but this time instead of having a picture the whole surrounding turned into a familiar place --Jurina's individual apartment. She lived there with Sakura but could only get offial permission from your parents to have her own apartment if they could take care of you there as well. Of course you had your own room but the whole point of having their own apartment was so Jurisaku could be more intamate. Scratch that desision becuae that never happened, no wonder they went to find a place to kiss each other during lunch. 

It was your home but it seemed gloomier than usual. The curtains were drawn and it their showed no sign of any living beings anywhere. There was dust on objects that were surprising to have dust on , like Sakura's game consoles, journals, tutorials, cook books, and her textbooks to be a doctor. Jurina's boxing gloves, rolled up yoga mats, and a karaoke machine had dust on it as well. Why was there dust on the things used most often in the house? Actually the whole apartment was filled with dust and a very few cob webs in the corner , just that you never expected all these things to be filled with mountains of dust.

You were about to ask Nako what was going on but the apartment door opened, revealing a tired Sakura practically crawling into the apartment. She closed the door sighed and placed her grey blazer on the coat rack. She moved slowly towards the counter to put down her briefcase. 

"Sakura-chan," you barely muttered.

"She can't hear you," Nako turned over her shoulder to tell you.

"Why can't she?" You looked at the sleepy Sakura again.

"This is the future."

"Future? What future?"

"A one where you no longer exist," she deadpanned while your eyebrows knitted together. You were about to speak again when Sakura stormed in her shared room with Jurina. 

You followed behind into the "forbidden" room. The usual colorful room was dull, all black and white. A silhouette, or more specifically, a lump on the bed caught your eye. 

"Jurina! Get up and shower or go eat!" Sakura pulled the blankets off the bed. 

You gasped as you saw your sister on the bed curled up into a ball of bones. Jurina was so skinny you could see her ribs, her eyes were really puffy. 

"Ne-chan," you whispered.

Sakura sighed again, "Ju, I know it hurts but she wouldn't want you like this. You are her hero, you still are." 

"I was suppose to keep her safe Sakura," Jurina exhaled.

"I know that but she was my responsibility too," Sakura tried not to raise her voice. "Your mom told the both of us to take care of her, that's the only way we could move in together. So of course I feel guilty too," A tear rolled down Sakura's cheeks. "But we can't be like this Ju, we can't control everything in her life. She got hurt at school, we can't control everything."

"I should've been with her! Nako was everything to her, I should've known that 5 months wasn't enough for her-"

"And 2 years wasn't enough for you?" Sakura raised her voice. 

Jurina slowly sat up and stuttered, "She was my sister."

"Was? She still is!"

"I FAILED HER!" The atmosphere became tense. "APPARENTLY I FAILED YOU TOO!" Jurina stormed off.

Sakura grabbed her wrist annoyed, "Where are you going?"

"To shower!" Jurina paused. "This is my house," Jurina stared at Sakura with an angry expression on her face and continued into the bathroom.

"Well you don't pay the bills," Sakura muttered but Jurina heard. 

"Excuse me!" Jurina turned around. 

"I took that dreadful desk job so I could take care of you!" Sakura yelled.

"I never asked you to! And I don't need you to!"

"Need? Have you taken a look in the mirror Jurina, you're obviously not in the condition to get up and get a job tomorrow! All you do is lay in bed and sometimes I have to be the one who drags you into the shower or force food down your throat. I might hate my job but I love you," Sakura paused. "But you are NOT the Jurina I fell in love with." 

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mimonari #1
Chapter 9: She know...... whyyyyyyy
Is another story coming up?
mimonari #2
Cant wait for the next update when ami wakes up
chunyinhello #3
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Love your story :)
Chapter 7: I love this story
Chapter 7: This story is nice ^^ looking forward to seeing more ~
Chapter 1: Mann, had to hit me with that angst on the first chapter ;-; ughh and Nako is like my current bias in Izone too how could you author-nim! Lmao jk xD I like this so far, I'll go ahead and read the rest of the chapters now ^^
kkuuuwura #7
Chapter 4: jurisaku here broke my heart huhu