Chapter 2

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

"Chen, is my face still red?" I said frantically as we walked down the crowded hallway.

"No." He sighed while pushing a kid out of the way so we could enter the cafeteria. A sigh of relief left my lips when I saw that Sehun had already gotten us a table. 

"God I feel like I can't breathe." I said as I plopped down next to Sehun who was eyeing me suspiciously. 

His blonde hair bounced slightly as he nodded at my pants. "Maybe if you didn't wear such tight jeans your legs would be able to breathe." 

Is he serious? 

I shook my head at the younger, a smile playing at my lips. "My legs can breathe fine. It's me who can't breathe." The previous conversation with Chanyeol suddenly played in my mind, causing me to take a sharp intake of air. 

I'm never going to get over the fact that he spoke to me. An average boy with no stand out qualities. 

"Why is he acting like this?" Sehun whispered loudly to Chen. 

I raised an eyebrow at the blonde who was acting like I wasn't sitting right beside him. Why am I even friends with these dweebs?

Chen waggled his eyebrows at me before turning to Sehun, an evil smile on his lips. "A certain tall, gorgeous mute spoke to little Baek over here." He said as I placed my face on the cold table in hopes to cool my burning cheeks. 

Sehun gasped in shock and instantly began scanning the cafeteria in the most obvious of ways. 

"Se, stop it! Please!" I harshly whispered at the blonde but he ignored my pleas and continued to look for the not-so-mute Park Chanyeol. 

"Oh my gosh...there he is!" He screamed in excitement while hitting my arm. I instantly sat up and slammed my hand over his mouth before another word could escape. 

The whole cafeteria was staring at us by now, including a certain someone by the name of Chanyeol. His brown eyes were staring at me quizzically as I slowly took my hand off Sehun's mouth. 

I feel like rolling over into a pit of lava. 

Chen was laughing hysterically throughout the whole situation which earned him a slap up the side of the head. 

"You guys are such jerks!" I whined as they both continued to laugh at my red, flustered face. If the whole cafeteria wasn't staring at us, I would have slammed their smug faces onto the table.

Sehun patted my back in an attempt to make me feel better all while still trying to contain his laughter. "Oh stop freaking out Baek it's not that bad! You got to talk to Chanyeol for gods sake!" 

Chen hummed in agreement as he shoved another chip in his mouth. "That boy barely talks to anyone so consider yourself blessed." 

I gave the both of them a slight nod before looking down at the table and realising that I hadn't grabbed any lunch. "I'm going to get some food." I mumbled. 

I really should start bringing my own food to school, like Chen, because the food here isn't that great. 

I scanned my eyes over the limited options while chewing on my bottom lip. Chicken salad or pizza? Health or diabetes? "Screw it." I grabbed the pizza with greedy hands before going to pay. 

One bite of this calorie-filled slice of heaven will probably give me diabetes. 

I thanked the lunch lady and headed towards the table with a smile but I suddenly had this strange feeling. I slowed down my pace, making sure not to run into anything, as I looked around the cafeteria. 

Everyone was either talking or eating with their friends...except one person. I completely stopped walking as my eyes met with a familiar pair of brown orbs. 

He was sitting by himself with a guitar perched beside him and a neutral look on his flawless face. Park Chanyeol was staring at me and quite openly. He was leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head, looking relaxed, as his eyes stared straight into my own.

I raised an eyebrow at him and tilted my head slightly, trying to keep as calm as possible. Why was he staring? 

Chanyeol stayed in his relaxed position and raised an eyebrow at me in return, a slight smirk on his face. A small gasp left my lips and I quickly broke eye contact before rushing back to Chen and Sehun. 

Please don't let my face be as red as it feels! 

I slid back into my seat without a word and began eating my pizza. The urge to turn around and see if Chanyeol was still staring was strong. I almost did but Sehun stole my attention.

"Hey Baek, Chen and I are thinking about going to The Garden Café later. Do you want to come?" 

I shrugged my shoulders, my heart still going a hundred miles per hour, and looked up into his hopeful eyes. "Is there any particular reason as to why you're going there?" I asked as casually as possible before taking a bite of my pizza. 

Chen suddenly threw a chip at me, hitting me right on the forehead. "Don't answer a question with a question." 

I scowled at the brunette before looking expectantly at Sehun. We rarely go to The Garden Café because they have bad coffee, so there must be something on. 

Sehun sighed with a small smile threatening his lips. "The Garden Café are having live music tonight, it's meant to be good, and..." His eyes nervously darted around the cafeteria as he struggled to finish his sentence. 

"And what?" I asked impatiently. 

Sehun dropped his gaze to his lap before mumbling, "And the cute waiter works Monday nights." His cheeks suddenly flushed a bright red as Chen and I cooed at him, all previous thoughts gone from my mind.

"Aww, Sehunnie has a crush on the waiter!!" Chen cooed while poking the younger's flushed cheeks. 

I patted Sehun's back, like he did to me earlier, with a big smile taking over my face. "I'll come with you guys just so I can see you all flustered around this waiter." I laughed. 

Sehun groaned in embarrassment as Chen and I continued to . I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips when Sehun let out a loud whine, causing people to stare. 

But, in that brief moment with my two closest friends, I didn't care that people were staring. I know I probably look ridiculous but I don't have a reputation to up hold. I don't care about what people think of me because I am with the two people who matter most to me.

And I wouldn't ask for anything more genuine then our friendship. 

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