Chapter 7

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

I stared wide eyed at the giant standing before me, my cheeks a blazing red colour. "W-What are you doing at my house?" I stuttered while folding my arms over my bare chest. 

I should have put a shirt on!

Chanyeol awkwardly cleared his throat, "I felt bad for running out yesterday, so I thought I would give you a lift to school or something." 

I narrowed my eyes at his words, "Why would you do that? You don't even know me." I weakly asked while staring up at him, my mouth hanging open.

Chanyeol chewed on his bottom lip and nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Would I sound like a total creep if I said I wanted to get to know you?" 

Chanyeol's dark eyes briefly glanced at me before he looked down to his feet, his bottom lip once again trapped between his teeth. 

A slight gasp left my lips as his words were finally processed in my sleepy mind. He wants to get to

"So, you want to be like, uh, friends?" I unsurely asked with raised eyebrows. 

Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders with a small nod, "I guess so." He mumbled as he ran a large hand through his unruly, brown hair. 

This has definitely come as a surprise. Just last night I said I would befriend the giant and now here he is, on my front porch, offering to take me to school and asking to be friends. 

Gosh, the world works in mysterious ways. 

"Well then, friend, would you like to come inside?" I questioned with a hopeful expression, all awkwardness and nerves suddenly gone from my body. 

I have always loved making new friends! It makes me happy to know that I could be the source of someone's smile or a good day! 

But who would have thought that I would become friends with the schools hot, musical loner! It must be my lucky day.

Gosh, that sounded really harsh. 

Chanyeol shyly looked up from his feet and peered down at me, his curly hair falling in his eyes. "Yes, please." He said with a small nod. 

I stepped back and gestured that he come inside with a smile gracing my lips. I am probably going to be doing most of the talking in this new-found friendship, he may not be mute but he's still not much of a talker. 

"So, how did you find my house?" I asked while glancing over my bare shoulder at a flawless looking Chanyeol. 

He had on a simple white turtleneck and a pair of black skinnies that made his legs look like they went on forever. Even with just a simple outfit he looks like a model. 

His deep voice suddenly rang out through the quiet house, "Chen gave me your address." Chanyeol bluntly stated as he followed me into my room. 

That's definitely something Chen would do, but I'm silently thanking him for it. 

"Feel free to look around." I said while grabbing some clothes out of my cupboard; a black and white horizontally striped long sleeve shirt and a pair of light denim jeans. 

"I'm just going to get changed. I'll be right back." I called to the giant earning myself a nod in return. 

I rushed out of the bedroom and raced to the bathroom, a mega grin taking over my lips as my mind processed everything. 

I am now friends with Park Chanyeol!

~*~Chanyeol's POV~*~

I awkwardly stood in the middle of Baekhyun's room while rocking back and forth on my heels. "Don't take forever." I mumbled quietly to myself as the sound of a door closing down the hall met my ears. 

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and let my eyes travel slowly around his clean, well lit room. 

His walls were a cream white colour with posters and photographs plastered all over them. I walked towards the wall closest to his bed and scanned what looked like hundreds of photos of him and his friends. 

He must like taking photos. 

"There's exactly 140 photos on that wall." The sudden sound of Baekhyun's soft voice caused me to jump back in surprise. 

When did he get back? I spun around to face the shorter boy, a small sigh of relief escaping my lips at the sight of his clothed chest, before giving him a smile. 

"Seriously? 140 photos?!" I said as my eyes briefly looked over his outfit while Baekhyun gazed at his photo wall, a breathtaking smile blessing his lips. 

I harshly bit my lip and suppressed a groan. The way his tight, denim jeans hugged his legs and hips was sending me over the edge. 

Ever since I met Baekhyun yesterday I haven't been able to stop thinking about him, hence why I'm here. His cute smile and curious eyes have burnt themselves into my mind. 

"Hey Chanyeol," Baekhyun suddenly called snapping me out of my thoughts, "Why were you mute? If you don't mind me asking." 

Mute? I wasn't mute. 

I gave the curious brunette a confused look. "I was never mute." I clarified with a slight frown. Does everyone think I'm mute? 

Baekhyun's eyebrows shot up in shock as his mouth formed an 'o'. "Are you serious?" He exclaimed. 

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and nodded slowly. Baekhyun threw his hands up in the air with a frustrated sigh. 

"But you never spoke! Yesterday was the first time I've heard you speak!" Baekhyun practically screeched his words while frantically searching my face. 

I raised my left eyebrow with a smirk. This has got him so worked up! "If I was a mute why would I be talking right now?" The question seemed to stump him. 

Baekhyun blew his bangs out of his eyes with one big sigh. "You are one confusing person, Park Chanyeol." He accused while pointing at me with his delicate index finger. 

The way my name rolled off of his tongue so smoothly sent shivers down my spine.

I shrugged my shoulders at his words with an amused smile. I'm glad I came here. I'm also glad Baekhyun accepted my request to be friends because I wasn't looking forward to spending another school year by myself. 

Kris actually told me to make friends at school because he didn't want me to spend my senior year alone, another reason as to why I am here. 

"Are you ready to get going?" I asked while eyeing a still in shock Baekhyun. 

He stared blankly at his photo wall while his hands ran through his dark, brown hair. "You're not mute." Baekhyun mumbled with furrowed eyebrows. 

I rolled my eyes at my new friend before gently grabbing his wrist and spinning him around to face me. 

"Baekhyun, I'm not mute. I just only talk to people that I find interesting and you, Byun Baekhyun, are interesting." I clarified as I bobbed his button nose with my finger. 

The brunette's cheeks flushed a bright red as he looked to his feet in embarrassment. "You think I'm interesting?" He queried with a bashful smile. 

I chuckled and lifted his chin up so that he was looking at me. "You're definitely the most interesting person I've met in a long time." I truthfully confessed while staring down into his eyes. 

Like before, Baekhyun's cheeks burnt a bright red which was absolutely adorable and I actually had to restrain myself from kis-

"Oh my god, Chanyeol, It's almost 8! We have to go!" Baekhyun suddenly shouted while staring at something over my shoulder. 

I glanced behind me and saw the clock Baekhyun was staring at. He was right. We need to leave. 

Baekhyun shoved a bunch of stuff into his bag while struggling to put his shoes on. "Ok, let's go!" He shouted while scrambling towards the door. 

I followed behind the frantic brunette with a faint chuckle leaving my lips as Baekhyun fumbled with the front door handle. "Stupid thing..." 

I reached over his shoulder, my hair tickling his cheek, and turned the door knob for him. "There you go." I whispered into his ear causing visible goosebumps to form on his skin. 

Baekhyun glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, a blush on his cheeks, before he opened the door and walked out. 

I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day. 

I pulled close the front door with a Cheshire Cat like grin on my face. I think today might be great because I finally have someone to spend it with. 

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Baekhyun standing beside my car with an expectant look on his face, his bangs hanging slightly in his eyes. 

And that someone is Byun Baekhyun.

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