Chapter 2

Flying Without Wings

Sorry I've been gone for so long. I've been taking care of school stuff that needs to be done before I start college in the fall. Plus I've been in a creative slump for some reason. At the end of this chapter, I'll give you guys an actual visual of each member's wings. You'll have to wait for Taemin's, though ;)

Just a little guide for ya:



Key's POV

 I can't believe that stupid dinosaur would take such a risk like that. It's dangerous enough for us to go out at night, and yet that retard decides it's all of a sudden alright for him to go during the day! I mean, yeah I understand how hard it is to wait until the end of the week but damn it, that was ONE of the stupidest things he's ever done!!

When I finally stopped fuming long enough to realize I'd been staring at the kitchen wall for the past 10 minutes, I decided to check in on everyone. You know, cause I'm just that much of a caring person.

First on the list was Minho. Opening his bedrom door, I saw him sprawled on his stomach across his bed with his golden brown wings outstreched, alseep. None of us, except for Taemin, could sleep on our backs because of our wings. I quietly closed the door, not wanting to wake hime up. He'd just gotten back from a soccer game with his friends and he needed his rest before our schedules got full again. Since Jonghyun ran out of the dorm as soon as I had to stop yelling at him to breathe, I skipped over his room and headed straight to Onew's room. I didn't have to knock since he never locked his door (he once said it was in case anyone needed him in the middle of the night. he's a good leader like that).

Our leader was sitting with his legs crossed and him laptop in his lap. Looking over his shoulder, I could see the tops of his dark brown wings folded against his back.

"Hi, Kibum. What's up?" he asked, that bright smile that captured so many poepl'e hearts on his face.

"Nothing much, just checking up on everybody before I start making lunch. By the way, whenever Jjong gets back, PLEASE talk some sense into that thick skull of his. I'm tired of having to keep him in line. Him taking a risk like that is too much for me to handle." I know I'm whining again, but I had a right to. Jonghyun had been really testing my patience lately. It wasn't just today. For the past few days, he's been disrespectful to everyone, even Taemin, who he almost always got along with. Talking back, disobeying orders, and even calling Minho an emotionless frog statue (no idea what that was about).

The smile on Onew's face fell instantly. On the few occasions that Onew actually gets angry it's scarier than when I lose my temper. He never yells, just quietly reprimes us and than leaves the matter alone. I guess it's that silence that freaks us out the most, almost to a point where we wish he would just scream and get it over with.

"Don't worry about it Kibum-ah. I'll take care of it later." An just like that, the smile was back on his face.

Like I said earlier, his anger creeps me out, so I backed out of the room and closed that door back.

Last but not least, the maknae of the group.I could hear Taemin in his room, his heavy footsteps hitting the floor in a familiar rhythm telling me he was dancing to Lucifer.

Oh god, I can't believe I forgot. Taemin was going to be turning 18 in 4 days. I felt so ashamed of myself. I mean, what kind of umma forgets her own son's birthday? I made a split second decision to talk to him about thee painful process of getting his wings.

I opened the door and felt it sort of bounce back to me.

Taemin's POV

After Jonghyun-hyung ran out of the dorm, I decided to practice more of our dances, you know, just to keep mysefl sharp (I'm a perfectionist like that). I'm actually not that concerned about getting the moves wrong, it's just that I've been trying to take my mind off of something.

What's troubling me, you ask? It's the fact that I'm the only one of SHINee that doesn't have his wings yet. Yes I understand that it's because of the age activation, but that doesn't change the fact that it still bothers me that I get left behind every time my hyungs go out flying. It wasn't as bad when Minho was still 17 cause I still had someone here with me. But as soon as his birthday pasted, I was left alone.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. I like having my alone time. I get to think over things, catch up on my homework, walk around , eat as much as I want, and hog the tv........ok so truth is, I don't do any of that. I really just sit here and sulk around feeling sorry for myself.

Well, that's all gonna change in a few days and soon I'll be able to join them in their flights. It made me wonder what element I would have, too. Every one of the Windwalkers possessed one of the four elements; water, fire, earth, and air. It's all random and SHINee somehow has one of each. Onew hyung had air and could control the flow of the air around him. Jonghyun hyung had earth and used every chance he could get to throw dirt around onto the rest of us. Key umma had water, which kinda came with two abilities. He could control water naturally and could even use it to heal some wounds. Minho hyung OF COURSE had fire. Just a little snap of his fingers was enough for a couch to burst into flames (him learning to control his fire was a rough time for all of us). To get him mad was ALMOST as dangerous of an idea as to get Key mad.

I never really thought about what element I would have when I got my wings but I felt like I should talk to somebody about it. Jonghyun asked be about it about a month ago and I just brushed it off as unimportant. Now though, I think it does matter and it just brought up all kinds of problems that could go wrong with my change.

Tired of practicing, I turned my Ipod off and just threw it on my bed without really looking. I wanted to go into the kitchen to get something to drink when someone opens my bedroom door and nails me in the head with it.

I felt myself hit the ground and before everything went black, I could see Key hyung standing over me with a guilty look on his face.

Guys I an SO sorry it took this lng to update. I think for a  while I had writers block and then all kinds of crap with school came up and that didn't help at all.

So as an apology, I'm gonna give you a visual aid for the SHINee member's wings:

Onew - Golden Eagle

Jonghyun - Black Falcon

Kibum - Peregrine Falcon

Minho - Red-Tailed Hawk

Taemin - ?

I've already decided what kind he'll have, but I don't want to ruin the suprise ;)

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getting started on the next chapter. kinda gory but not sure if that counts as mature :/


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Shawolflamerthawtar #1
Chapter 10: Are u going to abandon this story ?pls update soon author nim
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 10: I hope you update soon.I really wanna see what happens next
Quwanda #3
Chapter 10: my poor minnie!!
Chapter 10: Who died before??? Taeminnie is an early bloomer. Always has been. ;) That's our Maknae!!! Fighting!!!
Chapter 9: Aaahhhh!!! What happening to Taemin all of a sudden? I hope Key isn't too worried...go ahead and start asking questions, it'll give me something to type in my comments. :)
Chapter 8: Air and Aura had both sime leader thing XDD
Chapter 8: please update soon
i can't wait to see/read the rest
Chocolatemushrooms #8
Interesting and unique! Please update soon!
Chapter 8: XD I know exactly who is who. XD
Chapter 7: Omo! I haven't watch the sort version either. I wanted everything to be a surprise so so far I've only seen the teaser pictures and that's it. I'M SO EXCITED!!!