Rushing through work.

Not all idols are the same...or are they?

Young Soon

I woke up and found that my hands were surrounded by warmth. Looking at my hands, I realised that it was intertwined with Doo Joon's. I tried to remvoe it from his grasp but he stirred abit. Afraid to wake him up, I stayed still and looked at him. With the sunlight Shining on him, he looks like an angel. I use my other hand to his hair. It's so soft. I moved closer to him to study his face, I was so close that I can feel his hot breath. He's so handsome whichever way I wonder he is an idol. I saw some feathers at the side of my bed and decided to with it. I took some and tickled his nose with it. He sneezed and was soon wide awake, his eyes widening due to surprise. i pointed at him and can't help laughing. "Yah! I took care of you yesterday and you do this to me? You are going to get it from me!" He started tickling me and I laughed even harder. "Stop!Stop! Ok, I'm Sorry." he stopped immediately and stare into my eyes, stunning me for a moment. "Wait! Don't say that word! I haven't done everything they said to do." I give him a puzzled look. What is he talking about? Then I remembered about my work. "Doo Joon! I need to finish my work now! I need to hand it in by today!" both of us stood up and I started gathering my materials to start work. "Wait! Can I help you with your work?" he asked me. I read the requirements for this particular article and...BINGO! I am required to write an article about difficulties that leaders of idol groups have. "Yeah you can help with my work!" I hugged him and pulled him to sit at the sofa. "I'm going to the kitchen first. Don't come in ok?" Doo Joon said mysteriously and went in. I creeped to the kitchen and peeped in, to see Doo Joon in my pink apron and chef hat. I tried hard not to laugh and watched what he was doing closely. He's rolling some dough and cutting it into star shapes. He's very focused on it and I find that he looks cute like this.


Doo Joon

I had a feeling that Young Soon is ready to forgive me so I stopped her before she can say anything more. Now what should I do next...yes, flowers and cookies! I'm happy that I can help her with her work, but when she hugged me suddenly my mind went blank and I can feel myself blushing. I tried to find heart shaped cutters but there aren't any, so I use star shaped ones. Young Soon loves chocolates, so I put alot of chocolate chips into the dough. After that I decorated it with pink frosting and put it in the oven. I wipe my gloves and was about to walk back into the living room when I noticed Young Soon standing at the doorway. Flustered, I immediately said loudly "Yah! Didn't I T-t-t-ell you to s-s-st-stay in the living room?" I was so embarrassed that I started stammering. She just smiled at me and walked back into the living room. I followed slowly behind and she patted the space beside her. "So...are you sure you are ready for the interview?" avoiding her gaze, I mumbled "What interview?" "You said you will help me with my work! I'm supposed to interview a idol group's leader!" She remembered I'm BEAST's leader! I feel like cheering out loud but I stayed calm and said "Ok, you can ask now." and so the interview session began. It felt like we were just chatting to each other. But then a question came that makes both of us unsure what to do. "Have you ever been in a situation where you are stuck between your group mates and your girlfriend?" I answered honestly "No, I had not been in that situation before. I had never been in love before."I felt like there was a need to say the last part out. I stare at her to see her reaction but she turned her face away. "That was the last question. Thanks for helping me! I'm going to hand it in now." Before I suggest that I go along with her she had already left. She definitely trust me because she left me in her house. Ahh I had forgotten about the cookies! I rushed to the oven and the cookies are a mess. I can make new ones. Oh and I need to order flowers. I call the florist and ordered a dozen of roses. I heard a sound and realized it was her handphone ringing. I picked it up but there was silence. "Hello? Are you looking for Young Soon? She's out. May I pass the message?" the person at the other end hanged up. Weird person. I shrugged and started making the cookies all over again.



Doo Joon looks so cute and handsome in that gif! >.< A special person is coming in the next chapter :)   It's not another love rival for Doo Joon btw XD

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Aww ! So cute! Thx 4 update!!!! Always love your story muach!!!!
bestgirlfriend #2
Waaaaaaaah!!!!!! Aaww <3
Kyah I so happeh! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
awwww so cute!!! thanks for the update! :)
Iam new reader here!!
Ur story is so cool!!!
bestgirlfriend #6
Cute chapter is cute!! XD I'm happy that the press conference went well!!
I hope the press conference goes well! :)
I can't wait to see what happens XD
ailisu #9
bestgirlfriend #10
Yeeeesss!!! They're happy now!! <3 Such a good chapter<3