The next week

Dreams are for kids

For the rest of the week we spent every possible minute together. Namjoon quit trying to kiss me or for that fact be with me. Taehyung took up his game. He walked me to every class. Stood by me at lunch or sat by me at the resteraunt. He was my science partner for a project we were working on. Overall being around them helped my mental state and made me break out of my shell. I finished the song. The name was 'walking in the rain.' Tae loved it. 

They came to my game on Thursday. They even met my mother. She liked them a lot. Didn't even bother her that they were boys. As long as they made me happy. She even invited them to dinner with us. That was a fun experience. They were careful not to be too loud or say anything stupid. They were polite and much like I imagined they would be in an audition. My mom asked them which one I was dating and they all got really red. I did too. I laughed really loud and they all laughed with me. My mom knew that we were close after that.

On friday I woke up and texted all the boys the order in which they were going to perform. Hoseok, Jeonguk, Jin, Jimin, Namjoon, Tae, Yoongi. I smiled thinking about how hard they were working. I wasn't allowed to see what they had wrote. But every so often I would see them scrawling out words on paper. I was really excited. They all were so dedicated to music. I knew that I couldn't let them give up on a dream they were so passionate about. 

I got on the subway where Namjoon was sitting. He waved me over. I went and sat next to him. We stayed silent for a few moments, trying to find the words.

"I'm sorry about last week. I realized that I was being a jerk and probably freaked you out."

I looked at him. He was being sincere.

"It's partially my fault. I should have tried to explain to you that I wasn't ready for that. And I should probably tell Tae."

He stops me. "Don't. I know he doesn't look it but he's fragile. He really likes you.If you tell him that he won't be ok. I just can't see him like that."

"You really care about him don't you?"

He nods. "All of them. They're more than friends. They are like family." 

When we pull in to the station Namjoon holds out his hand.

"As friends." he says.

I smile and put my hand in his. People look at us weird. I don't mind it. I'd rather get weird looks holding hands with a friend than good looks holding hands with my boyfriend. We walk to school and talk about music. I tell him how badly I want to sing and dance on a stage. He tells me he has had that dream for years but after a financial crisis he wasn't able to. I begin to realize how broken this group really is. That's why they gave up on their dreams. Why they all say "Dreams are for kids". 

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peggyw #1
Chapter 14: Ty for sharing your story!
I really enjoy this story!!! I hope you have a great day and keep up the good work! ?