
Dreams are for kids

I woke up around 7 to see the others already up. I realize that I fell asleep on the bed between Tae and Jeonguk. Namjoon is on the other side of Jeonguk. The other 3 are on the other bed. I smile as Tae boops my nose. I sit up and the others all smile.

"You ready for the day?" Jin asks.

I smile. "After a shower and makeup I will be." 

After I shower I put on a white tee and jeans. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and throw it into my hat. I walk out to see the boys already dressed and have all their things neat in their bags. They even made the beds. I laugh and link arms with Tae and Joon. We walk downstairs and out the door. The ladies at the front desk snicker as we walk by but I just ignore them. Like I said to anyone else we look weird. 

We go to breakfast at Cafe Prince. It was one of my favorites. I order Doenjang soup and kimchi. I look around the cafe. It is just as I remembered it. That's when I see her. I don't think it's her at first but on second look I'm positive. I get up from the seat and go over to her. I tap her shoulder and she turns around.

"Ji Ky!" She says so excitedly.

"Jae Eun."

We hug and jump around. She pulls me off of her and holds my arms. 

"You look amazing." She says and I smile.

"You do too. God I've missed you." 

She looks over and sees the boys looking at me.

"They're cute." 

I laugh and blush "Yeah I guess. They're really good friends of mine want to meet them?"

She nods and I drag her over to them. 

"Boys this is Jae Eun one of my best friends ever. Jae Eun this is Taehyung, Jeonguk, Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin. I met them a few weeks ago and we've became really close." 

She waves at them and I see Jimin look at her with a smile. I call him out.

"Park Jimin, you just met the girl." 

I watch him and Eun turn bright red as I and the others begin to laugh. 

"You guys better take real good care of my girl." She says before she leaves to get back to work. 

We eat our food and once we're full we go to Sammaksa park. There is a beautiful river that runs through it. We go and look at all the scenery and I remember coming here with my father when I was a little girl. I don't remember much about him except that he loved nature. He would take us on nature walks as often as possible. This was his favorite spot. I squat down next to the river and splash a little on Tae he laughs and splashes back. It turns into a whole splash war until we're all soaked.

When we get back to the car we decide to walk through the middle of Anyang. We go to the Anyang Central Underground Mall. Namjoon insists that we have to take pictures. We take many selcas and we take a few pictures of individuals. Tae takes a special interest in photographing me. He gets one that I love of me looking up at the glass ceiling. We do some shopping as well. I buy more tee shirts because a girl can't live without tee shirts. The boys actually enjoy watching me model for them. Tae takes pictures of me in every outfit. I try to be as cute as possible.

When we've walked through the whole mall we decide to get ice cream. We go to the nearest Baskin Robbins. The trip has already been so much fun and we haven't even made it through most of the day. And we are staying for a while tommorow too. When we finish our ice cream we walk around the center of Anyang looking at buildings and reminding me of the home I left. I loved this place and I still do. I become homesick until I look at the boys. Had I never moved to Seoul I wouldn't know these boys that make me feel right at home wherever. 

As we walk i trip and roll my ankle. Not enough to sprain it but it hurts. Tae carries me back to the car and we drive everywhere instead. I still love it. I roll down the windows and look up at the sky. The sky that once upon a time was the only thing that I took inspiration from. That and the sound of the wind. Living in Anyang there was always some weather inspiration. Sometimes my dad would take us to the ocean. The blue water was always so calming to me. I loved it. We never were close to the ocean in Anyang so a trip to the ocean was always a special treat. 

We get Ramen for dinner and take it to the hotel room where we sit around and eat for a while. The hotel has a pool and I put on my swim suit. I put my hair up in a messy bun and come out of the bathroom. The boys all smile.

"anyone want to go for a swim with me?"

They all get up and we go down together. We have so much fun swimming around and splashing each other. They dunk me under a few times and I always get them back. We play chicken I get on Jeonguk's shoulders and Tae gets on Jin's. I win. I think he lets me win but I still win. Then Jeonguk flips me off into the water. We play like this for hours until it's nearly midnight. We go up to our room as quietly as possible. I'm exhausted from the day but happy as hell.  This is home. Not Anyang but being with these boys that make me feel like there's more to the world. I don't want to go home to Seoul yet. Only because when we go home we won't be able to have another day like this for a long time. But for now it was a good day. Yeah, a really good day. 

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peggyw #1
Chapter 14: Ty for sharing your story!
I really enjoy this story!!! I hope you have a great day and keep up the good work! ?