Chapter 7

Flying Without Wings

Sorry for any typos and stuff. I typed this on my class.......when I should be paying attention.............yeah.



Jinki's POV

Okay okay, I know. I should have stayed strong and gone through with punishing Jonghyun. I just didn't have the heart to after I saw that beautiful bracket with our names engraved into it. That was too much for my resolve to handle and it simply collapsed into a pile of rubble. I had to let him off the hook once again. Beneath Kibum's admiration of his new necklace, I could sense the seething rage he felt about Jonghyun's craftiness and my, for lack of a better word, easiness. Hm, maybe I should avoid him for a few days......

On a happier note, guess what's in three days! Come on, guess! I know you know what it is....right?'s one of the most important days of the year, how can you NOT know? Find then, I guess I'll have to inform you why it such a super-spectacular, extra magical, extra fantastical day! And no, just because I'm so excited doesn't mean it's National Fried Chicken Day (that was last week).

No, my lovelies.. The reason I'm so hyper right now is because in less than 72 hours, we're going to be celebrating Taemin-ah's 18th birthday! In our weird feathery, genetically altered world, the occasion means so much more than just becoming internationally legal or not being called a kid anymore. It's also about becoming apart of something so much bigger than yourself. Kinda like becoming part of a wolf pack.....well, more like a flock, actually. You form a bond that can withstand any challenges thrown at it. You never have to feel alone because there's always someone there for you that can understand you problems. That's part of why we're called Windwalkers; we ride the heavy winds of life together as a family.

Jonghyun's POV

He's doing it again.

Jinki's thinking sappy heartfelt thoughts about us again. I can see that glazed, far-off look in his eyes that he gets everytime he feels sentimental. Look at him sitting there, eyeing all of us like we're his 'precious  angels' or something ridiculous like that. The worst part is when he looks at Kibum with the same look sometimes, like they're a ing old married couple. That little chicken loving clumsy er had better keep his greasy hands off of MY Kibum else I'm gonna rip every ing feather from those chicken wings of his, stuff them in a pillow made out of his own damn skin, and beat him over his bird-brained head with it! As for the body, oh the things a tree grinder came do to-

Whoa, what the hell?

Aw man, not again. For the past few weeks, I'd been having these random fits of rage that came out of nowhere. It seems like they only happen when I see someone being a little too intimate with Kibum. Something in me would just snap and I'd start mentally planning a slow painful death for that person. Last week, during a photo shoot i saw one of the coordi noonas working on Kibum's makeup. I had to grab onto a table to physically stop myself from taking a hot curling iron to her face.

I had no idea why these 'rages' were happening or where they were coming from, but it was staring to freak me out. And the thing that confused me the most was, why was it only applying to Kibum? I love all of the members the same so why would he be an exception? I mean, sure he's my best friend out of all of them, but that doesn't really justify wanting to maim someone just for being close to him. He's got his own life and it's not up to me who decide who's allowed to be in it. I'd be debating on whether to tell Jinki hyung about it before things got worse.

"Onew hyung, can I talk to you about something important," I glanced over at the to youngest who were both seated on the floor playing some game on  Minho's Xbox. I think it was called Mineshaft or some other crap that sounded like it. "In private."


We both stood up to leave the room when someone burst through the front door in a flurry of shopping bags and chatting. These anomalies were soon identified as the two self-proclaimed party planning 'supervisors' themselves, Kibum and Heechul. Their arms were loaded with multicolored bags of various sizes and I could see even more bags set on the floor in the hallway. No one had the nerve to oppose their positions so their new titles around the form were Queen Key and The Baron. For the past week they'd been having these meetings at, according to them, a 'top secret location', ie the mall, to discuss the details of Taemin's party tomorrow.

"Jinki, get your over here and take these bags to my room. Taemin, you look in ANY of these bags and I'll make sure you'll never be able to look at anything again. Jonghyun, that goes for you too. I know about that little pact you two have about 'know all, tell all' and I'm not trusting either one of you."  Yep, the Queen's word is law.

Taemin looked away from hitting what looked like a green with what looked like an axe to protest Kibum's obsessive planning. "Umma, you guys don't have to do all of this. I don't need a big party or anything. I just want to get through this without screwing something up again." Aigoo, this kid. There were so many ways he could make you think he was made of rainbows, kittens, and all types of cute, diabetes-inducing sweetness.

Kibum, of course, would hear nothing of it.

"Look maknae. We're not doing this because we have to. We're doing this because we want to.  You're important to us and we want to do something special for you, okay? Let us do all the work and you just sit back and enjoy yourself."

"Plus, you know there's no way in hell you're gonna stop us from making the most epic party of the year." Ah Heechul and his witty comments. It was true, though. Once those two had a goal set in mind, it was like trying to stop a train in it's tracks; you could try all you like but you'll just get yourself hurt in the process.

Minho continued playing his game while simultaneously adding his own opinion to the conversation. "Come on, Tae. Let yourself have this time to have all the attention. You're always hanging in the back and giving us the spotlight. Be a little selfish for once." He flash Taemin a smile that was full of adoration. The entire room waited in silence for his reaction.

"Well, I guess it would be fun to-"

"YES!!! He's on our side. This makes things SO much easier for us. Alright, what's you preferences on cake flavors? Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, wedding cake, red velvet, coconut,  banana? I know! Rainbow! Oh, but what about ice cream cakes? God, we've got so much left to take care of!"


"Should we do helium balloons or regular ground ones? Helium's faster but ground ones look so much better."


"But what if somebody steps on one and think it's a gunshot or something and everybody panics?"


"You know what? We'll do half and half. That way there's not as much on the floor but it'll still be a ton of balloons in the room."


"Maybe we could even tie some to chairs and have them-"


I'd given up on listening to Kibum's ranting a while ago so I tuned everything out. Needless to say, Taemin's sudden outburst scared about five years off of my lifespan.

Kibum froze completely and looked around as if he had no idea where that shout had come from. He tends to do that sometimes. Whenever he focuses on a task enough, he'll zone out to a whole other world. Sometimes we even had to slap him to snap him out of it. When his eyes made their way back to Taemin, he seemed to remember what he'd been doing. "Oh, sorry about that. In all seriousness though, we'd really appreciate it if you could give us some input on this. This is your party so everything has to be to your liking." Wow, Queen Key asking for help from one of his loyal subjects? Normally, he would only hand out orders and ream out anybody that didn't follow them. Guess he really wanted to turn out perfect.


"This is your party so everything has to be to your liking." Yes ladies and gentlemen, the Almighty Key was asking for help. I wanted everything about this party to make Taemin happy. He was going to experience an assload of pain during his fledging so I wanted him to have the time of his life before that happens. That's why I want to know what he wants. Even if he asks to hang green streamers over a table with a silver cloth over it. As long as it made him happy, it would be fine with me (as terrible as that combination is).

Taemin shifted nervously from one foot to the other in front of me. That's it, time for Umma to work his magic.

"Heechul-hyung, it's kinda late. You should head back to your dorm. I'll call you later with the rest of the details, Kay?" He look momentarily surprised that I'd asked him to leave, then understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Sure. I shall now take my leave, if my Queen allows it?"

"Why certainly, my loyal Baron. I shall see you again on the morrow af sun high."

God, we're getting WAY too into this whole Queen and Baron thing. Next thing you know, I'll be walking around with a crown.

Anyway, I had a party to plan and Taemin was still hesitating to say what he wanted. Jinki, Jonghyun, and Minho were still standing there watching us, not quite sure if they should jump in to help Taemin make an excuse. I grabbed his arm before anyone of them could interfere and brought him to my room. We were gonna get things done whether he wanted to or not. All he needed was a little motivation and I knew exactly what to do to make him loosen up.

Jinki's POV

Umm....I think we just sentenced Taemin to be harassed by Kibum for the rest of the night. I was so confused with what had just happened that by the time I thought about trying to help, it was too late to bail him out. It looked like Jonghyun and Minho were thinking the same thing. I mean, it was an important day and all, but Kibum was a little extreme.

Speaking of important things.

"Hey, Jonghyun-ah. Didn't you say you had something important you wanted to talk to me about?"

Jonghyun looked away from the door Kibum and Taemin had disappeared  through and snapped his gaze back to me. He looked just as confused as I did, which was a long shot for him.

"To be completely honest, I've completely forgotten."

Well .




I sincerely apologize for this ty chapter and the failed humor. I've been trying to keep up with the school work that's been piling up on me and it's kinda taking a toll. 

In other news,


Untill all of this......

and this.....

and this.....

can't forget about this

and MOTHER OF GOD thissssss


I'm actually trying to restrain myself from watching the short version cause I want EVERYTHING to be new to me and IT'S SO HARD!!!!! Just sitting here spazzing over how AMAZING it's gonna be


so yeah :)


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getting started on the next chapter. kinda gory but not sure if that counts as mature :/


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Shawolflamerthawtar #1
Chapter 10: Are u going to abandon this story ?pls update soon author nim
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 10: I hope you update soon.I really wanna see what happens next
Quwanda #3
Chapter 10: my poor minnie!!
Chapter 10: Who died before??? Taeminnie is an early bloomer. Always has been. ;) That's our Maknae!!! Fighting!!!
Chapter 9: Aaahhhh!!! What happening to Taemin all of a sudden? I hope Key isn't too worried...go ahead and start asking questions, it'll give me something to type in my comments. :)
Chapter 8: Air and Aura had both sime leader thing XDD
Chapter 8: please update soon
i can't wait to see/read the rest
Chocolatemushrooms #8
Interesting and unique! Please update soon!
Chapter 8: XD I know exactly who is who. XD
Chapter 7: Omo! I haven't watch the sort version either. I wanted everything to be a surprise so so far I've only seen the teaser pictures and that's it. I'M SO EXCITED!!!