
Love or Dead Game [COMPLETED]



"Who are you?"

"Lay. Just know that I want to help you"

"Why should I believe you?" I am sure it's one of Sehun's plan.

"So do you have any other option?"

"No" I mumbled.

"I thought you are enough smart to end this game. You played games before and you should know when a game ends."

"When the lead role dies or the player loses or wins or dies" I said those words but the thought of dying wasn't my plan ever but right now I am okay with it.

"You already have understand that winning against Sehun is impossible so how many options are left?"

"I have to kill him or kill myself?" I can't do any of these.

"Yes" He disappeared and I returned where I was.

I don't know what it was but whoever he was thanks to him. I couldn't find anything. I thought I could at least find one thing that would help me to kill him.

I immediately layed on the bed when I heard someone coming here. To my surprise there was a knife under the pillow. I searched the whole room like a psycho, who has thought that I would find this here. I hide it under my shirt and closed my eyes.

A dream flashed in my brain. A dream I had when I just ten years old. I was left to a boarding school where none wanted to be my friend. None. It was my first time having a nightmare. I was laughing making sounds that echoed in our small house while my  mom was running behind me. We were playing hide and seek. I hide under the table. I heard footsteps. I thought it was my mom so I giggled. And when I got out, that wasn't my mom. A man who was wearing black hat that covered his face. He held a knife in his hand.

That's all I could remember actually I don't want to remember a thing about that time. But it time to time haunt me. A blurry vision I could see of that dream.

I was brought in reality when the door opened and Sehun entered the room.

"Still sleeping?"

I have my eyes closed yet. He leaned in and I could feel his breathing against my face.

"I don't want to hurt you but"

I didn't let him finish whatever he was saying.

"Sorry and good bye" I was quick to attack him but he moved away.

He wasn't shocked totally. He laughed.

"Guess what you have met Lay and as always he brainwashed yours too like he always does to all my toys" He hold my both hands and pulled me closer. Toys? Am I look a toy to you?!!

"You are stupid to believe him. You really thought you can kill me you doll?"

Doll?!!! I hate dolls. My parents that night died because of that stupid doll. They promised me they would bring me a new doll and after buying it when they were crossing road, a car hit them. Recalling that time my eyes got teary. 

I was afraid of what will he do next! He took the knife and handed me.

"Go ahead kill me"

I looked at him with fear and confusion.

That man was holding a knife in his hand. He told me to take that knife and kill my mom. And he handed me the knife and I took it. I went to my mom and killed her? I killed her..

I killed her! I killed her!

The last part of my first nightmare flashed in my brain. My head started spinning. "I killed her" I mumbled. That's what I was hearing in my mind and nothing else.

"I said do it" His voice got louder.

I tried but again I heard myself saying that I killed her. I stopped. I couldn't even take the knife close to him. My hands are shaking. I started crying.

"Nooo noo I didn't kill her. I didn't want any dolls. I didn't kill them" I cried out.

"Forget it. If you can't then let me kill you" Sehun must didn't hear me crying. He said he will kill me. I am not afraid. Kill me.

I stopped there.

"Ohh no wait killing you maybe not the good idea. Come with me" He stopped.

He dragged me with him. My tears are falling but I was wiping them off cause they can't be my weakness. All I could remember my childhood memories. My laughter, my sobbing are ringing in my brain.

He stopped when we got into the hall. Everyone was there talking. They stopped when they saw us.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked.

"Plan changed." Sehun said looking at me.

"So she couldn't satisfy you" Suho laughed.

"I feel sorry for you that now you have to lose your friend Jhonny" Kyungsoo said.

"What noo please kill me instead"

All of a sudden I forgot everything. Everything. I need to save him. I can't kill more. I don't blame myself more. I looked at Sehun and I am even ready to do whatever he wants. He wants my body, he wants to hurt? Sure one day he will also be tired.

"Too late Anna" He gave me a weak smile.

"Can you explain what happened Sehun? Why do you want to change the plan suddenly?" Baekhyun asked.

"Cause she crossed the limit. I thought I can let her go but she just doesn't like the idea"

"Opps she tried to kill you. She got really something. I wished I were the one who chose her" Kai smirked.

"Don't waste time. Let's end it here cause I have my next target" Xiumin declared.

Everyone cheered for him. Sehun was silent dangerously staring at me.

"Yes sure let's end it now" Sehun said.

Kyungsoo went to bring Jhonny.

"Please" I cried out. Sehun didn't care.

They came. Jhonny's situation wasn't any better. He gave me a smile. Something was breaking inside me.

"Please let him go" I was begging Sehun for his life.

Sehun didn't say anything but his hold on my hand loosen. I looked at him.

"Go and see him for the last time" Sehun said. I didn't wait any more second there. I ran to Jhonny but before I could reach him I saw him falling on the ground.

"Noo" I shouted.

I went near him. He wasn't breathing. I hold his head on my lap. I cried to see blood all over his body. I cried to see my friend in this much pain. I kill him too.

"Jhonny you can't leave me alone. Please hold in. I will save you" My tears falling on Jhonny's face.

Everyone was on their spot. They didn't move and I can't believe some of them find this annoying. I don't have any strength to see my friend like this. I can't believe he isn't with me anymore. He won't be with me ever from now.

I wiped my tears and stand up.

"This game can't end here" I said and they gave me a confused look.

"I will end this game. I would give my life. Game rules can't be broken right? Why? Cause then y'all also be finished right?"

I thought too much about this game. It can't be this much easier. Then it came to my mind. If I break the rules then what's the problem. They won't be effected by this. But then I understand when Sehun said they are just game characters. So if the rules are broken then this must have some problems with them too. And he chose me so only he can kill me not me. If I kill myself then the game won't be the same right. It will be the end. Even if I lost myself, I at least have reason. I won't let them live after losing my friend.

"Don't dare to do this" Sehun was the one who was closest to me. He slowly coming near to me.

"Don't come near me or else I will give my life jumping from here" I looked down.

He stopped after hearing me.

"Anna listen to us" Suho said but I didn't look at him. I can't be tricked anymore.

I looked down and closed my eyes before jumping.

"Noooo" I heard them shouting. I smiled and spread my hands before falling. I recall the time my mom told me that I am a princess who will bring happiness in people's life.

"Mom you weren't right. I am coming to you mom and dad" I mumbled. Tears escaped my closed eyelids.

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Yess I am done
Imma too sleepy but want to finish this tonight TT