Annoying Senior

Tales of a Closeted Fanboy

"Holy , what happened to you?" Jongdae asks out of concern when Baekhyun appears in class the next day, literally wobbling his way to his chair. He feels kind of faint, so he takes out a pill from his bag then drinks it up to give himself a bit of energy to last the whole class in the morning.

"Do I look pale?" Baekhyun says, turning towards Jongdae.

"You look like death," Jongdae gasps as he cups the other's cheeks. "What have you been doing?"

"I stayed awake the whole night wa-" Baekyun catches himself, eyes widening when he realizes that he was just about to say 'I stayed awake the whole night watching the video Loey filmed himself on my camera and dying all over again'. Jobgdae looks at him, probing him to finish what he was saying.

"I-I stayed awake the whole night working on academic stuff!" Baekhyun says, internally fist pumping the air as he successfully saves himself. "I got interested in one of our textbooks that I had just had to read it through. You know, usual nerdy stuff I indulge myself in, haha. I actually lost too much sleep because of it."

"You gotta catch some sleep," Jongdae says, genuinely worried as he claps his friend's shoulder. "A normal teen doesn't spend time reading a ing textbook, Baekhyun."

During lunch, Baekhyun doesn't head to the cafeteria. Instead, he walks towards the library, but not before someone getting in his way.

For a moment, Baekhyun blinks in confusion as to who this person was who had stepped in front of him. His brain was floating elsewhere, so he was only able to realize a moment too late that it was his ex-girlfriend whom he had just broken up with yesterday.

"Hey, Aeyoung," Baekhyun greets casually, ignoring her tearstained face. "Do you need anything?"

"Baekhyun..." she utters, reaching out to grasp his hand. He wasn't able to react quickly so she was able to grab his hands into her tiny ones.

"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asks, voice chilly and cold. Aeyoung flinches at his tone, pursing her lips together as she dips her head.

"Please... please don't do this to me. I... I love you too much..."

Baekhyun chuckles, but doesn't withdraw his hand. "Hey, hey, listen. Do you hear yourself? Do you even know what you are talking about, Aeyoung?"

"Please give me a chance," she pleads, looking up at him with glinting eyes. Baekhyun has been through too much of these girls wanting him back, but every single one was just shrugged off. He's actually surprised that the following girls would think they'd ever have another chance. It's either they don't learn from the ones before them, or they think they might have been relevant enough to have a chance.

"I won't annoy you anymore..."

The prince sighs.

"Hey, Aeyoung."

The girl was surprised when Baekhyun suddenly placed a hand on her cheek. She blushes when he gives her that famous adorable smile added with those cute crescents and his chubby cheeks. That final mochi attack.

"I'm sorry I can't take you back," he gently says.

"B-But why?"

Baekhyun smiles softly as he caresses her face. "Dumping you then taking you back would be similar to throwing away trash then picking the trash out of the garbage again. It's disgusting, and I'm very particular about hygiene."

He doesn't even feel anything when Aeyoung's bottom lip wobbles before she turns her back to him then runs away, hands covering her face.

Baekhyun was a major and a top at the same time, and he knows it. He feels bad about doing stuff like this, but what can he do? He can't really go against his own principles, right?

Forgetting about Aeyoung, he finally reaches to the library, where he is relieved to see that no one id really around except for him. It is lunch time after all.

After logging in, Baekhyun walks to the back portion of the library. Taking a book out, Baekhyun opens it, placing it over his head then assumes the most comfortable position he could do then drifts away from sleep.

It wasn't a weird occurrence for him to dream about his ultimate bias, what with his ever hyperactive imagination and his active participation in the fanficiton community, albeit he's only a reader. In his sleep, Baekhyun dreamed of Loey in front of him while they sat in a clearing somewhere. The idol picks a pink wildflower from behind him then leans over to insert it behind Baekhyun's ear, causing the smaller male to blush at both the gesture and the proximity. It feels so real and vivid that Baekhyun could feel himself breathing heavily and his heart pounding, even more so when Loey flashes him his infamous bright smile that never fail to make girls - and Baekhyun's - heart flutter.

"You're beautiful," he whispers as he leans in, his voice crisp and deep, all too real that Baekhyun willingly falls deeply into the illusion. Loey's face comes closer, his plump lips coming into view. The fanboy freezes in anticipation, eyes closing, waiting for those lips to make contact with his.

But it never comes.

A feeling of falling overcomes Baekhyun, then he flinches back into consciousness. He sits upright, the book that had been covering his head falling to the ground with a loud thud. He squints, eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness around him. For a moment, he's confused as to where he is, and even more confused when he sees a person sitting right across him, whose nose is stuck to a book.

"You might want to wipe off that drool on your face," the person looks up at Baekhyun and gives him a teasing smile before his thumb and pressing it to the edge of a page before flipping it.

Scowling, Baekhyun dips down to wipe off the drool at the tip of his lips that is definitely there. He then straightens up, his senses back. That is when he realized he is still in the library, there is no one else around, and that the person right across him is the same senior that Miyoung had blackmailed so he would make her art homework for her.

"What... What time is it?" Baekhyun asks, his voice raspy from sleep.

The senior across him momentarily glances at the fancy Rolex on his wrist. "It's four in the afternoon."

Baekhyun's eyes widen in panic. His throat goes dry as he props his elbows up on the table then clutches his hair, a troubled expression drawn across his pretty face. The senior shifts his gaze back on him, a little smirk of amusement across his lips when he sees the distress on the prince's face.

"I ing missed my afternoon classes, what the actual ?!" Baekhyun cries as he runs his fingers through his hair and rubs his face. "I hope there wasn't any important tests. I can't afford to fail, ."

"Yo man chill," the senior says as he leans forward, arms folded on the table. "I've never seen a popular kid stress over school performance like this. Your friends don't give a ."

Baekhyun glares at him. "Don't lump me with them. I am an intellectual. My brain's capability can reach great heights. It is not limited to... to Chanel fragrances or Gucci or whatever."

The senior chuckles, giving him a dazzling smile that has Baekhyun suddenly wavering.

That smile looks so familiar.

"Don't worry, I am very aware of that, Prince Charming."

"Don't call me that!" Baekhyun snaps in irritation.

"Don't be so grumpy, princess."

Baekhyun rolls his eyes as he leans back into his chair with a sigh, calming himself down. Stressing himself was bad for the skin.

"Who are you even? Why do you have the balls to talk to someone like me?"

Not to be like that on cliché teen fiction, but no one from a level lower than him on the hierarchy has ever dared try to initiate a conversation with him unless it was for a confession or for school-related work. This person was probably a first.

"Well I'm Park Chanyeol, a senior and the assistant librarian. Not to mention that I made everyone else leave just so you could sleep in peace so yeah, I can pester you all I want."

"You're pretty good at running that mouth of yours, senior," Baekhyun says, ticked off at the senior's feistiness.

Chanyeol laughs light-heartedly. "I can do greater things with my mouth but let's not delve into that. We just met."

Baekhyun was not stupid to not notice the light flirting, but decides to just ignore it. This person wasn't Loey or wasn't beneficial to him in keeping up his prince-like image for school so he was a no-no.

He is pretty cute, though...

"Well, you know what? I don't really care," Baekhyun says, offering a sweet little smile. "Unless you want me to ask Miyoung to steal more of your precious stuff again and leak something embarrassing or two, then you might want to shut up and let me be. I need to make my ing homework."

Chanyeol reaches out, taking Baekhyun aback when he touches his cute nose with his index finger then smiles cheekily at him. "Nah, I'd like to bother you more. I don't have anything to leak, anyway." He was completely unfazed by Baekhyun's threat, and that irritates him to no end. "I'm bored."

"Will you be able to handle the fact that a junior failed because you're being a nuisance to his peace that is initially for studying?"

"Nope, that's why I'm offering you more of my help," Chanyeol says with a shrug. "There's only the two of us here thanks to you, so I'm bored. You have no choice but to let me help you."

"And whose fault is it?" Baekhyun asks with another glare at him. "It's not because of me that everyone has left."

"I did it for you," Chanyeol says.

"I didn't ask you to do it."

"But still," the senior pouts childishly. Baekhyun shouldn't find this extremely endearing but he did and he wants to bang his head on the table.

"Just go draw there or something, I don't need your help," Baekhyun says as he flips through his textbook. "I can handle everything."

The senior stares at him, eyes burning into the pits of Baekhyun's soul. But the school prince is no one who backed down to a challenge, so he glares back at the senior, which becomes the start of a staring battle.

The battle didn't last long, though. Chanyeol flashes a smile at him complete with his pearly whites, adorable crescents and that dimple which makes Baekhyun blink because what the , this senior was the goddamn sun.

"I won," Chanyeol grins triumphantly as he quickly strides over and sits down next to him. A shiver runs down Baekhyun's body when he feels the senior's body come in contact with his as he leans too closely against him to look at what he is working on.

"You're too close," Baekhyun hisses as he tries pushing him away, but Chanyeol irks him even more by slinging his arm over his shoulders.

"Don't be stingy and let's start."

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Chapter 19: -incerts feel special by twice- that's better ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Chapter 18: I can't wait for the next update, I'm crying river right now (TT)
Chapter 19: It's been 84 years.....
Chapter 19: i already commented this chapter but this is so cute and I can't wait for the next one
Also I'm ready for the angst!!
Chapter 19: OMG, love this au sooo much
Chapter 19: i love this ok
Chapter 17: FINALLY
Chapter 15: oh hello taeyeon!!