
Can You Be My Candy?

A/N: Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Daniel getting diabetes. Just some mentioning of it :3


Cavity is finally gone from Daniel's mouth and he is free to have his jellies again like the usual, but of course Seongwoo would prevent him from taking the same amount as he had before he gets cavity.

Seongwoo currently is taking care of Daniel's diet since he can always see his boyfriend consuming sweets rather than veges or anything remotely healthy. So he decided (without asking) to takes control of Daniel's own diet. Strictly. Prohibitively cutting all the sugary treats by half or lesser than it was before.

Of course Daniel took notice of the sudden changes in his diet and he had confronted his older boyfriend about it. And they had a mild argument about it for the whole day. Ending it with Daniel pouting and trudging out of their house to get some fresh air. He can't handle the thought of his sweet, candy shop owner boyfriend is refusing to let him take eat lots of candies like he would before the cavity attack.

Seongwoo didn't regret arguing about it though. He just feels like, it's the right thing to do for his younger boyfriend. Who would have known how much had Daniel taken on those candies even before they started dating. He knows Daniel is his frequent customer for a two years. And he had seen the younger coming in and out of his shop for quite a lot of times. Mostly during lunch hour time. 

The amount he gets for himself was too much for even Seongwoo to consume. But, at that time, he can't say anything to the younger since they are practically strangers. And he is more than happy to have such re-current customer buying his candies all day. That would mean that his candies are tasty and sweet.

As time goes by when they meet and get to know each other and with Seongwoo giving him the half discount card, that they started dating. Seeing each other more and more often whenever Daniel comes by the shop to buy his favorite gummies.

And soon, Seongwoo confessed about wanting to date Daniel for real and be his boyfriend, which Daniel accepted with the biggest puppy slash bunny smiles ever. Not to mention kissing the living daylight out of Seongwoo as they stand in the middle of the candy shop, with several customers watching them, shocked but amused and happy for the pair.

The 'can you be my candy' line that Seongwoo had said to Daniel was the start of their love life. The real confession came later after two months of dating each other.

And now, the couple are more than happy to be together. The fact that Seongwoo even asked his younger boyfriend to moved in with him were mind blowing to Daniel. He never thought that he'll be seeing his boyfriend more often now after they started their relationship.

Thank heaven Seongwoo did asked him to live with him. Since he is now able to watch Daniel's poor and unhealthy diet. It's not like he doesn't like it, just he does not want Daniel to get sick. Who knew, with a person taking those amount of sugary stuff more than they should, and continuously taking it everyday, might ended up with them having Diabetes soon. 

Daniel is not in the age to get that illness. He's still young and no young people should have that.

That's why Seongwoo had restricted the amount of candies that Daniel could take. He doesn't want to repeat the thought of Daniel getting cavities again.


During his walk to get his mind off the thought of Seongwoo controlling his diet, Daniel realized that he gets it why his older boyfriend is doing it. All for him. It's all for him since Soengwoo loves him very much that he wished the greatest and healthy life for Daniel. He wants him to be healthy and not get sick easily because of those sugary stuff.

Yes, he knows what Seongwoo is good, for him and for Seongwoo. He knows that he might get sick easier because of the candies. He knows but Daniel is slightly stubborn when it comes to the fact of life.

He remembers in their earlier argument, that Seongwoo had several times mentioned about Diabetes and he thinks that it's scary if he have that illness. He heard about what would lead them to severe Diabetes people. They sometimes would ended up having to cut their legs off or needing to get all those insulin injection inside their body. Restrict diet and needs to check on their blood sugar all the time before meal or after that.

No, he wouldn't risk chopping his legs off. Daniel shakes his head and slaps his cheeks to get his mind right.

"Daniel, you need to listen to him. Seongwoo hyung knows best for you. I'm sure he is doing this so that we could stay together longer than it should. He probably doesn't want me getting Diabetes and that's why he did so by controlling my diet now. I shouldn't have fought him. Seongwoo hyung is always right." 

He monologue by himself and realizing that yes, he should listen to Seongwoo and apologize for arguing about it.

The younger turns around and went home to apologize and maybe if Seongwoo is in a good mood, he could ask for a cuddles. Perhaps Seongwoo would treats him with the special treatment. Maybe. He can only hope that he did not make his boyfriend angry.


When Daniel came back home, he finds his boyfriend in the kitchen, cooking for them dinner. It seems that Seongwoo is ignoring him, even though he is sure that his older boyfriend could hear him entering the house and walking with the loud padded sound on the floor.

The younger stood by the door frame and is in crisis. How should he get back and apologize to his obvious angry boyfriend. He scratches his head and starts to think about way to just get this tension off.

He hates fighting with Seongwoo. And he hates it more when it's his fault. He is such a brat for a young adult whose working every single weekdays.

Seongwoo keeps ignoring his presence by moving around the kitchen to get the food ready faster and more. He's gonna just stay quiet until Daniel decides to talk. He knows so well that Daniel will say his sorry about lashing out on him like that. He should know that he is doing this all for the best of Daniel's life. Not because for fun of it.

When he hears the soft padding sound coming closer, he slightly turn his head. It didn't stop the younger from getting closer to him. And he almost lets out a yelp when Daniel pulls him into a back hug.

The older stiffen for a second. He stops stirring the soup and stood there with Daniel hugging him. Letting the younger nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck and the grip tightens around his small waist.

"Hyung, I'm very sorry for everything I said earlier in our argument. I just realized that you were right about me not eating anything remotely healthy. Before you came into my life, I have been living with eating instant ramen and your sweet candies. Sometimes I get some take outs or eat fast food for easier and quick bite. I know you do this for me. You don't want me to get diabetes and I get it. I'm really sorry. Will you forgive me?" Daniel asked with a sad puppy eyes and a pout as he stares into Seongwoo's side profile. The older didn't look back at him but he could see how Seongwoo is reacting. His face says it all.

The older closes his eyes and turns off the stove. He put the wooden spoon down and turns to see his puppy boyfriend.

"You should know better why I want to do this to you, Niel. It's not because I want to do it for fun and you should know that. You've gone through bad cavities and so I want to prevent that to ever occur again. And I know it could lead you to having diabetes if you're not careful with your eating habit. You do realized that you have been eating more sweets than real actual food right?" he raised his brow to his younger boyfriend who instantly agrees to him by nodding and pouting even more.

"Then let me take care of your diet. Since you're dating me and I know that I'm a candy shop owner, but that doesn't mean I don't eat healthy food. I do and I love eating healthy foods. Not the sort of only veges and proteins. No fats or carbohydrate. I take them all but in the good amount of it. Not too many or too little. So I want to do that to you too. Will you let me?"

"Yes, you should." Daniel says, not wanting to argue about it anymore. He doesn't want to fight his boyfriend again.

Seongwoo then turns his body around in Daniel's embrace and he hugs him back. Pecking his boyfriend's plump lips and booping their noses in a loving manner. He smiles and rested his forehead with Daniel's. They leans into each other's embrace.

"Then good. Know that I love you so much and that is why I want to do this to you. And don't worry, you can still eat your candies but it's gonna be lesser than the amount you always had. Is that okay with you, babe?"

"Mhm. I'm okay with anything as long as we don't fight again. I hate fighting with you and I'm sorry. I love you too much, Seongwoo hyung. You're the best boyfriend that I have ever had and probably the only one. And I'm happy to have such an understanding and sweet boyfriend like you."

Seongwoo giggles by the compliment and boops their noses once again before they kiss. 


At least this time, it didn't leads them to a heated moment. They stops kissing when Daniel's stomach starts grumbling. And they laugh about it and Seongwoo continue with his cooking, now with a big koala bear stuck on his back. He sometime feed his boyfriend as he cooks their meal for the evening.

They can say goodbye to Diabetes now.



Well what do you know. I'm still continuing this story with another chapter :D

I don't know when will I end this hahahaha. Never had the intentions to drag this story.

But I just did and still, the status will stays as completed. Because this might be the last.

Or maybe not hahahaha.

Comments and upvotes. Changing the status to subbies only :3

Sorry for the typos if there is any.

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What is happening with my hiatus? Didn't I say I'll be on hiatus period? But I can't stop myself from posting an update xD.
I'm terrible with hiatus hahahaha.


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anyway, im glad sungwoon's the boss or else niel's head might be chopped off hahahahhahaha what a sweet chapter! jealous kid is too cute too!
Chapter 4: Aww it's so real life. I have had these fights with boyfriend's too !! I love jellies also btw. And being cut off from them for dieting seriously ! This chapter was cute and fluffy and funny like usual. Great job~
Chapter 3: This isso cute and funny.. please continue!
"I knew it!" I said when i reached chapter 2 bcoz finally, the cavities emerged and niel gotta forget his (?) With jellies
At least he got a boyfriend now tho
nana0415 #5
Chapter 2: Please continue this series..Hope you'll update soon^^
Chapter 1: Continue this as a series! It's reaaaally good <3
Chapter 1: Series!!!!
i will wait for the next part *^*
Chapter 1: I prefer for this to be continued actually
Chapter 1: Cute story.... love it..
Hope u write more stories of ongniel :)