Chapter 7

Over it (Over you?)
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Jisoo furrowed her brows and shoved Rose's shoulder. "Do you want to explain why I got a call from a Jennie Kim the other day telling me that I should come in for a job interview?"


Rose grinned and shrugged nonchalantly. "Well you see, Jennie's a friend of mine and Lisa's and when we heard that she was looking to hire a personal assistant, I immediately thought of you. Besides, you were looking for a side job anyways so isn't this the perfect opportunity?" Rose asked with a raised eyebrow. "Why did you wait so long to ask me about this anyways? I heard from Jennie that she was going to be intervewing you today"


Jisoo blushed red and tilted her head down, her hair covering her face. "I kind of forgot about the interview until my calendar on my phone reminded me that I had an appointment at 11 am today." She said, with a tinge of embarassment in her voice. "Anyways that's not the point, how did you get my resume anyways?"


Rose grinned at Jisoo and shrugged, "I have my ways."


"You broke into my apartment again didn't you?"


"... Maybe..."




Jennie ran a hand through her hair and used her free hand to push the door of the builiding open. It was officially Friday and she was suppose to meet her newest potential hire any minute now. She walked past Wendy and nodded at her. "Hey Wendy."


Wendy raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side. "Rough day?" she asked. 


Jennie stopped in her tracks and turned to face Wendy. "Yeah how'd you know?" she asked with a tilt of her head. Her clients for her most recent project had called and demanded to meet with her because they were unsatisfied with the blue prints that she had sent in. However, they refused to set a date and requested for Jennie to be available at any minute. If it had been anyone else, Jennie would've firmly requested a set date, but seeing that it was one of the largest client's that Jennie had ever gotten, she couldn't afford to offend them. So, reluctantly Jennie had agreed to be available at any minute.


"You don't normally call me Wendy in the office." Wendy replied with a shrug. They had been college friends back in the day, but ever since Seulgi had hired Wendy as their secretary, Jennie had refused to call Wendy anything besides Ms. Son while in the office.


"The high profile clinet is being high maintanenced." Jennie said with a sigh. Her shoulders slumpted and she felt anger begin to well up inside of her.


"That's too bad." Wendy said sympathetically. "Hang in there Ms. Kim" she finished with a teasing smile and an overexaggerated wink that made Jennie smile.


"Now if you'll excuse me Ms. Son, I have work to do." Jennie replied back playfully. "Send Kim Jisoo into my office when she arrives." Jennie added as an after thought. She had debated on rescheduling her interview with Kim Jisoo in order to cool off but had decided against it when she realized that she would need a personal assistant with the hectic work load that had begun to pile up.


Jennie enteerd her office and sat down in her chair. She picked up a blueprint and began going over her latest edits. Just as Jennie was about to lose herself in her work, she heard a knock at her door.


Jennie set down the blueprint and sat up in her chair. She cleared and cracked her ne

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little_spitfire #1
Chapter 8: Still hoping for an update with this story. 😊
badentic #2
update please
KittenThief #3
Chapter 8: Awkward, Jennie is awkward! And their friends plotting everything lmao!
Hope you update soon!
kwonjess13 #4
Chapter 8: EUREKAAAAA! jen is super awkward when she meets her crush eyyyyy. and jichu being jichu just smiles and is adorable. they really do look good together.
kwonjess13 #5
Chapter 7: now seul's in the mix as well. stupid businessmen hindering jensoo from locking eyes and falling i. love!!!
kwonjess13 #6
Chapter 6: okay so now their friends are proactively working for them to get together, love it! lisa what a shy bean! hope jensoo meet officially soon!
kwonjess13 #7
Chapter 5: chaelisa keeps winning. i hope jichu wont get stood up
kwonjess13 #8
Chapter 4: did rosé not hear jen mention jisoos name? welp another opportunity missed for jensoo this time but we shall not give up! i wonder who jens past love was. ....
kwonjess13 #9
Chapter 3: i love the dramatic!!! i could actually relate to jen in some level bc when ur attraction or ur pull to someone is that bad, they really never leave ur mind and it gets crazy up in there. i love our overwhelmed heroine
kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 2: knew it!!! every single time the universe wants them to be together so jensoo, it's time to get it on!