Chapter 3


The first few lessons for the soldier were quite boring most of the subjects were going over information which he had already learnt whilst he was training to become an assassin at the age of 7. Lunch soon arrived and Jin sat at a table in the canteen eating some soup and rice which he bought with his allowance, the canteen was packed with college students socialising with their friends. Jin sat alone but he suspected that it would not be for long, during the first lesson it seemed that the soldier had made an impression on the group of 6 who he was working with and this was soon confirmed when the same group entered the canteen and looked around frantically to find someone and that someone was Seokjin. It was not long until they found him since he stood out with the pink jeans and shoes that he was wearing. 

"Seokjin" Taehyung shouted running over once his eyes landed on him, the other five followed not far behind. Taehyung claimed the seat beside Jin whilst Jungkook sat next to his boyfriend and Namjoon took the seat on the other side of Jin which forced Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok to sit opposite. Jin could feel multiple pairs of eyes burning into the back of his head and when he turned around nearly everyone in the canteen was staring at them with a shocked look on their faces. 

"So Seokjin tell us, where are you from?" Hoseok questioned. 

"I was born in Gwacheon, I moved here just under a month ago," Jin said repeating the information which the file had in it.

"When is your birthday?" Taehyung asked. 

"December 4" Jin answered. 

"Ohhh, that is next month we should celebrate" Taehyung shouted whilst jumping up and down in his seat.

"You hardly know me, why would you want to celebrate my birthday? I don't really celebrate it" Jin said which caused Taehyung to let out a loud gasp. 

"Then tell us about yourself," Namjoon said, Jin smiled at the boy the whole experience so far has been overwhelming, no one had ever treated him like he was something other than a weapon and even without knowing him they wanted to celebrate something that he had never bothered about. Some of the information on the file had been corrected about the weapon, for example, his name, birthday along with his love for food but all of those had been stripped away from him during his childhood after his parents sold him to the company just to clear their debt quicker. 

"Hey are you alright, you're crying," Jimin said, Jin reached up to touch his face and just as Jimin had said it, tears were flowing down his face. 

"Sorry, it just no one has treated me like this since my parents died" Jin answered, he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug, Jin let himself to be pulled into the hug and rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder. 

"Seokjin, can I ask you a question?" Yoongi asked his face was serious which made all his friends turn to face him with a confused expression, Jin nodded slightly turning his attention to the smaller boy. 

"When you had your induction this morning, who was it done by?" Yoongi questioned. 

"The deputy principal, why" Jin answered which Yoongi just nodded to. 

"The principal use to love this school but for the last couple of months he has been withdrawing from it, he never wants to do direct conversations with students and he refuses to leave his office until everyone has gone home," Yoongi said. 

'So students have started to notice that the principal is acting odd but it does not seem like they are aware of why' Jin thought to himself. 

"Maybe there is something going on in his personal life and does not want to affect others so he has pulled away until everything is sorted," Jin said even though he was fully aware of the reason why. 

"Well, that is one of the theories," Hoseok said. 

"Theories?" Jin questioned looking over at the younger boy but it was Taehyung who answered. 

"Yeah, with him pulling away so suddenly, there have been theories going around school for the reason why one of them has been that he has been possessed". 

"No Tae, that just your idea" Kookie spoke up staring at his boyfriend with a small smile on his face. 

"I think the best one has to be that there might be an assassin coming after him" Jimin joked, it took everything in Jin's being to keep a blank expression on his face. The whole table erupted into laughter at the ridiculous theory being completely unaware that they were closer to the truth than they realised. Jin forced himself to laugh along with the others before being interrupted by the bell signalling the end of lunch and the start of their last lesson. 

"Hey Seokjin, we are all hanging out after school want to join," Namjoon asked his cheeks were slightly pink. 

"Sure, I would love too and please just call me Jin, I prefer it" Jin answered smiling at the younger boy. 

"Yay, Jin can have a go at our challenge" Taehyung shouted excitable before jumping onto Jungkook's back. 

The group broke up and headed towards their last class of the day which for Jin was Catering he happened to have the class with Namjoon who wanted to become a better cook since he was practically living on microwave meals. Jin took the seat beside Namjoon and waited for the teacher to arrive since it was his first day, Jin was unable to bring the ingredients for the food they were making today meaning he got to help Namjoon out. 

"I was going to ask earlier but I did not want to embarrass you in front of my friends but why are you wearing so much pink?" Namjoon questioned the elder boy. 

"I like the colour" Jin answered his eyes not once leaving the ingredients in front of him. 

"Okay, I understand princess" Namjoon teased, Jin looked over at Namjoon a smile was present on his face. 

"I am glad we able to understand one another sweetie" Jin replied with a small smirk appeared on his face when Namjoon's cheeks redden. The lesson went quickly and with little to no injuries or accidents caused by the God of Destruction, the lesson ended and Namjoon grabbed a hold of Jin's hand pulling him out the classroom with both their bags thrown over his one shoulder. 

Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin were waiting at the front of the school for the other two in their friendship group to arrive before heading towards the closest play park to start the challenge. Once Jin and Namjoon had arrived they all took off to Seoul's biggest play park where the challenge would take place, the park was practically empty since younger children school's do not finish until an hour later which gave the group of seven plenty of time. In the centre of the play park was a roped climbing activity called the spider (or the pyramid I am not sure).   

"The challenge is to climb up this and back down in the fastest time, the quickest person gets to force all the others to do anything they want to" Yoongi explained before pulling out his phone to time and a notebook to write the times down. 

"Taehyung you go first," Jimin said knowing full well that Tae has more energy to let off than the others. Hoseok had made a mark in the sand to represent a start line, Taehyung headed towards the start line jumping from one foot to the other. The second Yoongi shouted go he was off scrambling up the ropes to the top the others cheering him on, the descent was harder since Taehyung did not know where he would be putting his legs.  On the final part, Taehyung lost his footing and fell onto the ground laughing his head off. 

"50 seconds," Yoongi said before writing it down on the paper. The others followed the same procedure that Taehyung had, move as quickly as you can to the top and climbed down as carefully as you can on to prevent falling, luckily no one other than Tae had fallen. The times had varied from each person. 

Jungkook - 45 seconds 

Namjoon - 1 minute

Yoongi - 1 minute 25 seconds

Jimin - 55 seconds 

Hoseok - 50 seconds

Lastly, it was Jin turn who had already decided on how he was planning on doing the challenge which was completely different to the others and he would be using his training to do so. 

"So let me get this straight, there are no rules just get to the top and back down," Jin said looking over at Yoongi.

"Yep," Yoongi answered, Jin nodded before headed towards the start line. 

"Go" Yoongi shouted and Jin took off running as fast as he could towards the obstacle before jumping upwards and reaching to the higher ropes before grabbing a hold of them and lifted his body upwards by doing this Jin had missed a third of the ropes which made him quicker. Jin scrambled towards the top using all the training he had to move quicker with little to no mistakes. 

When Jin reached the top he turned to face the others who were staring at him, Jin smirked when his eyes landed on Namjoon who's mouth was hanging open. He then pushed his body away from the ropes before doing a backflip in the air and landing on his feet. 

"25 seconds" Yoongi muttered staring at Jin in disbelief. Jin let out a small giggle before skipping over to Namjoon who was still frozen to the spot. 

"Sweetie if you leave your mouth open any longer, you will be catching flies" Jin giggled before gently tapping the side of Namjoon's face.

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xiaraqueens #1
Chapter 1: This fic has been hunting me for days. Im finally going to read it and im exciteeedddd~
Chapter 14: This book becomes better and better :3
Chapter 5: Wait now I'm hungry ahhhh (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
Chapter 4: Poor Chimmy he got no jams hahah
Chapter 3: Wooo bada$$ Jin is the best Jin :3 hehe~
Chapter 2: "Guys, I think I'm in love " I can relate to a spiritual level :')
Chapter 1: I registered just a few minutes ago and I have already found a good story :)
Chapter 23: Awwwwwzzzzz such a wonderful ending... This was a great read... Thank you!!
Chapter 1: super excited to read the res of this story!
Chapter 20: Okie I do enjoy this... Keep up the good work