Chapter 1

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

Everyone has a life goal. Whether it be to conquer the world or teach literature to disadvantaged kids. Everyone's different. 

But what happens if you don't have a goal? What if you have no clue what the hell you want to do with your life after school? 

Do you just spend the rest of your days behind a McDonalds cash register or out on the streets? 

This was what was going on in my head as I stood staring up at the school building on my first day of grade 12. I was officially only a year away from having to fend for myself in the real world. 

"Even though it's an inanimate object, staring is still rude." A voice mused from behind me, snapping me out of my day dream. 

I spun around on my heel so that I was face-to-face with one of my closest friends, Chen. "Hello to you too!" I said sarcastically. 

Chen gave an airy laugh before bringing me into a brief hug, which obviously turned heads because two guys hugging is not something you see everyday at SM High. 

"It's good to see you are still alive, Baek. I thought you died over the holidays considering I only saw you once." His brown eyes stared at me expectantly as I shifted my eyes nervously around the parking lot. 

I knew this would come up!

I ran a hand through my dark hair while letting out a sigh. Chen's my best friend so he deserves the truth "I needed to be alone so that I could deal with some things." 

Chen rolled his eyes with a small smile. "You know those things could have been dealt with much faster if I had been there." He said with a tad bit of hurt causing me to flinch. 

"I know! I know! I'm sorry." I rushed out just as the bell rang. Chen dismissed my apology with a wave of his hand before dragging me into the school building, completely leaving our previous conversation out in the parking lot. 

"You will not believe what I did over break!" The brunette exclaimed as we headed towards our first classes. I had History while Chen had English. 

Chen babbled on about all the pranks he did over the break while I nodded and hummed at the appropriate times. I have never really found amusement in pranks. 

"Sounds like you had fun." I said before he could start up another story. He's my best friend and all but he really doesn't know when to stop talking. 

Chen nodded enthusiastically with a big smile plastered on his face. "You should have been there! It would have been ten times more fun."

His words were like a punch in the gut. I am such a bad friend for abandoning him over break! I forced a smile onto my face when we stopped in front of my class, "I promise I'll be there for your next big prank." 

Chen beamed at my words. "You better be." With that, the brunette headed off in the direction of his class, smiling and waving at people as he went. 

He's always been such a social butterfly.

I blew out a breath before opening the door to my first class, I'm already 5 minutes late. 

Everyone's eyes were on me as I entered the classroom. "Mr Byun, you're late." The familiar sound of my least favourite teacher's voice caused me to internally groan. 

"It won't happen again, Mr Kim." I looked up at the balding man with an apologetic smile only to get a glare in return. 

Mr Kim pointed at the empty seat at the back with one of his short, stubby fingers and scowl. "Take a seat and don't be late to my class again." 

I did what the man said and sat down at the only empty desk with a sigh. I have a feeling this is going to be my least favourite class. 

While I was taking down the notes Mr Kim was writing on the board, someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder. 

Completely surprised, I jumped in my seat and dropped my pencil. "Damn." I bent down to grab it before seeing who the person who tapped me was. 

My eyes met with a pair of dark brown eyes, which were staring intensely at me. I let out a small gasp as I realised exactly who the person was. 

Park Chanyeol. 

He gave me a sheepish smile as I openly stared at his god like face. "I, uh, was wondering if I could borrow a pencil?" His deep voice caught me off guard causing me to nearly fall out of my chair. 

Park Chanyeol was talking to me! The supposed mute was talking to me! Oh my lord.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and gave him a smile. "Uh, of course." I rummaged through my pencil case for a pencil, hands shaking slightly, before turning back to the god like person next to me. "Here you go." 

Chanyeol reached out a large hand and grabbed the pencil, his fingers brushing against my own briefly. I could feel my cheeks begin to turn red as Chanyeol stared at me curiously. 

"Thanks. You're Baekhyun right?" He questioned quietly with a raised eyebrow. 

I still couldn't believe that he was talking to me that I almost didn't hear his question. I nodded my head while stuttering, "Y-Yes, I'm B-Baekhyun."

His eyes crinkled slightly at the edges as a small laugh left his lips and my god was it a melodic sound! "I thought I recognised you! Anyways...thanks again for the pencil."

And then the conversation was over. I slowly turned to face the front again, my eyes wide with shock. What have I done to earn the pleasure of talking to Chanyeol?! 

Not only did he initiate the conversation, he actually knew who I was. "I think I'm going to faint." I whispered to myself as I began taking down the remaining notes. 

Maybe this class isn't going to be that bad after all.

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