Chapter 8

Over it (Over you?)
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Jennie felt her eye twitch as she smiled and bowed at the numerous representatives from Moon corp. She had just spent the last hour going over her blueprints with the executives. At the beginning, they had torn her idea to shreds and asked her to pitch new ideas on the spot. She had done so and was again met with harsh criticism. However, during the last ten minutes, the executives had begun to pitch her original ideas back to her and had nodded and agreed amongst themselves as if they had been the ones to come up with them. Basically, Jennie had just spent the last an hour being criticized for ideas that the executives eventually stole and tried to take credit for.Needless to say, Jennie was not in a good mood.


Things only seemed to be getting worse when she exited the meeting room and crashed into a body. All the documents and blueprints that she had been holding fell from her arms and landed on the floor. Worse yet, Jennie landed on the floor, squashing one of the rolled up blue prints in the process. Jennie groaned and rubbed her head, her eyes scrunched close as she willed her head to stop throbbing.


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" A voice familiar voice exclaimed.


Jennie froze.


No way. This can't be happening


Slowly, Jennie opened her eyes and stared, mouth a gape at the sight of the red haired lady who had seemingly driven her to insanity. "Why are you here?" Jennie exclaimed loudly, her voice echoing through the hall. Jennie's mouth and eyes were open in shock as she stared at the lady.


Jisoo awkwardly and reached her hand out to help Jennie up from the floor. When Jennie continued to stare at her with open, Jisoo awkwardly with drew her hand.


"My name's Kim Jisoo I was just hired... Have we met? You look familiar?" Jisoo asked as she scrunched up her face and tilted her head to the side. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers and exclaimed "You're the coffee shop lady. Wait, why are you here if you work at the coffee shop?"


Jennie blinked and felt a wave of horror wash over her. Kim Jisoo. No wonder the name had sounded familiar to her when she had first picked up the resume. Kim Jisoo. The lady who knocked on her window, who's coffee order she took, who she chased down the street. This was Kim Jisoo. Kim Jisoo.... who was also apparently her new personal assistnat.


Jennie cleared and began to pick up the documents sprawled around her. "Actually," She said, regaining her composure and keeping her voice and face carefully void of emotion. "I'm Jennie Kim." She couldn't lose her cool in front

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little_spitfire #1
Chapter 8: Still hoping for an update with this story. 😊
badentic #2
update please
KittenThief #3
Chapter 8: Awkward, Jennie is awkward! And their friends plotting everything lmao!
Hope you update soon!
kwonjess13 #4
Chapter 8: EUREKAAAAA! jen is super awkward when she meets her crush eyyyyy. and jichu being jichu just smiles and is adorable. they really do look good together.
kwonjess13 #5
Chapter 7: now seul's in the mix as well. stupid businessmen hindering jensoo from locking eyes and falling i. love!!!
kwonjess13 #6
Chapter 6: okay so now their friends are proactively working for them to get together, love it! lisa what a shy bean! hope jensoo meet officially soon!
kwonjess13 #7
Chapter 5: chaelisa keeps winning. i hope jichu wont get stood up
kwonjess13 #8
Chapter 4: did rosé not hear jen mention jisoos name? welp another opportunity missed for jensoo this time but we shall not give up! i wonder who jens past love was. ....
kwonjess13 #9
Chapter 3: i love the dramatic!!! i could actually relate to jen in some level bc when ur attraction or ur pull to someone is that bad, they really never leave ur mind and it gets crazy up in there. i love our overwhelmed heroine
kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 2: knew it!!! every single time the universe wants them to be together so jensoo, it's time to get it on!