Chapter 8

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

"Good morning." Chen chirped with a knowing smile and a wink as I approached him in the hallway with Chanyeol in tow. 

I rolled my eyes with a grin, "Morning, Chen." I stopped in front of my own locker before glancing up at an awkward looking Chanyeol. "Chanyeol's going to hang out with us for a while. Is that cool?" 

Chen smirked with a slight glint in his eyes. "Of course! Any friend of Baekhyun's is a friend of mine." The brunette exclaimed with a wide smile. 

"Uh, thanks." Chanyeol mumbled awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. I guess it's going to take him a while to open up and relax. 

I smiled triumphantly at the two before turning and grabbing what I required from my locker. Hopefully Sehun will be as welcoming as Chen. 

"So, where's your first class, Yeol? Can I call you Yeol?" I heard Chen ask from behind me. 

Yeol? I like it.

I glanced at Chanyeol out of the corner of my eye to see a slight smile forming on his pouty lips. "Yeol is fine and I have music." He said quietly. 

Chen nodded with an approving look. "I would've called you Yeol regardless of what you said." He clapped the giant on the shoulder with his signature smirk. 

Chanyeol nodded and looked down at me with a questioning stare. "It means he likes you." I whispered once Chen was distracted by a pretty junior. 

Does he just happen to forget that he's taken? 

"Really?" He whispered back with a small chuckle. His dark eyes watched in amusement as Chen boldly flirted with the girl while my eyes burnt holes in the back of his head. 

"Jongdae!" I snapped with narrowed eyes when he was about to over step his boundaries. Chen spun around at the sound of his birth name leaving my frowning lips. 

His brown eyes narrowed at me before he went back to the blonde causing me to huff in disapproval. 

"Is, uh, everything ok?" The sound of Chanyeol's voice caused me to jump in surprise. I had forgotten he was here too. 

I stiffly shook my head at him with a frown. "I have to deal with Chen before he does something he will regret. Why don't you head off to class. I don't want you to be late." I gave the tall boy a small smile before blowing my loose bangs out of my eyes. 

I really don't want him to see Chen as a bad person especially since he just met him. 

Chanyeol put one of his large hands on my shoulder and gave me a heart stopping grin. "I'm not going anywhere without you." 

I nearly choked on my own spit. Is he for real? 

"We're in the same music class so if you're going to be late then I'll be late too." The cute smile that followed his words caused me to smile slightly. 

At least I know he's a loyal friend.

"Thanks Yeol. That's so nice of you." I tested the new nickname and internally squealed at how well it suited him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have an to deal with." 

I left Chanyeol at my locker and stormed over to where Chen was currently feeling up the blonde girl, his lips attached to her neck.

My eyes narrowed at the sight and my stomach churned. As much as I love my best friend, Minseok could do better than him. 

"Chen, what the hell are you doing?!" I scolded while harshly ripping him off of the surprised girl. "Get out of here." I said to the blonde before turning back to a sour looking Chen. 

"What's wrong with you?" I questioned harshly with my arms folded over my chest. "You were laughing and smiling just moments ago and now you look like a shrivelled lemon...a cheating shrivelled lemon to be more exact." I fired at him.

Chen's smile dropped as he stared at my angry expression and was replaced with a prominent frown. "He dumped me, Baek." He mumbled while resting his head against the lockers. 

I bit back a sarcastic retort of 'I wonder why?' and instead gave him a sympathetic look. 

"I'm sorry, Chen. Why didn't you tell me?" I walked towards him and did the only thing I thought best. I hugged him. 

His arms instantly wrapped around me as his head fell onto my shoulder, a loud cry leaving his lips. "I-I should have t-treated him better!" He wailed as I hugged his now shaking form close, my hand rubbing his back supportively. 

I hate seeing him like this. I know that he was a bit of a boyfriend but I don't want to see him in pain. 

"I'm sure things will get better." I whispered into his ear causing a sudden wave of déjà vu to flood over me. 

Flashes of past memories, painful memories, played in front of my eyes and caused me to suppress a gasp. 

"It will be ok, Baek. Things will get better." Chen's quiet voice whispered into my hair as I sobbed on his chest. My hot, salty tears damping his shirt. 

Chen slowly nodded his head at the same time as the final bell to get to class rang out through the halls, the shrill sound snapping me out of my momentary trance.

I took in a deep breath and hugged Chen tighter, my eyes glued to the lockers behind him. 

That was the past, Baek. You're fine. You're safe. Chen's the one you need to focus on. I reminded myself with wide eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Baek. I didn't mean to cause any trouble." His quiet apology caused a frown to take over my lips, the uneasy feeling finally leaving at the sound of my best friend's broken voice. 

I pushed Chen back slightly so that I could see his face. "You're my best friend, Chen. You're troubles are my troubles." I stated sternly while staring into his swollen, red eyes. 

The brunette sniffed and nodded his saddened head before placing a hand on my shoulder. "The same goes for you." He briefly glanced over my shoulder at what I presumed was Chanyeol before lowering his voice, "Pretending you're fine isn't doing you any good and you know it. I'm always here for you, okay?" 

I chewed on my bottom lip and nodded briefly in understanding. He's wrong. I'm fine. It's in the past now. 

Chen gave my shoulder a small squeeze, a faint smile on his lips, "Better get to class! Don't want to be late on the second day as well!" 

I watched with sad eyes as Chen skipped down the hall towards his class...pretending to be ok. Pretending like he didn't just break down right in front of me. 

"Are you okay?" 

I spun around to face Chanyeol, my lips turned down in a frown. This isn't how I imagined properly introducing him to Chen. 

"I'm fine...but he's not." I mumbled sadly while looking up at his understanding face. "I'm sorry you had to see that. It's just his boyfriend broke-" 

Chanyeol silenced my rambling as he pulled me into a comforting side hug, his muscular arm wrapping around my shoulders. 

"You don't have to apologise. No one is perfect." Came his vague response. I peeked up at him from under my lashes as we walked towards our music class, a tired smile taking over my frown. 

"Thankyou. Thankyou for being such an understanding person." I said honestly causing a light chuckle to rumble in his chest. 

His dark eyes peered down at me, the edges crinkled slightly from his killer smile. "No, thankyou. Thankyou for letting me join your little circle of friends." 

He drew a circle in the air with his large finger causing a small chuckle to leave my lips. I believe this is definitely the start of a good friendship. 

"You are most welcome, Yeol."

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