ChapTer 09

... you killed half my of brain cells already ...

Chapter 09

Inside the car was awkward not because we weren’t talking but more of a sacredness of her. I wanted to know what she’s thinking inside of that head of hers. Why did she volunteer to take me home when I don’t even know her? I’m sure she doesn’t want to bond with me at all.

“So, you attend a different from my dongseng, I see.” She finally speaks.

“O-oh. Yeah. I have a brother who attends his school.”

“Why didn’t you attend that school?” Her voice filled with sparks yet curiosity.

“I didn’t like how it’s filled with rich students.” I answer honesty.

“I know what you mean. I didn’t like that school either. I’m glad I got it over with.” She turns around with a smile on her face.

I gave her half a smile, my face filled with horror. She looks so calm – her face unreadable. Is she going to ask me why I was inside that room?

“About what happen earlier… Whose room was it?” There, I said it. Small sweats are already forming on my forehead. Gosh, why am I so scared? It’s not like she’ll kill me, right?

“Jiyong’s. I was just surprise to see you inside his room. On top of that, you were a girl which was shocking to me. I didn’t mean to scare you. Forgive me if I scared you.”

“I-it’s okay. I was wrong to enter his room anyways.” Phew, she’s not mad.

“Nobody can enter his room without his permission, including me but I enter it anyways.”

“There’s nothing in there.” I blurt it out without realizing I was saying it out loud. She gave me a weird look. “I-I mean, why is he strict about entering his room?”

She shakes her head, “I don’t really know. He likes to be neat and if anyone touches his stuff without his permission, he usually goes on a long tantrum. Whatever you do, don’t touch that white piano of his.” She says in a warning tone.

I nodded my head to keep that in mind. Oh my gosh! I almost touch the piano! He won’t notice it right??

“Will you tell him I was inside his room?” I half whisper – half afraid of the outcome.

She smiles, “Your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell him at all.”

“Thank you.”

I told her the direction to my house. She and I talk about some random things as she followed the direction I was giving her.

“You’re pretty.”

“Thank you. I hear that a lot.” She smiles.

“Are you a actress or something? I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before.” I scrunch my eyebrows together in a deep thought.

She chuckles, “You are correct. I’m an actress. When you go home, search me up and then call me back.”

She gave me her phone number after parking on the sidewalk of my house.

“Thank you for taking me home.” I watch her drive off into the streets before entering my own house. Jiyong’s sister is nice.

“I’m home!” I shouted as I enter the house. As expected, no one was to be found anyway.

Of course they wouldn’t – they’re shopping for groceries. I ran straight into my room where I turn on my computer. I type in her name on google image and right away, a lot of her pictures pop up. I scan some of her images before realizing where I saw her before.

“No way!” I scream out loud. Kwon Suna, one of the most beautiful actresses in the whole wide world (well in Korea). Plus, I love her! Her acting was the best even when she was playing the antagonist. Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this!

I called her back the instant I pull myself together. I cannot believe that stupid guy has her as a sister!

She answer her phone in two rings.

“I’m guessing you found out?” She chuckles.

“I can’t believe you’re her! No wonder I feel like I saw you somewhere before!”

She laughs, “There’s my surprise for you.”

“I can’t believe it! I always wanted to see you upfront because you are so pretty in the drama.” I finally took a deep breath. I was talking to fast – not even sure if she caught what I was saying.

“Calm down Jun Hee.” She laughs in a sweet voice. “You have to promise me not to tell anyone about me okay?”

“Okay! I promise you.”

“Good. I’ll see you some other times. If my dumb dongseng is giving you trouble, call me and I’ll give him a good beating alright?”

“Okay unni.”

After hanging up my phone, I fell flat on my bed. I still can’t believe I talked to her face to face. She’s even more beautiful in real life without much make-up. How unbelievable.

“Hello?” I pick up my phone that was ringing no-stop.

“Where are you?” the other voice asks in an annoying tone.

“At home, where else would I be?” I sat up, wondering who this person was.

“I thought you’d be dead before you reach home. Bummer.” I didn’t even have to ask. It was Jiyong – my lamest boyfriend on earth.

“I’m sorry I’m still alive and healthy.” I shot back at him with a fierce tone.

“Shut up. Meet me at my school tomorrow. If you’re not there, you’re dead meat!” And with that, he hung up on me. How rude! I should tell his noona about his rude behavior. Did no one ever teach him how to behave to his girlfriend – or even any human being without being rude?

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Update please author~nim >,,<
New reader here and am loving each and every chapter of it!!!
Poor Lee Jun Hee!!! I feel so sorry for her that it's almost funny!!
Okay, WTH am I saying?
Whatever.....Update soon, neh?
HAHAHA !! LOVE THIS STORY~~~ Hilarious !! xD
Hahahaha...... "he's been behind you this whooole time!" good job Yuki.... I'm proud... o.o<br />
Your story is sooo strange... but it's sooo cute!! In a good way!!<br />
I love this story, keep up the good work From me lots of love!
-min_ash- #6
woweee i love this fanfic its soo wierd but cute!!!
Oh please update!!It's becoming more interesting!
Ohmygosh!!<br />
Nichichan #9
niiiice~~ friend you got there...yeah run :)