Chapter 6

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

"So, he just left?!" Kai exclaimed, his voice blaring out of my phone speaker. 

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah, but he did give me his number." I looked over at the piece of paper sitting on my desk, a slight frown replacing my smile. 

"Have you at least texted him yet?" He questioned with a sigh. I groaned in response and rolled over onto my stomach, the soft blankets tickling my bare stomach. 

"I don't want to be a nuisance." I said but my voice was muffled by the pillow I was cuddling. 

Kai sighed and most likely rolled his eyes, "I'm going to hang up and you are going to text him, okay?" 

I scowled down at my phone, "Not okay." I can't text him now. It's almost ten o'clock at night! He's probably sound asleep in a land far, far away. 

"Don't be a baby, Baek! Just text him and get it over and done with." If Kai was here he would be giving me the 'don't-disappoint-me' look. 

I glanced over at the folded piece of paper with a pout. I really don't want to!

"If I do it will you bring me ice-cream tomorrow?" I looked hopefully down at my phone as I waited for Kai's reply. I'll definitely do it for a reward. 

"Sure thing!" A huge smile broke out on my face as I did a small, victory fist pump. "Now, go text him otherwise no ice-cream!" And with that he hung up. 

I threw the pillow I was hugging at my balcony door with a frustrated groan. "Damn you, Kai!" 

I rolled off of my bed with my phone and sluggishly walked towards my desk. Chanyeol's phone number sat there, folded neatly in half, and I couldn't suppress the whine that left my throat as I snatched it up. 

"Stupid phone, stupid number, stupid Chanyeol." I mumbled under my breath as my fingers typed in the numbers neatly written on the paper. "Stupid neat handwriting." 

I blew my bangs out of my eyes and threw the piece of paper across the room before sinking down into my bean bag. 

"Here goes nothing." I whispered as I reluctantly typed a message and pushed send. 

To: Chanyeol
Uh, hi. This is Baekhyun.
From: Baek

I dropped my phone on the carpet as soon as it sent and sank further into my bean bag. Please don't reply. Please don't reply. 


My eyes widened in horror as my phone lit up with a new text message. "Damn! You replied." I groaned as I picked up my phone to read the message. 

To: Baekhyun
I was beginning to wonder if you had lost my number. You took ages to text me :p
From: Chanyeol

I squinted at the bright screen with an amused smile. Did he really just use ':p'? 

To: Chanyeol
I don't think people in the 21st century use ':p' anymore. 
From: Baekhyun

I snorted at my reply with a satisfied smirk. I guess texting Chanyeol wasn't a bad idea after all. 

My phone suddenly lit up with Chanyeol's reply and I swear my heart stopped at his words. 

To: Baekhyun 
I didn't think people in the 21st century were as hot as you anymore ;)
From: Chanyeol

"Oh god..." I whispered, my eyes still glued to the screen. Chanyeol's reply spun around in my head as I slowly slipped off the bean bag and onto the floor. "This boy is literally trying to kill me." 

First, he speaks to me. Second, he unknowingly sings my favourite song. Third, he compliments me and even uses ';)'.

This tall, gorgeous not-so-mute is turning me into a blushing mess! 

I picked my phone up and threw it onto my bed, not bothering to reply, as I left my room for the bathroom. 

If only Chanyeol never spoke to me, I could be sitting in bed watching movies right now instead of wondering as to why the supposed mute breaks his silence to speak to me, a boring loser that wears too much eyeliner. 

"Why me? Why did you talk to me out of everyone in the whole school?" I wondered out loud while staring at my reflection with a small frown. 

There are plenty of people in our class he could have borrowed a pencil from, but for some reason he asked me. The kid who arrived late to class in skinny jeans and eyeliner. 

"I'm overthinking this way too much." I mumbled to myself as I washed my hands. But maybe talking to Chanyeol isn't such a bad thing. Maybe he wants to be friends? 

Which wouldn't be bad because it's not like I have anything to loose and by the looks of things he could use some friends. He sits by himself at lunch for godsake! 

I wondered back to my bedroom with a hundred different things on my mind. Why does he sit alone? What possessed him to be mute for nearly three years? Is he a vegetarian? Should I become a vegetarian? 

I don't think I've thought this hard in years!

"Night mum!" I distractedly called out towards the lounge room where she was reading. I nearly ran into my bedroom door because of how deep in thought I was.

I closed my bedroom door behind me with a sigh before trudging over to my bed with a yawn. "All this thinking is making he tired." I slid under the covers with a content sigh before closing my eyes. 

Tomorrow I will officially befriend Chanyeol.

~*~The Next Morning~*~

"Baekhyun, dear, there's someone at the door for you." The sound of my mothers soft voice stirred me from my slumber. 

I cracked open an eye to see her familiar face smiling down at me. "Tell them to go away." I groaned while pulling the covers over my head. 

I don't feel like socializing just yet. 

"Byun Baekhyun, don't be a brat! Get your down stairs right now and answer the door." My mother huffed as she forcefully began pulling me out of bed. "And put a shirt on!" 

I lightly smacked her hands away before sitting up with only one eye open. "What time is it?" I muttered while scratching my head. 

My mother watched me with curious eyes as I waddled towards my door with only a pair of light blue, long pyjama pants on. 

"It's 10 past 7 and aren't you going to put a shirt on, dear?" She called from behind me as I pulled open my door with a yawn. 

I shrugged my shoulders at her question, "It's barely seven o'clock. I have a right to still be in my PJs." 

My mum sighed but let me be as I made my way to the front door in my sleepy state. 

If it's Chen...I'll kill him.

"Curse whoever's behind this door." I growled before yanking open the front door with a scowl. "What do you want?!" I said without properly looking who it was. 

The sound of deep laughter instantly snapped me out of my tired state and caused a gasp to leave my chapped lips. 

Park bloody Chanyeol was standing on my front porch with a happy-go-lucky smile on his seven o'clock in the morning!

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine!"

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