Chapter 4

What is love?

Jongdae woke up first the next the day. Minseok was still asleep against him. He smiled softly. He quietly got up and let Minseok sleep, he needed it. He walked to the living area and saw that Baekhyun also was awake. He just sat and the couch playing with his phone. He had just woken up because he still looked sleepy and his hair was a mess.


“Goodmorning sleepy beauty.” Jongdae says while grinning. Baekhyun grabs one of the pillows on the couch and throws it to Jongdae. “where did you came from, that not your bedroom.” Baekhyun says.


“I know, I was with Minseok tonight, that kid is still dealing with a lot of .” Jongdae says. “oh really, still because of Luhan?” Baekhyun asks while Jongdae sits down beside him. “We just need to give him some time, he’ll be fine and I’m going to help him a bit.” Baekhyun nods.


“I’m going out for a walk.” Baekhyun says while standing up. “While looking like this?” Jongdae jokingly says. Baekhyun just laughs and walks outside. Because it was still early, there were only a few people outside. Baekhyun sighs as he started walking towards a little park nearby their dorms.


He sighs and sits down on a small bench. He hides his face in his hands as he started to cry softly. He was too late. Jongdae already went to Minseok. Baekhyun knew about Jongdaes little crush but never dared to admit that he liked Minseok too. Baekhyun gets up and walks to the closest store and buys a package of cigarettes.


He normally didn’t smoke, and it was something the others definitely can’t find out. He paid and walked out. He walks back to the park and sits down again. He sighs as he lights up a cigarette. He throws his head back as he blows out the smoke. It calmed him down a bit.


The first time he smoked was when he Minseok and Luhan announced to them that they were dating. Baekhyuns crush back then was little but it still hurt him a lot. That night he ran out crying and the only thing he thought of was that he wanted to smoke. Since that the he smoked sometimes. It relaxed him and it cleared his mind. After 10 minutes, he decided to go back to the dorms. He knew it was bad for his voice and health, so he barely smoked, only in moments he really needed it.


When he came back to the dorms, everyone was already awake, Minseok too. They just said on the couch and were talking. Baekhyun was happy to see Minseok again but it hurt a little that Jongdae had his arm around him. Minseok was more happy then he was in the past days, probably because of Jongdae. Baekhyun sighs and sits down next to Tao. They talked for a little before the needed to go to practice.


3 weeks later when they arrived back at the dorms after another hard day of practice, Baekhyun decided to go out for a walk again. He grabbed his coat but before he could leave, Minseok grabbed his arm.


“Where are you going?” he asks. Baekhyun looked at him and smiled softly. “Just going out for a walk.” He calmly responses. “Is it okay if I join?” he asks shyly. Baekhyun nodded softly and Minseok grabs his jacket as they walk outside.


They walk in silent. Baekhyun was pretty nervous but also a little happy. He was alone with Minseok now. Baekhyun just looked at Minseok every now and then. His brown hair still wet from the quick shower he took when they got home. Baekhyun softly sighs. He actually wanted to go outside so he could smoke, but that’s not gonna happen now. This was actually better.


After half an hour, they got back to the dorms. Baekhyun wanted to ask Minseok if he wanted to hang out for the rest of the night, but Minseok was already by Jongdae before he could ask. He sighs. A cigarette wouldn’t be so bad right now. He decided to go to his bedroom and was hoping Chanyeol wouldn’t be there. Then he could smoke by the window really quick. To his luck, Chanyeol was takin a shower.




Minseok walked up to Jongdae as soon as he and Baekhyun walked in. “Hey.” Jongdae says as he puts his arm around Minseok. Minseok notices that Baekhyun immediately walks into his room.      “Can we go to bed? I’m really tired.” Minseok whines as he rests his head against Jongdaes shoulder. Jongdae smiles and kisses the top of his head. He then grabs Minseoks hand as they walk to their bedroom.


Ever since that one night, Jongdae moved to Minseoks bedroom. He didn’t want him to be alone. Minseok was very happy with Jongdaes company. He didn’t have to sleep alone anymore. Minseok was used to Jongdae being a flirt. He had always done that so he just went with it. But ever since Jongdae moved in to his bedroom, he became more touchy. Minseok still didn’t mind that much, but it was new for him.


As usual, Minseok cuddled up against Jongdae. It became normal for them because Minseok preferred sleeping with someone than alone. Minseok was about to go to sleep before he feels a hand lifting up his chin. He felt a pair of warm, soft lips being pressed against his. He froze. He was shocked by Jongdae. Jongdae pulls away, immediately apologizing.


Minseok just looked at him. Instead of answering Jongdaes apologies, he decides to kiss him back. Jongdae was shocked at first, he didn’t think Minseok would actually kiss him back. he decides to go with it and kisses back. he gently places a hand on Minseoks check. After a few minutes they break apart. Minseok immediately looks down, too embarrassed to look Jongdae in the eyes. Jongdae smiles at him and kisses the top of his head.


“What’s wrong Minnie?” he says to a bit. He didn’t get an answer, instead Minseok snuggled a bit closer to Jongdae, who wraps his arms around him tightly. “You’re adorable.” Jongdae says softly while smirking.  Minseok looks up with pink cheeks and a soft smile. “Stop it.” He says while he hides again against Jongdaes chest. Jongdae laughs quietly and kisses Minseoks head again.


“No I won’t.” Jongdae says. “I won’t stop saying how perfect you are, how adorable  you are and how sweet. I won’t stop saying how you deserve the world and that I love you.” Jongdae says softly as he rests his head against Minseok. Minseok was silent for a little. “I love you.” Jongdae says again. Minseok still didn’t spoke for a little. Then after a minute he finally answered.


“I love you to Jongdae.” Minseok was barely hearable, but Jongdae still heard him and smiled brightly. Minseok looks up again. Jongdae softly smiles at him, placing his hand gently on Minseoks cheek again as he leans in and kisses him. This time Minseok responded immediately. After a while they break apart and decide to go to sleep.


Jongdae was very happy. He softly rubs the back of a sleeping Minseok. He finally had dared to make his move and he didn’t regret it. He had feelings for Minseok for such a long time and he could finally tell him. He sighs in relief and kisses Minseok forehead before falling asleep.


Jongdae had asks Minseok out the next morning and Minseok gladly said yes. Jongdae knew that Minseok still had feelings for Luhan, but that that would disappear too. Minseok needed to move on. He finally accepted it was happy Jongdae was there for him.


The next week passes by quick. Due the busy schedules they barely had free time, but Minseok and Baekhyun still went out for a walk almost every night. Minseok enjoyed spending time with Baekhyun cause he cheered him up. He loved their late night walks and always looked forward to them.


Baekhyun wasn’t that awkward anymore like he was in the beginning. He had gotten a lot more comfortable and they had fun going out. Baekhyun would sometimes just randomly stare at Minseok during their walks. Minseok didn’t notice it.


The next day they got finally a day of. Baekhyun wanted to spent it with Minseok but had already plans with Jongdae. So Baekhyun decided to hang out with Chanyeol and Sehun.  Baekhyun knew that he and Minseok would go out for a walk again this evening. He decided to confess to Minseok tonight. They grew pretty close and Baekhyun was almost sure that Minseok didn’t have a relationship with Jongdae. He was pretty nervous for tonight. He was happy he was with Chanyeol and Sehun, cause they were too busy noticing that he was nervous about something. 


After dinner they all just hang out on the couch. Minseok was cuddled up against Jongdae on the couch, what made Baekhyun kinda uncomfortable and even more nervous for later. After a while Jongdae suddenly speaks up. “Guys, we want to tell you all something.” He says as he looks at Minseok, who was just shyly looking down. Everybody got extremely silent.


“You and Minseok are dating.” Sehun says to break the silence. Everyone starts laughing and Junmyeon hits Sehun. Junmyeon then looks at Jongdae. “you’re not dating right?” Junmyeon asks while looking at Jongdae and Minseok, who were both silent. Jongdae eventually softly nods. “Yes we are actually.” He softly answers. Everyone was quiet again, but then started asking all kinds of questions and showing their support.


Except one person. One person stormed out of the dorms and ran outside.

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Chapter 6: I really like the plot. Can't wait for the rest of the story :- )
Chapter 6: Really?! Really baekhyun?! It hurt that bad? You had to tell him? He is emotionally unstable right now, and tyou had to basically tell him it's because of you that I am this way?
To depressed people that's the way it comes out sometimes...

Now he wants to see luhan. I dont know about that....

My poor minnie, and my poor daedae... I feel like their going to give up their love for baekhyun, and that's not fair to them.

Dae is helping minnie get past luhan... now this?
exo9977 #3
Chapter 6: is minseok going to meet luhan in china oooohhhh i hope he does
Chapter 5: A little bit CBX..... The chapters with Luhans departure made me remember how devasted I felt.... I couldn't believe it for days! And I was so sad, because my lovely Minseok deserves the world and his world was and- maybe still is- Luhan! So for me, your story is a story.... Very well done, dear author!
Ooooooh~ I sense a love triangle! I love such! :D