I'm a Loner

You > Calculus

February 11, 2012 - Starbucks

Dear notebook that-to-this-day-I-feel-compelled-to-write-in,

What a wonderful way to start my morning. No, Myungsoo oppa didn't scare me and cause me to spill my Lucky Charms again.

I was ready to have a good day. My hair listened to me for once and I didn't look like a beast, my socks matched (I know right? Why should that matter, but you should know, I have bright mismatched knee socks everyday. Matching black ones were nice for a change), and all of my homework was done. With almost half an hour to spare, I tried calling Jieun's house to see what's up (she doesn't have a cell phone - her parents don't believe in getting her one. They think a creeper will call her, track her down, and get her pregnant) but no one answered.

So, I, being the persistent self I am, went over and knocked on the Lee family's door.

No one answered. I then proceeded to hop over their fence (is that illegal? Trespassing? Bah - whatever) and knock on Jieun's window.

She didn't answer.

I walked back to the front of the house and then I saw it - their cars were gone. They all left to who knows where! At so early in the morning, too.

I was more of a loner than I already am. With around 20 minutes to spare, I caught the bus here and got some hot cocoa.

Mmph, hot cocoa. The warmth of coffee without all the caffeine.

OW. I just spilt some on my sock.. gross, wet socks.

It's 6:34, but my school is only 5 minutes away, so I guess I should start walking now. 

So, uh... goodbye... notebook? Keke

Okay. Five minutes. That's all. A quarter mile to walk. That's all.

SO... FAR... TT____TT

I don't even have Jieun to talk to. I'm so lonely... baby, I'm so lonely, lonely, lonely...

Am I funny? No? Okay then.

At least when I get to school, Woohyun will probably be there :D Then I'll have someone to interact with!

Hold on.

Did I just see something? I swear, I saw a quick shadow. I followed the direction of the shadow and saw -






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"Excuse me miss, are these your belongings?" Some old ahjussi held out my notebook and my purple backpack. I slowly nodded, taking them.

"How did you get these...?" I asked, slipping the straps of my bag over my shoulders. Both of my shoulders. Not just one.

The ahjussi gave me a weird look, cocking his head to the side slightly. "You mean you don't remember? I saw you leaving that coffee shop over there while I was feeding some birds," What? Old people actually feed birds? "and I saw you drop your things and run off screaming, 'cat'..."

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I remember now.


Well, it's too late to change my impression now, so I bowed, 90 degrees like always.

"Kamsahamnida!" I yipped, before turning around to slowly trudge to school.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I pushed open the door at the entrance to the school and what I saw made my eyes widen.

People were already here. Walking alone through the halls makes me nervous. What if I make eye contact with someone popular? Then they might scream at me and threaten to hit me. It's scary, you know. It's happened to me before. I accidentally bumped into a girl going down the stairs.

I took refuge in a janitor's closet - just like in the movies, they're actually really good hiding places! :D I whipped out my generic slider phone and texted Myungsoo oppa.

Stupid Myungsoo oppa with his iPhone 4S. Not that I'm jealous and all that >.>

To: Myungsoo oppa

Is Woohyun here today? :D

I clutched my phone, pacing around the tiny closet, awaiting a reply.

If Woohyun's not here today, I have no one. Sure, I have friends, but I'm too awkward for them. They'll be nice to me, chuckle at my jokes, but they're not like me.

I'm my own species.

Get down, get down, get-get-get-get-get down ~

Eeeeeep! I fangirl screamed inside of my head. A reply, AND Zelo. B.A.P is glorious.

To: Jinju

Ani, he has a dentist's appointment.


I have... no one.

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Hi notebook.

My teacher just handed me my new schedule for the quarter. It's printed on tacky green paper. Ick.

I let my eyes scan it, knowing nothing would change, just as it has for the past year...



Language Arts.





I did a spit take and read the paper again.


Physical education. 

Notebook!!?! What do I do?!?!! P.E!?! Here's a little glimpse of me in P.E, even if you're an inanimate object that won't comprehend it anyways.

= Flashback =

I stood in line with the rest of my P.E group, my heart thumping faster and faster as each peer threw the football properly.

Calm down, Jinju. You can't possibly mess up. Oh, here goes Jieun. If she doesn't throw it well, then I won't be alone! I mean, seriously. We're the two dorks.

She's not going to throw it.

I watched intently as she pursed her lips, stepped back, and flung the football in the totally wrong -

"Wow!" My P.E. teacher put her hands on her hips and stared in awe. "Nice spiral, Jieun!" 

My jaw dropped, my eyes widened, and the boys in our group clapped. Okay, you know what? She threw it. So what. My turn now. She did it, so it can't be that hard!

I did as I was taught. Point, step, and throw.

Point. Check.

Step. Check.


I threw the football with all of my might.

It flip-flopped and landed two feet in front of me.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I sat at the dining table, doing my math homework happily. Math comforts me. It's something I can do.

"Yoboseyo?" I heard my mom pick up the phone. "Concering Jinju? Wae?" 

MWOH/!?!?!! What did I do?!?! I listened, dropping my pencil dramatically, for effect. Appa wasn't home watching TV and Myungsoo oppa was out, so the house was completely silent, and I could vaguely hear my P.E. teacher.

"I think Jinju may be a little too feminine for P.E...."

= End Flashback = 

Eotteoke, eotteoke, eotteoke...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Helllllllllllllllo everyone! :D Have you seen Sungyeol & Sungjong's rendition of Trouble Maker? YEOLLIE PLAYS HYUNA LOLOL IT'S TOO MUCH

I hope you've noticed that the text in Tahoma and is purple is written in Jinju's notebook... I mean, it always starts with her addressing the notebook. Apart from this AN. I blab too much.

So, the next chapter will be part number two/deul/dos/dalawa/elua...

of Jinju's loner-ness :") Okay I know it's still dragging. WHATEVER. It's only chapter 3, you don't know what I have in store for yeh.

Do I even know what I have in store for you?


Or yes.


Okay, I'm going to start writing chapter 4 now so I don't make you guys wait too long.

ALSO (read if you want to - I won't force you. READ IT. har har)

Uhm. I'm moving in a month, or so... and I don't know when I'll get internet after I move! :D So, if I disappear, I'll probably type out an author's note for you guys so you guys can be caught up with my whereabouts.

Thank you to everyone who subscribed / commented / didn't comment.

I love you nonetheless. :D ♥


That's our precious Yeol in the white ;D


Everyone has to know who this is.


Lol I can't even.








(grabs your collar and smiles at you like a serial killer)





LOL jk but it's also motivation and telling me how I'm doing. :3

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Gah, nevermind. I love you guys way too much. Chapter 10, here I come.


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Chapter 12: looking forward for an update ///incomprehensible squealing///
kowarinai #3
Chapter 12: My life has been good lately. Yeah. . . good ^^
Chapter 11: Please update!
Chapter 11: Update. There are no interesting fics to read these days. I'm reading all kinds of Myungsoo and B1A4 stuff now...
kowarinai #6
Oh come on !! UPDATE!! I can't wait any longer!!
PLEASE!! *puppy face*
PDJFGDLFJGDCF:HJDFOGSDG. I thought you pulled through and updated. FUUU. I love that second Luhan gif. OMFG I LOVE HIS LAUGH.
AWWW maaaaan!!I thought it was an update! ;; Please update soon~!! i can't wait to see a "next" button with another chappie next time I log in to AFF! :DD
kowarinai #9
It's exacly a month now since you last updated!!
Please update soon. This story is goood~
There's no more next button. Where's the next button. CAYLA, I WANT A NEXT BUTTON. Also, typo in chapter nine. I've many tons of cakes too, Sungyeol! That's a lie, I've never many tons of cakes. :D.
And DUN DUN DUN... here are your flaws: (But remember, I still love you!)
Naeun and Sungyeol's relationship doesn't seem real. He loves her? HE LOVES HER? They seem so... meh together. Naeun just isn't real, girl. And she's actually... nice? Is she? YOU HAVEN'T REVEALED ANYTHING ABOUT HER.
This just might be me, but HOLY . Never use emotes in your writing. Unless it's a journal entry or a text or something like that? But normal text...? no.
And I don't really remember anything else (why does my memory so much?) but HEEEEEY. Sungyeol's hand in the poster is resting on precisely... NOTHING. Yeollie, you'll fall that way! And damn, you MADE that? It looks so much better than the posters I make... T.T
Random Kai gif. Nice.