Chapter 4

Flying Without Wings

I swear this looked so much longer in Word. Sorry for the lateness. I've been having trouble at the college I applied to; people saying I hadn't turned in some paperwork that I know for a fact I did, giving me hell. Anyway, here ya go and as always, sorry for the bad attempt at humor.

Key's POV

Wait, what?

“Umm, we’re your hyungs, remember?” Did I really hit him that hard with the door? I mean, yeah, I’m pretty strong, but not nearly strong enough to knock the memory out of someone.

He just looked at me dead in the eye and smiled sweetly. “I don’t know you people. At least, I don’t think I do.”

Okay, normally I would break down and panic in a situation like this but for some odd reason, I didn’t feel that worried. Call it intuition, but something was too off about this for me to be upset. It didn’t help my confusion that Jinki was just standing there on the side of the bed with his mouth hanging open like he was trying to catch flies. I wonder if………..

“Hey Taemin-ah, tell me something. Can you remember what you had for breakfast this morning?” Before he could answer, Jinki finally snapped out of shock.

“How’s that gonna tell us if he can remember us? What if it’s like one of those selective memory losses?”

“Just trust me on this hyung, I think I can help him. So, what did you eat this morning Tae?” I didn’t say anything about my suspicion in case I ruined the plan.

“Oh, you let me have my special ramen with honey and banana milk and…..oops.” Yep, I knew it. That little punk was faking it all along. I knew something wasn’t right the moment he flashed that sweet, innocent smile of his that drove people crazy.

I guess the shock of thinking Taemin had loss his memory and finding out it was a trick took a toll on Jinki hyung because he literally dropped himself onto the bed and let out a heavy sigh.

“So, you DO remember us?”


“And, you don’t need to go to the hospital or anything?”
“Nope. My head’s a little throbby, but other than that I’m okay.”


“Well, I kinda wanted to get back at Kibum umma for hitting me with the door, but it wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be. I’m sorry.” And there was the sweet smile again. Every time he did something he wasn’t supposed to, he would use that to try and win us over…….and it worked every ing time.

“Alright, so can I go to bed? You people stress me out so much I swear my feathers are falling out……again.” Oh yeah, I forgot about that incident with the fan blades.

He had just stood up to leave the room when a little light bulb went off in my head at that. I’d completely forgotten why I’d come in here to begin with.

“Oh, Jinki hyung, that reminds me. We still need to talk to Taemin about what’s gonna happen Friday, so no taking a nap until we’re done.”

“What do you want to talk about, hyung? I already know it’s gonna hurt a lot, so what else is there to talk about?”

“It’s not just about the pain, Taemin. Another part of this process is much deeper. We as Windwalkers have the ability to enter each other’s minds. Remember last year when Kibum fractured his wing and crashed in the woods on the other side of the city? The only reason we knew how to find him was because of this connection we share.” Oh god, I remember that accident. I’m glad Jinki hyung was the one explaining that, just thinking about it I can feel that pain in my left wing all over again.

“That’s also how I knew that what Jonghyun was up to this morning. I caught a flash of clouds and I could feel the wind flowing over me.” That’s the one thing about this ability, vivid images and sensations that might not be welcomed in certain situations, if you know what I’m getting at.

Taemin thought about the information we’d just given him.

“So, I’m gonna be able to read your minds?” The look of pure evil, in the form of that same smile, told me everything I needed to know about what he intended to do. I knew he was planning on using that ability as blackmail. No, I didn’t have to read his mind to know that, because I had the same thought when I got my wings.

Time to clear things up a little.

“Well, not speech wise. It’s more like we’re able to sense each other’s feelings. I was in pain when I got hurt so the others were able to pick up on that pain and follow it to where I was."

“So wait, how come I can’t do that yet. Shouldn’t it be something that’s already there?”

I let Jinki take over explaining. When did we fall into this back and forth routine, anyway?

“It’s mostly something that won’t start until after you have your wings. There are other things, too. What attribute you’ll have, powers, those kinds of things. Just hope that you don’t get it in the middle of your wings emerging like Minho’s did.”

“Wait, what happened with Minho hyung?”

That’s right; Taemin hasn’t seen anyone get their wings. We sent him over to Super Junior’s dorm because we didn’t want him to freak out over what was going on. Seeing one of your best friends in pain and not being able to do anything about it is pretty harsh. Jinki, Jonghyun, and I had already gone through it though, and we knew what to expect.

“Long story short, he freaked out when he felt all of us enter his mind all at once. We had to run around through the dorm trying to catch him. We asked him about it and he just said we were too much of an emotional group of people.”

I’m not completely sure is the expression on Taemin’s face reflected fear or confusion. I looked to Jinki for a little assistance. He caught my eye and put a calm look on his face, the same face he used when one of us was sick and he was getting us to take our medicine.

“Look Minnie, it’ll just feel like bees buzzing around until you learn how to block the thoughts off. You can talk to Minho if you don’t believe me. Manager hyung will be there too, in case anything happens.”

At that, Taemin’s face fell. You see, things tend to go wrong when Taemin is involved. He plans a day outside, it rains. He tries to cook, things burn. I was about to engage umma mode when Jinki stepped in.

“Tae, don’t worry. All of us are going to be here with you. Plus, we have an entire building full of people that have gone through this multiple times. You’re not going through this alone so there’s no need to be afraid of something that hasn’t and probably won’t happen.”

You could literally see the tension drain out of Taemin’s body. Our leader really had a way of relaxing a person when they were stressed out. It wasn’t just the words he spoke, but also his voice. Jinki hyung had a soft smooth voice that in a sense, massaged the worries out of you. That’s why he’s our leader and why so many people respect him.

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getting started on the next chapter. kinda gory but not sure if that counts as mature :/


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Shawolflamerthawtar #1
Chapter 10: Are u going to abandon this story ?pls update soon author nim
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 10: I hope you update soon.I really wanna see what happens next
Quwanda #3
Chapter 10: my poor minnie!!
Chapter 10: Who died before??? Taeminnie is an early bloomer. Always has been. ;) That's our Maknae!!! Fighting!!!
Chapter 9: Aaahhhh!!! What happening to Taemin all of a sudden? I hope Key isn't too worried...go ahead and start asking questions, it'll give me something to type in my comments. :)
Chapter 8: Air and Aura had both sime leader thing XDD
Chapter 8: please update soon
i can't wait to see/read the rest
Chocolatemushrooms #8
Interesting and unique! Please update soon!
Chapter 8: XD I know exactly who is who. XD
Chapter 7: Omo! I haven't watch the sort version either. I wanted everything to be a surprise so so far I've only seen the teaser pictures and that's it. I'M SO EXCITED!!!