Chapter 5

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

Chanyeol strummed the last chord of his final song with a small smile before standing up and thanking the audience. 

"Woohoo, good job!" Chen hollered along with the rest of the crowd, his voice clearly louder than the rest. 

During Chanyeol's whole performance Chen sat quietly and watched whilst giving me an occasional mischievous wink, meaning he's up to something. 

Something that I don't know and probably won't like. 

"Thank you everyone! Enjoy the rest of your night." With his final words, Chanyeol stepped off the stage with his guitar and stalked over towards the bar. 

I watched with curious eyes as the blonde barman handed the beaming brunette a glass of something that looked like coke. I bet my it's not. 

"I'm going to get another drink." Chen said casually as he rose from his seat, his mischief-filled, brown eyes set on something near the bar.

Sehun hummed and held up his own glass, "Get me another coke, please." The blonde mumbled as he typed away on his phone. 

I shook my head at Chen when he nodded towards my empty glass. "I'm right for the moment." 

"Suit yourself." And with that he was off towards the bar to get refills. I watched him for awhile, well aware at how close he was standing near Chanyeol, but Sehun's sudden groan stole my attention. 

"What's up, Se?" I asked while leaning in close to see what he was doing on his phone. Google was open and he was scrolling down the page at a rapid pace. 

"I don't know where I should take Luhan on Wednesday." He groaned while placing his phone down and running his hands through his hair in frustration. 

I nodded in understanding and leant back in my seat. "What about the little Italian restaurant on West Avenue?" I offered the idea with a cocked eyebrow. 

There really aren't many places to eat out around here. 

Sehun glanced behind him at Luhan, who was serving an elderly couple, before placing his head on the table with a groan. "I don't know if he likes Italian!" He whined. 

I scooted my chair closer to him and placed a supporting hand on his shoulder. "Maybe if you just go and ask him what he likes you wouldn't be beating yourself up like this." 

I gave the blonde a supportive smile which he humbly returned. "Ok, I'll talk to him when he finishes." He declared. 

"Look at you acting all grown up like." I cooed whilst messing up his hair. The younger hit my hand away with a frown and gave a deadly glare. 

"Don't touch my hair, Baek. I'll kill you if-" Sehun was suddenly cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

We looked up to see Chen standing by the table, it can't be!

"I'm sure you guys don't mind if Chanyeol joins us, right?" Chen exclaimed happily, his eyes staring at my dumbfounded expression. 

This is bad. This is very bad. 

The blonde next to me elbowed my ribs with an expectant look. I groaned in pain and looked up at Chen and then casted my gaze over to the giant beside him.

I'm going to kill Chen. "Of course he can join. Have a seat." I fumbled out with a groan of pain. Sehun hit me bloody hard. "I think you gave me a bruise." I harshly whispered to the apologising blonde. 

"I'm sorry." He said with a sheepish smile. I scowled at him before scooting my chair away, not wanting to risk getting another injury. 

Chen dragged a chair for Chanyeol over to the table and placed it right beside me with a smirk. "You'll thank me later." He whispered in my ear. 

And you'll be in the hospital later. 

~*~Chanyeol's POV~*~

I briefly glanced at Baekhyun before sitting down in the chair Chen had fetched. "Uh, hi." I mumbled causing Baekhyun to turn his gaze to me. 

His fluffy hair fell into his bright brown eyes as stared at me with a small smile. "Hey." He replied with a cute, little wave. 

A chuckled at his actions and gave him a small wave in return, my lips curved up into a grin. 

Baekhyun's cheeks flushed a light pink and he looked away in embarrassment. I hadn't realised how good looking this frail, eyeliner wearing boy was this morning. 

His cute button nose and fair skin gave him a feminine look and definitely made him desirable to look at. 

"So, Chanyeol, do you do gigs often?" I snapped my eyes away from Baekhyun and focused them on the blonde sitting next to him. I think his names Sehun. He's in my period four music class. 

I nodded my head at his question, "Yes I do." I picked up my drink, a little something Kris whipped up for me, and took a large sip. My eyes widened and I throaty cough left my lips as the strong taste of alcohol burned my throat. 

Jesus Christ, Kris! I know I wanted something strong but this is a bit much. 

Baekhyun glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. "Bit much for you?" He casually questioned with a smirk. 

My eyebrows knotted together in confusion as the smaller boy stared at me with a knowing look. "What?" I dumbly asked. 

Baekhyun shook his head at me, "I can smell the alcohol on your breath." He whispered in my ear. "I suggest you have some gum." 

I stared at him in shock as he handed me a stick of gun under the table. I looked between Chen and Sehun, who were now engaged in their own conversation, before taking the gum off of Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun suddenly in a sharp breath as my rough fingers slightly grazed his delicate ones. 

I met his gaze with a small smile before mouthing the words 'thank you'. I popped the piece of gum in my mouth and glanced over at the clock near the bar as Baekhyun joined in talking to his friends. 


My eyes widened in shock. I need to go.  Kris stood at the bar with a panicked expression as he furiously tapped his watch. He was waiting for me. 

I glanced at Baekhyun, his angelic face was blessed with a smile as he spoke to his friends. "Baekhyun." I called, liking the way his name rolled off of my tongue. 

"Hmm." His innocent brown eyes met my own with a smile. "What's up, Chanyeol?" He asked when he saw my worried expression. 

I gave him an apologetic smile before nodding at the clock. "I've gotta get going. I'm sorry I can't stay longer but it was lovely meeting you...again." I whispered the last word in his ear as I slipped a piece of paper with my number on it into his hand. 

Baekhyun looked up at me as I stood over him with a smile. "It was nice seeing you too." He mumbled with wide eyes. 

"Till next time." And with one last smile, I walked away. I nodded in Kris' direction, signalling he follow me, before walking out of The Garden Café. 

"If we're late again-"

"We're not going to be late." I cut Kris off as we climbed into his car. I placed my guitar in the back with a sigh before pulling out my phone. 


Okay, we are going to be late.

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