
ᶜᵒᵐᵖˡᵉᵗᵉ GRAND PRIZE © • m.yg ,
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They tripped their way out of the elevator at their destined floor.


When Jimin made no movement that indicated he was going to walk out, Yoongi bent over and looked at his face. He had fallen asleep standing, leaning against him.


"Jimin?" He nudged the younger a little. He mumbled something inaudible and turned his face to the other side.


The boys were already at the end of the hall, turning left to the corridor that led to their apartment, too wasted to realize the other two had been left behind.


The doors of the elevator closed with a ding. Deciding they couldn't stay there forever, Yoongi pressed the button to open them again and quickly picked up Jimin bridal style. He stepped out, walking slowly so not to wake up the younger in his arms.


He took the chance to admire Jimin's face. His plump lips, clean of lip gloss by now, were pink and plump. His skin was icky with sweat and flushed due to the alcohol rush. His eyes were closed, lashes resting on his top of his cheeks.


It had been months ago that Yoongi started to pay more attention to Jimin. Jimin and his smile. Jimin and his angelic voice. Jimin and his glowing personality.


Eventually, he came to accept that it's how life works.


And life happened to decide Min Yoongi would fall in love with Park Jimin.





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